Given /^"([^"]*)" is a member of the "([^"]*)" project$/ do |email, project_name| user = User.find_by_email!(email) project = Project.find_by_name!(project_name) membership = Factory(:membership, :user => user, :account => project.account) Factory(:permission, :membership => membership, :project => project) end Given /^"([^"]*)" is an admin of the "([^"]*)" project$/ do |email, project_name| user = User.find_by_email!(email) project = Project.find_by_name!(project_name) membership = Factory(:membership, :user => user, :account => project.account, :admin => true) Factory(:permission, :membership => membership, :project => project) end Given /^"([^"]*)" is a member of the "([^"]*)" account/ do |email, account_name| user = User.find_by_email!(email) account = Account.find_by_name!(account_name) Factory(:membership, :user => user, :account => account) end Given /^"([^"]*)" is an admin of the "([^"]*)" account/ do |email, account_name| user = User.find_by_email!(email) account = Account.find_by_name!(account_name) Factory(:membership, :user => user, :account => account, :admin => true) end Then /^the user "([^"]*)" should be an admin of "([^"]*)"$/ do |email, account_name| user = User.find_by_email!(email) account = Account.find_by_name!(account_name) user.should be_admin_of(account) end Given /^the user "([^"]*)" exists under the "([^"]*)" account$/ do |email, account_name| Given %{a user exists with an email of "#{email}"} Given %{"#{email}" is a member of the "#{account_name}" account} end When /^I fill in the following new user:$/ do |table| within "fieldset.new_user" do table.transpose.hashes.first.each do |field, value| fill_in field, :with => value end end end When /^I fill in the following existing user:$/ do |table| within "fieldset.existing_user" do table.transpose.hashes.first.each do |field, value| fill_in field, :with => value end end end Then /^"([^"]*)" should be a member of the "([^"]*)" account$/ do |email, account_name| User.find_by_email!(email).should be_member_of(Account.find_by_name!(account_name)) end Then /^"([^"]*)" should be an admin member of the "([^"]*)" account$/ do |email, account_name| User.find_by_email!(email).should be_admin_of(Account.find_by_name!(account_name)) end Then /^"([^"]*)" should be a member of the "([^"]*)" project/ do |email, project_name| User.find_by_email!(email).should be_member_of(Project.find_by_name!(project_name)) end Then /^"([^"]*)" should not be a member of the "([^"]*)" project/ do |email, project_name| User.find_by_email!(email).should_not be_member_of(Project.find_by_name!(project_name)) end Then /^"([^"]+)" should be listed as an admin$/ do |name| within("#project_admins_input") do check_box = find_field(name) check_box['checked'].should be_true check_box['disabled'].should be_true end end Then /^"([^"]+)" should be listed as a member/ do |name| within("#project_users_input") do check_box = find_field(name) check_box['checked'].should be_true check_box['disabled'].should be_false end end Then /^"([^"]+)" should be listed as a non-member/ do |name| within("#project_users_input") do check_box = find_field(name) check_box['checked'].should be_false check_box['disabled'].should be_false end end