module Kernel def find_executable?(name) ENV['PATH'].split(File::PATH_SEPARATOR).detect {|p| File.executable?(File.join(p, name))} end def have_postgres? if find_executable?("psql") if `psql -c '\\l' -U postgres 2>&1` && $?.exitstatus == 0 true else warn "No \"postgres\" role? You might need to execute `createuser postgres -drs' first." false end end end end # assert_queries and SQLCounter taken from rails active_record tests require 'test/unit' class Test::Unit::TestCase def assert_queries(num = 1, matching = nil) ActiveRecord::SQLCounter.log = [] yield ensure queries = nil ActiveRecord::SQLCounter.log.tap {|log| queries = (matching ? {|s| s =~ matching } : log) } assert_equal num, queries.size, "#{queries.size} instead of #{num} queries were executed.#{queries.size == 0 ? '' : "\nQueries:\n#{queries.join("\n")}"}" end end require 'active_support/notifications' module ActiveRecord class SQLCounter def self.ignored_sql @@ignored_sql end def self.ignored_sql=(value) @@ignored_sql = value end self.ignored_sql = [ /^PRAGMA (?!(table_info))/, /^SELECT currval/, /^SELECT CAST/, /^SELECT @@IDENTITY/, /^SELECT @@ROWCOUNT/, /^SAVEPOINT/, /^ROLLBACK TO SAVEPOINT/, /^RELEASE SAVEPOINT/, /^SHOW max_identifier_length/, /^BEGIN/, /^COMMIT/ ] # FIXME: this needs to be refactored so specific database can add their own # ignored SQL. This ignored SQL is for Oracle. ignored_sql.concat [/^select .*nextval/i, /^SAVEPOINT/, /^ROLLBACK TO/, /^\s*select .* from all_triggers/im ] def self.log=(v) @@log = v end def self.log @@log end self.log = [] def call(name, start, finish, message_id, values) sql = values[:sql] # FIXME: this seems bad. we should probably have a better way to indicate # the query was cached unless 'CACHE' == values[:name] self.class.log << sql unless self.class.ignored_sql. any? { |r| sql =~ r } end end end ActiveSupport::Notifications.subscribe('sql.active_record', end