// // Target-Shared.xcconfig // // Generated by BuildSettingExtractor on 2023/12/27 // https://buildsettingextractor.com // // Always Embed Swift Standard Libraries // // Always embed the Swift standard libraries in the target's products, even if the target // does not contain any Swift code. For example, this should be enabled if the target is // embedding other products which contain Swift, or if it is a test target which does not // contain Swift but which is testing a product which does. This setting only applies to // wrapped products, not to standalone binary products. ALWAYS_EMBED_SWIFT_STANDARD_LIBRARIES = YES // Primary App Icon Set Name // // Name of an app icon set for the target's default app icon. The contents will be merged // into the `Info.plist`. ASSETCATALOG_COMPILER_APPICON_NAME = AppIcon // Code Signing Entitlements // // The path to a file specifying code-signing entitlements. //CODE_SIGN_ENTITLEMENTS = // Code Signing Identity // // The name, also known as the *common name*, of a valid code-signing certificate in a // keychain within your keychain path. A missing or invalid certificate will cause a // build error. // Info.plist File // // The project-relative path to the property list file that contains the `Info.plist` // information used by bundles. For details on information property list files, see // [Information Property // List](https://developer.apple.com/documentation/bundleresources/information_property_list). INFOPLIST_FILE = YKRPC_POD_NAME_Example/YKRPC_POD_NAME_Example/Info.plist // Runpath Search Paths // // This is a list of paths to be added to the `runpath` search path list for the image // being created. At runtime, `dyld` uses the `runpath` when searching for dylibs whose // load path begins with `@rpath/`. See [Dynamic Library Programming // Topics](https://developer.apple.com/library/content/documentation/DeveloperTools/Conceptual/DynamicLibraries/000-Introduction/Introduction.html). LD_RUNPATH_SEARCH_PATHS = $(inherited) @executable_path/Frameworks // Module Identifier // // This is the identifier of the kernel module listed in the generated stub. This is only // used when building kernel extensions. MODULE_NAME = YKRPC_POD_NAME_Example // Product Bundle Identifier // // A string that uniquely identifies the bundle. The string should be in reverse DNS // format using only alphanumeric characters (`A-Z`, `a-z`, `0-9`), the dot (`.`), and // the hyphen (`-`). // // When `GENERATE_INFOPLIST_FILE` is enabled, sets the value of the // [CFBundleIdentifier](https://developer.apple.com/documentation/bundleresources/information_property_list/cfbundleidentifier) // key in the `Info.plist` file to the value of this build setting. PRODUCT_BUNDLE_IDENTIFIER = com.YKRPC_CLASS_PREFIX.YKRPC_POD_NAME // Provisioning Profile // // Must contain a profile name (or UUID). A missing or invalid profile will cause a build // error. Use in conjunction with [DEVELOPMENT_TEAM] to fully specify provisioning // profile. PROVISIONING_PROFILE_SPECIFIER = // Objective-C Bridging Header // // Path to the header defining the Objective-C interfaces to be exposed in Swift. SWIFT_OBJC_BRIDGING_HEADER = TargetMain/YKRPC_POD_NAME_Example-Bridging-Header.h SWIFT_SWIFT3_OBJC_INFERENCE = Default