Feature: DRb Server Integration To prevent waiting for Rails and other large Ruby applications to load their environments for each feature run Cucumber ships with a DRb client that can speak to a server which loads up the environment only once. Background: App with Spork support Spork is a gem that has a DRb server and the scenarios below use illustarate how to use it. However, any DRb server that adheres to the protocol that the client expects would work. Given a standard Cucumber project directory structure And a file named "features/support/env.rb" with: """ require 'rubygems' require 'spork' Spork.prefork do puts "I'm loading all the heavy stuff..." end Spork.each_run do puts "I'm loading the stuff just for this run..." end """ And a file named "features/sample.feature" with: """ Feature: Sample Scenario: this is a test Given I am just testing stuff """ And a file named "features/step_definitions/all_your_steps_are_belong_to_us.rb" with: """ Given /^I am just testing stuff$/ do # no-op end """ Scenario: Feature Passing with --drb flag Given I am running "spork cuc" in the background When I run cucumber features/sample.feature --drb Then it should pass And the output should contain """ 1 step (1 passed) """ And the output should contain """ I'm loading the stuff just for this run... """ And the output should not contain """ I'm loading all the heavy stuff... """ Scenario: Feature Failing with --drb flag Given a file named "features/step_definitions/all_your_steps_are_belong_to_us.rb" with: """ Given /^I am just testing stuff$/ do raise "Oh noes!" end """ And I am running "spork cuc" in the background When I run cucumber features/sample.feature --drb Then it should fail And the output should contain """ 1 step (1 failed) """ And the output should contain """ I'm loading the stuff just for this run... """ And the output should not contain """ I'm loading all the heavy stuff... """ Scenario: Feature Run with --drb flag with no DRb server running Cucumber will fall back on running the features locally in this case. Given I am not running a DRb server in the background When I run cucumber features/sample.feature --drb Then it should pass And STDERR should match """ No DRb server is running. Running features locally: """ And the output should contain """ I'm loading all the heavy stuff... I'm loading the stuff just for this run... """ Scenario: Feature Run with --drb flag *defined in a profile* with no DRb server running Given I am not running a DRb server in the background And the following profile is defined: """ server: --drb features """ When I run cucumber --profile server Then it should pass And STDERR should match """ No DRb server is running. Running features locally: """ And the output should contain """ I'm loading all the heavy stuff... I'm loading the stuff just for this run... """