require 'fileutils' require 'tmpdir' require 'uri' require 'stringio' require 'posix/spawn' require "unix_utils/version" module UnixUtils BUFSIZE = 2**16 def self.curl(url, form_data = nil) outfile = tmp_path url if url.start_with?('/') or url.start_with?('file://') # deal with local files ::FileUtils.cp url.delete('file://'), path return outfile end uri = ::URI.parse url argv = [ 'curl', '--location', '--show-error', '--silent', '--compressed', '--header', 'Expect: ' ] if form_data argv += [ '--data', form_data ] end argv += [ uri.to_s, '--output', outfile ] spawn argv outfile end #-- # most platforms # $ openssl dgst -sha256 .bash_profile # SHA256(.bash_profile)= ae12206aaa35dc96273ed421f4e85ca26a1707455e3cc9f054c7f5e2e9c53df6 # ubuntu 11.04 # $ shasum -a 256 --portable .mysql_history # 856aa27deb0b80b41031c2ddf722af28ba2a8c4999ff9cf2d45f33bc67d992ba ?.mysql_history # fedora 7 # $ sha256sum --binary .bash_profile # 01b1210962b3d1e5e1ccba26f93d98efbb7b315b463f9f6bdb40ab496728d886 *.bash_profile def self.shasum(infile, algorithm) infile = ::File.expand_path infile if available?('shasum') argv = ['shasum', '--binary', '-a', algorithm.to_s, infile] stdout = spawn argv stdout.strip.split(' ').first else argv = ['openssl', 'dgst', "-sha#{algorithm}", infile] stdout = spawn argv stdout.strip.split(' ').last end end #-- # os x 10.6.8; most platforms # $ openssl dgst -md5 .bashrc # MD5(.bashrc)= 88f464fb6d1d6fe9141135248bf7b265 # ubuntu 11.04; fedora 7; gentoo # $ md5sum --binary .mysql_history # 8d01e54ab8142d6786850e22d55a1b6c *.mysql_history def self.md5sum(infile) infile = ::File.expand_path infile if available?('md5sum') argv = ['md5sum', '--binary', infile] stdout = spawn argv stdout.strip.split(' ').first else argv = ['openssl', 'dgst', '-md5', infile] stdout = spawn argv stdout.strip.split(' ').last end end def self.du(srcdir) srcdir = ::File.expand_path srcdir argv = ['du', srcdir] stdout = spawn argv stdout.strip.split(/\s+/).first.to_i end def self.wc(infile) infile = ::File.expand_path infile argv = ['wc', infile] stdout = spawn argv stdout.strip.split(/\s+/)[0..2].map { |s| s.to_i } end # -- def self.unzip(infile) infile = ::File.expand_path infile destdir = tmp_path infile ::FileUtils.mkdir destdir argv = ['unzip', '-qq', '-n', infile, '-d', destdir] spawn argv destdir end def self.untar(infile) infile = ::File.expand_path infile destdir = tmp_path infile ::FileUtils.mkdir destdir argv = ['tar', '-xf', infile, '-C', destdir] spawn argv destdir end def self.gunzip(infile) infile = ::File.expand_path infile outfile = tmp_path infile argv = ['gunzip', '--stdout', infile] spawn argv, :write_to => outfile outfile end def self.bunzip2(infile) infile = ::File.expand_path infile outfile = tmp_path infile argv = ['bunzip2', '--stdout', infile] spawn argv, :write_to => outfile outfile end # -- def self.bzip2(infile) infile = ::File.expand_path infile outfile = tmp_path infile, '.bz2' argv = ['bzip2', '--keep', '--stdout', infile] spawn argv, :write_to => outfile outfile end def self.tar(srcdir) srcdir = ::File.expand_path srcdir outfile = tmp_path srcdir, '.tar' argv = ['tar', '-cf', outfile, '-C', srcdir, '.'] spawn argv outfile end def srcdir = ::File.expand_path srcdir outfile = tmp_path srcdir, '.zip' argv = ['zip', '-rq', outfile, '.'] spawn argv, :chdir => srcdir outfile end def self.gzip(infile) infile = ::File.expand_path infile outfile = tmp_path infile, '.gz' argv = ['gzip', '--stdout', infile] spawn argv, :write_to => outfile outfile end # -- def self.awk(infile, *expr) infile = ::File.expand_path infile outfile = tmp_path infile bin = available?('gawk') ? 'gawk' : 'awk' argv = [bin, expr, infile].flatten spawn argv, :write_to => outfile outfile end # Yes, this is a very limited use of perl. def self.perl(infile, *expr) infile = ::File.expand_path infile outfile = tmp_path infile argv = [ 'perl', { |e| ['-pe', e] }, infile ].flatten spawn argv, :write_to => outfile outfile end def self.unix2dos(infile) infile = ::File.expand_path infile if available?('gawk') or available?('awk') awk infile, '{ sub(/\r/, ""); printf("%s\r\n", $0) }' else perl infile, 's/\r\n|\n|\r/\r\n/g' end end def self.dos2unix(infile) infile = ::File.expand_path infile if available?('gawk') or available?('awk') awk infile, '{ sub(/\r/, ""); printf("%s\n", $0) }' else perl infile, 's/\r\n|\n|\r/\n/g' end end # POSIX sed, whether it's provided by sed or gsed def self.sed(infile, *expr) infile = ::File.expand_path infile outfile = tmp_path infile bin = available?('sed') ? 'sed' : ['gsed', '--posix'] argv = [ bin, { |e| ['-e', e] }, infile ].flatten spawn argv, :write_to => outfile outfile end def self.tail(infile, lines) infile = ::File.expand_path infile outfile = tmp_path infile argv = ['tail', '-n', lines.to_s, infile] spawn argv, :write_to => outfile outfile end def self.head(infile, lines) infile = ::File.expand_path infile outfile = tmp_path infile argv = ['head', '-n', lines.to_s, infile] spawn argv, :write_to => outfile outfile end # specify character_positions as a string like "3-5" or "3,9-10" def self.cut(infile, character_positions) infile = ::File.expand_path infile outfile = tmp_path infile argv = ['cut', '-c', character_positions, infile] spawn argv, :write_to => outfile outfile end def self.iconv(infile, to, from) infile = ::File.expand_path infile outfile = tmp_path infile argv = ['iconv', '-c', '-t', to, '-f', from, infile] spawn argv, :write_to => outfile outfile end def self.available?(bin) # :nodoc: bin = bin.to_s return @@available_query[bin] if defined?(@@available_query) and @@available_query.is_a?(::Hash) and @@available_query.has_key?(bin) @@available_query ||= {} @@available_query[bin] = ::Kernel.system 'which', '-s', bin end def self.tmp_path(ancestor, extname = nil) # :nodoc: ancestor = ancestor.to_s extname ||= ::File.extname ancestor basename = ::File.basename ancestor.sub(/^unix_utils-[0-9]+-/, '') basename.gsub! /\W+/, '_' ::Kernel.srand ::File.join ::Dir.tmpdir, "unix_utils-#{::Kernel.rand(1e11)}-#{basename[0..(231-extname.length)]}#{extname}" end def self.spawn(argv, options = {}) # :nodoc: options = options.dup input = if (read_from = options.delete(:read_from)), 'r') end output = if (write_to = options.delete(:write_to)) output_redirected = true, 'wb') else output_redirected = false end error = pid, stdin, stdout, stderr = ::POSIX::Spawn.popen4(*(argv+[options])) # lifted from posix-spawn # readers = [stdout, stderr] writers = if input [stdin] else stdin.close [] end while readers.any? or writers.any? ready =, writers, readers + writers) # write to stdin stream ready[1].each do |fd| begin boom = nil size = fd.write( rescue ::Errno::EPIPE => boom rescue ::Errno::EAGAIN, ::Errno::EINTR end if boom || size < BUFSIZE stdin.close input.close writers.delete(stdin) end end # read from stdout and stderr streams ready[0].each do |fd| buf = (fd == stdout) ? output : error begin buf << fd.readpartial(BUFSIZE) rescue ::Errno::EAGAIN, ::Errno::EINTR rescue ::EOFError readers.delete(fd) fd.close end end end # thanks @tmm1 and @rtomayko for showing how it's done! ::Process.waitpid pid error.rewind unless (whole_error = $stderr.puts "[unix_utils] `#{argv.join(' ')}` STDERR:" $stderr.puts whole_error end unless output_redirected output.rewind end ensure [stdin, stdout, stderr, input, output, error].each { |io| io.close if io and not io.closed? } end end