@function background_color($value) @if color($value) @return true @else @return null @function background_position($value) @if list($value) @if string(nth($value, 1)) and not str-index(nth($value, 1), '/') @return true @else if string(nth($value, 1)) and not str-index(nth($value, 1), '\/') @return true @else if number(nth($value, 1)) @return true @else @return null @else @return null @function background_size($value) @if $value == auto or $value == contain or $value == cover @return true @else if list($value) @if string(nth($value, 1)) and str-index(nth($value, 1), '\/') @return ture @else if string(nth($value, 1)) and str-index(nth($value, 1), '/') @return ture @else @return null @else @return null @function background_size_value($value) @if background_size($value) @if list($value) @if string(nth($value, 1)) and str-index(nth($value, 1), '\/') @return unquote(string-replace(nth($value, 1), '\\/', '/') + ' ' + nth($value, 2)) @else @return unquote('/' + $value) @else @return unquote('/' + $value) @else @return null @function background_repeat($value) @if $value == no-repeat or $value == repeat or $value == repeat-x or $value == repeat-y @return true @else @return null @function background_attachment($value) @if $value == fixed or $value == scroll @return true @else @return null @function background_image($value) @if image($value) @return true @else @return null @function background_gradient($value) @if string($value) @if str-index($value, linear-gradient) or str-index($value, radial-gradient) or str-index($value, repeating-) @return true @else @return null @else @return null @function background_clip($value) @if $value == \"border" or $value == \"padding" or $value == \"content" or $value == \"text" @return true @else @return null