# ActiveAdmin-StateMachine [![Build Status](https://travis-ci.org/rs-pro/active_admin-state_machine.svg?branch=master)](https://travis-ci.org/rs-pro/active_admin-state_machine) This gem provides an easy integration between the awesome [state_machine](https://github.com/pluginaweek/state_machine) and [active_admin](https://github.com/gregbell/active_admin) gems. ## Features This gem provides you with a DSL extension to ActiveAdmin that allows you to easily define action item buttons for your resource to transition through your state_machine. * Integration with ActiveAdmin authorization adapater layer - the button won't show if the user isn't authorized * Provide custom permission to authorize against * Provide confirmation message to prompt user before performing * Button only shown if state_machine can transition * Localizable button titles and flash messages * Pass a block to customize the behavior ## Installation This gem requires both `active_admin` and `state_machine`. Add the gem to your Gemfile to get started and bundle. ```ruby gem 'rs-active_admin-state_machine' ``` ## Usage ### State Row Inspired by and borrows some code from [activeadmin_addons](https://github.com/platanus/activeadmin_addons/blob/master/docs/aasm_integration.md) but for state_machines instead of AASM ```ruby show do attributes_table do state :state end end ``` ## State Column ```ruby index do state :state end ``` The name of the state will be the class name (rejected, approved, etc.), but you can pass a hash of options to map different states with tag colors. ```ruby state_column(:state, states: { destroyed: "rejected" }) ``` You will need to define inside `your_app/app/assets/stylesheets/active_admin.css.scss` the following: ```scss .status_tag { &.rejected { background: $rejected-color; } &.approved { background: $approved-color; } } ``` You will need to define a state_machine in a model, and have that model registered as a resource with ActiveAdmin. **A basic model** ``` # app/models/post.rb class Post < ActiveRecord::Base validates :title, presence: true, uniqueness: true validates :body, presence: true DRAFT = 'draft' REVIEWED = 'reviewed' PUBLISHED = 'published' state_machine :status, initial: DRAFT do event :peer_review do transition DRAFT => REVIEWED end event :publish do transition REVIEWED => PUBLISHED end end end ``` **Corresponding ActiveAdmin resource** ``` ActiveAdmin.register Post do state_action :peer_review state_action :publish form do |f| f.inputs "Post Details" do f.input :title f.input :body end f.actions end end ``` In the above example, the `state_action` method is defined by this gem and provides you with the following functionality: 1. The `:peer_review` is assumed to be an event in your state_machine definition on the Post model. 2. Calling `state_action` will add an action item button to your ActiveAdmin resource on the `#show` page, if the user is authorized to perform this action via the ActiveAdmin authorization adapter, and if the resource itself returns true to `#can_peer_review?`, which is provided by default with this event in state_machine. 3. Clicking the button will call `#peer_review!` on the resource, and redirect you back to `smart_resource_url`. 4. Fully localizable, provide translations for `"posts.peer_review.label"`for the button title and `"posts.peer_review.flash.success` for the flash message when completed. 5. You can pass a block to customize this behavior. ### Custom Block ``` ActiveAdmin.register Post do state_action :peer_review # Block to be called when submitted state_action :publish do PostPublicationService.publish!(resource) flash[:notice] = "Post published" redirect_to collection_path end end ``` ### Custom Permission ``` ActiveAdmin.register Post do # by default, permission would be :peer_review state_action :peer_review, permission: :read end ``` ### Confirmation ``` ActiveAdmin.register Post do # Lookup 'posts.peer_review.prompt' state_action :peer_review, confirm: :true # Pass proc state_action :peer_review, confirm: ->{ I18n.t("posts.peer_review.confirm") } end ``` ### Using without state_machine model If you really want to use without a state_machine on your model, you essentially just need to provide the following methods, contining with our `:peer_review` example: ``` class Post < ActiveRecord::Base def can_peer_review? author.present? && !published? end def peer_review! self.published_at = Time.now save! end end ```