require 'carmen' module Effective class Address < ActiveRecord::Base self.table_name = EffectiveAddresses.addresses_table_name.to_s POSTAL_CODE_CA = /\A[A-Z]{1}\d{1}[A-Z]{1}\ \d{1}[A-Z]{1}\d{1}\z/ # Matches 'T5Z 2B1' POSTAL_CODE_US = /\A\d{5}\z/ # Matches 5 digits belongs_to :addressable, :polymorphic => true, :touch => true structure do category :string, :validates => [:presence] full_name :string address1 :string, :validates => [:presence] address2 :string city :string, :validates => [:presence] state_code :string country_code :string, :validates => [:presence] postal_code :string, :validates => [:presence] timestamps end validates_presence_of :state_code, :if => { |address| address.country_code.blank? || Carmen::Country.coded(address.country_code).try(:subregions).present? } validates_format_of :postal_code, :with => POSTAL_CODE_CA, :if => proc { |address| Array(EffectiveAddresses.validate_postal_code_format).include?('CA') && address.country_code == 'CA' }, :allow_blank => true, # We're already checking for presence above :message => 'is an invalid Canadian postal code' validates_format_of :postal_code, :with => POSTAL_CODE_US, :if => proc { |address| Array(EffectiveAddresses.validate_postal_code_format).include?('US') && address.country_code == 'US' }, :allow_blank => true, # We're already checking for presence above :message => 'is an invalid United States zip code' default_scope -> { order(:updated_at) } scope :billing, -> { where(:category => 'billing') } scope :shipping, -> { where(:category => 'shipping') } def first_name full_name.split(' ').first rescue full_name end def last_name full_name.gsub(first_name, '').strip rescue full_name end def country Carmen::Country.coded(country_code).name rescue '' end def state Carmen::Country.coded(country_code).subregions.coded(state_code).name rescue '' end alias_method :province, :state def country=(country_string) value = Carmen::Country.named(country_string) || Carmen::Country.coded(country_string.try(:upcase)) self.country_code = value.code if value.present? end def state=(state_string) if country.present? subregions = (Carmen::Country.coded(country_code).subregions rescue nil) if subregions.present? value = subregions.named(state_string) || subregions.coded(state_string.try(:upcase)) else value = nil end self.state_code = value.code if value.present? else 'No country set. Try calling country= before state=' puts 'No country set. Try calling country= before state=' end end alias_method :province=, :state= # If the country is Canada or US, enforce the correct postal code/zip code format def postal_code=(code) if code.presence.kind_of?(String) if country_code == 'CA' code = code.upcase.gsub(/[^A-Z0-9]/, '') code = code.insert(3, ' ') if code.length == 6 elsif country_code == 'US' code = code.gsub(/[^0-9]/, '') end end super(code) end def postal_code_looks_canadian? postal_code.to_s.match(POSTAL_CODE_CA).present? end def postal_code_looks_american? postal_code.to_s.match(POSTAL_CODE_US).present? end def ==(other_address) self_attrs = self.attributes other_attrs = other_address.respond_to?(:attributes) ? other_address.attributes : {} [self_attrs, other_attrs].each { |attrs| attrs.except!('id', 'created_at', 'updated_at', 'addressable_type', 'addressable_id') } self_attrs == other_attrs end # An address may be set with a category but nothing else # This is considered empty def empty? !address1.present? && !address2.present? && !city.present? && !postal_code.present? end def to_s output = '' output += "#{full_name}\n" if full_name.present? output += "#{address1}\n" if address1.present? output += "#{address2}\n" if address2.present? output += [city.presence, state_code.presence, ' ' + postal_code.presence].compact.join(' ') output += "\n" output += country.to_s output end def to_html to_s.gsub(/\n/, "
\n").gsub(' ', '  ').html_safe end end end