module ActiveMerchant module Billing class PlugnpayGateway < Gateway class PlugnpayPostData < PostData # Fields that will be sent even if they are blank self.required_fields = [:publisher_name, :publisher_password, :card_amount, :card_name, :card_number, :card_exp, :orderID] end self.live_url = self.test_url = '' CARD_CODE_MESSAGES = { 'M' => 'Card verification number matched', 'N' => "Card verification number didn't match", 'P' => 'Card verification number was not processed', 'S' => 'Card verification number should be on card but was not indicated', 'U' => 'Issuer was not certified for card verification' } CARD_CODE_ERRORS = %w(N S) AVS_MESSAGES = { 'A' => 'Street address matches billing information, zip/postal code does not', 'B' => 'Address information not provided for address verification check', 'E' => 'Address verification service error', 'G' => 'Non-U.S. card-issuing bank', 'N' => 'Neither street address nor zip/postal match billing information', 'P' => 'Address verification not applicable for this transaction', 'R' => 'Payment gateway was unavailable or timed out', 'S' => 'Address verification service not supported by issuer', 'U' => 'Address information is unavailable', 'W' => '9-digit zip/postal code matches billing information, street address does not', 'X' => 'Street address and 9-digit zip/postal code matches billing information', 'Y' => 'Street address and 5-digit zip/postal code matches billing information', 'Z' => '5-digit zip/postal code matches billing information, street address does not', } AVS_ERRORS = %w(A E N R W Z) PAYMENT_GATEWAY_RESPONSES = { 'P01' => 'AVS Mismatch Failure', 'P02' => 'CVV2 Mismatch Failure', 'P21' => 'Transaction may not be marked', 'P30' => 'Test Tran. Bad Card', 'P35' => 'Test Tran. Problem', 'P40' => 'Username already exists', 'P41' => 'Username is blank', 'P50' => 'Fraud Screen Failure', 'P51' => 'Missing PIN Code', 'P52' => 'Invalid Bank Acct. No.', 'P53' => 'Invalid Bank Routing No.', 'P54' => 'Invalid/Missing Check No.', 'P55' => 'Invalid Credit Card No.', 'P56' => 'Invalid CVV2/CVC2 No.', 'P57' => 'Expired. CC Exp. Date', 'P58' => 'Missing Data', 'P59' => 'Missing Email Address', 'P60' => 'Zip Code does not match Billing State.', 'P61' => 'Invalid Billing Zip Code', 'P62' => 'Zip Code does not match Shipping State.', 'P63' => 'Invalid Shipping Zip Code', 'P64' => 'Invalid Credit Card CVV2/CVC2 Format.', 'P65' => 'Maximum number of attempts has been exceeded.', 'P66' => 'Credit Card number has been flagged and can not be used to access this service.', 'P67' => 'IP Address is on Blocked List.', 'P68' => 'Billing country does not match ipaddress country.', 'P69' => 'US based ipaddresses are currently blocked.', 'P70' => 'Credit Cards issued from this bank are currently not being accepted.', 'P71' => 'Credit Cards issued from this bank are currently not being accepted.', 'P72' => 'Daily volume exceeded.', 'P73' => 'Too many transactions within allotted time.', 'P91' => 'Missing/incorrect password', 'P92' => 'Account not configured for mobil administration', 'P93' => 'IP Not registered to username.', 'P94' => 'Mode not permitted for this account.', 'P95' => 'Currently Blank', 'P96' => 'Currently Blank', 'P97' => 'Processor not responding', 'P98' => 'Missing merchant/publisher name', 'P99' => 'Currently Blank' } TRANSACTIONS = { authorization: 'auth', purchase: 'auth', capture: 'mark', void: 'void', refund: 'return', credit: 'newreturn' } SUCCESS_CODES = ['pending', 'success'] FAILURE_CODES = ['badcard', 'fraud'] self.default_currency = 'USD' self.supported_countries = ['US'] self.supported_cardtypes = [:visa, :master, :american_express, :discover] self.homepage_url = '' self.display_name = "Plug'n Pay" def initialize(options = {}) requires!(options, :login, :password) super end def purchase(money, creditcard, options = {}) post = add_amount(post, money, options) add_creditcard(post, creditcard) add_addresses(post, options) add_invoice_data(post, options) add_customer_data(post, options) post[:authtype] = 'authpostauth' commit(:authorization, post) end def authorize(money, creditcard, options = {}) post = add_amount(post, money, options) add_creditcard(post, creditcard) add_addresses(post, options) add_invoice_data(post, options) add_customer_data(post, options) post[:authtype] = 'authonly' commit(:authorization, post) end def capture(money, authorization, options = {}) post = post[:orderID] = authorization add_amount(post, money, options) add_customer_data(post, options) commit(:capture, post) end def void(authorization, options = {}) post = post[:orderID] = authorization post[:txn_type] = 'auth' commit(:void, post) end def credit(money, identification_or_creditcard, options = {}) post = add_amount(post, money, options) if identification_or_creditcard.is_a?(String) ActiveMerchant.deprecated CREDIT_DEPRECATION_MESSAGE refund(money, identification_or_creditcard, options) else add_creditcard(post, identification_or_creditcard) add_addresses(post, options) add_customer_data(post, options) commit(:credit, post) end end def refund(money, reference, options = {}) post = add_amount(post, money, options) post[:orderID] = reference commit(:refund, post) end private def commit(action, post) response = parse(ssl_post(self.live_url, post_data(action, post))) success = SUCCESS_CODES.include?(response[:finalstatus]) message = success ? 'Success' : message_from(response), message, response, test: test?, authorization: response[:orderid], avs_result: { code: response[:avs_code] }, cvv_result: response[:cvvresp] ) end def parse(body) body = CGI.unescape(body) results = {} body.split('&').collect { |e| e.split('=') }.each do |key, value| results[key.downcase.to_sym] = normalize(value.to_s.strip) end results.delete(:publisher_password) results[:avs_message] = AVS_MESSAGES[results[:avs_code]] if results[:avs_code] results[:card_code_message] = CARD_CODE_MESSAGES[results[:cvvresp]] if results[:cvvresp] results end def post_data(action, post) post[:mode] = TRANSACTIONS[action] post[:convert] = 'underscores' post[:app_level] = 0 post[:publisher_name] = @options[:login] post[:publisher_password] = @options[:password] post.to_s end def add_creditcard(post, creditcard) post[:card_number] = creditcard.number post[:card_cvv] = creditcard.verification_value post[:card_exp] = expdate(creditcard) post[:card_name] = end def add_customer_data(post, options) post[:email] = options[:email] post[:dontsndmail] = 'yes' unless options[:send_email_confirmation] post[:ipaddress] = options[:ip] end def add_invoice_data(post, options) post[:shipping] = amount(options[:shipping]) unless options[:shipping].blank? post[:tax] = amount(options[:tax]) unless options[:tax].blank? end def add_addresses(post, options) if address = options[:billing_address] || options[:address] post[:card_address1] = address[:address1] post[:card_zip] = address[:zip] post[:card_city] = address[:city] post[:card_country] = address[:country] post[:phone] = address[:phone] case address[:country] when 'US', 'CA' post[:card_state] = address[:state] else post[:card_state] = 'ZZ' post[:card_prov] = address[:state] end end if shipping_address = options[:shipping_address] || address post[:shipname] = shipping_address[:name] post[:address1] = shipping_address[:address1] post[:address2] = shipping_address[:address2] post[:city] = shipping_address[:city] case shipping_address[:country] when 'US', 'CA' post[:state] = shipping_address[:state] else post[:state] = 'ZZ' post[:province] = shipping_address[:state] end post[:country] = shipping_address[:country] post[:zip] = shipping_address[:zip] end end def add_amount(post, money, options) post[:card_amount] = amount(money) post[:currency] = options[:currency] || currency(money) end def message_from(results) PAYMENT_GATEWAY_RESPONSES[results[:resp_code]] end def expdate(creditcard) year = sprintf('%.4i', creditcard.year) month = sprintf('%.2i', creditcard.month) "#{month}/#{year[-2..-1]}" end end end end