class WhenEaster ## WhenEaster.find ##=> In the year 2011, the Roman Easter is on 24 April. \n In the year 2011, the Greek Easter is on 24 April. def self.find(year = nil) roman_date = self.roman_easter(year) greek_date = self.greek_easter(year) return "In the year #{roman_date.year}, the Roman Easter is on #{roman_date.strftime("%d %B")}. \nIn the year #{greek_date.year}, the Roman Easter is on #{greek_date.strftime("%d %B")}." end ## WhenEaster.find_roman ##=> In the year 2011, the Roman Easter is on 24 April. def self.find_roman(year = nil) date = self.roman_easter(year) return "In the year #{date.year}, the Roman Easter is on #{date.strftime("%d %B")}." end ## WhenEaster.find_greek ##=> In the year 2011, the Greek Easter is on 24 April. def self.find_greek(year) date = self.greek_easter(year) return "In the year #{date.year}, the Greek Easter is on #{date.strftime("%d %B")}." end ## WhenEaster.roman_easter ## => Sun Apr 24 00:00:00 +0200 2011 def self.roman_easter(year = nil) year = if year.nil? year = year.to_i if year.is_a?(String) g = year % 19 +1 s = (year -1600) / 100 - (year-1600) / 400 l = (((year - 1400) / 100) * 8) / 25 p_2 = (3-11*g +s -l) % 30 if p_2 == 29 || (p_2 == 28 && g > 11) p = p_2 -1 else p= p_2 end d= (year + year / 4 - year / 100 + year / 400) % 7 d_2 = (8-d) % 7 p_3 = (80 + p) % 7 x_2 = d_2 - p_3 x = (x_2 -1) % 7 +1 e = p+x if e < 11 Time.local(year,3,e+21) else Time.local(year,4,e-10) end end ## WhenEaster.greek_easter ## => Sun Apr 24 00:00:00 +0200 2011 def self.greek_easter(year = nil) year = if year.nil? year = year.to_i if year.is_a?(String) a = year % 19 b = year % 4 c = year % 7 d = (19 * a + 16) % 30 e = (2 * b + 4 * c + 6 * d) % 7; easter = 3 + d + e; if easter <= 30 Time.local(year, 4, easter) else Time.local(year, 5, (easter - 30)) end end end