Workarea Browse Option ================================================================================ A Workarea Commerce plugin that enables the display of products by their various options (e.g. color) when browsing them in the Storefront. Overview -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Allows each product to be "broken out" into multiple representations when browsing in the Storefront, based on a particular product option, such as color * Allows admins to choose which products "browse by option" and to choose the specific option for each product * Allows admins to choose a particular representation of the product (e.g. the blue one) when featuring it within a category or search results * Prevents representations of the same product from appearing in collections of related products (e.g. upsells) Getting Started -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Add the gem to your application's Gemfile: ```ruby # ... gem 'workarea-browse_option' # ... ``` Update your application's bundle. ```bash cd path/to/application bundle ``` Features -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ### Administration of Browse Options * When editing a product in the Admin (or bulk editing many), an administrator can choose a "browses by" option for that product * The UI for choosing this option is a select menu, which is populated with the keys of the details for all of the product's variants * When a value is selected for the browse option, the product is said to "browse by option" and is represented differently in Elasticsearch (see below) * Each product's attributes card in the Admin displays its browse option (if any) ### Search Indexing & Browsing * Products that browse by option are stored as multiple documents (one per value of the selected option) within each Storefront search index * Each option-specific search document is built from only those variants of the product that match the particular option value (e.g. blue for color) * When browsing (e.g. search results and category listings), such products potentially appear in results multiple times (up to once per search document in that index) * Each representation of a product uses a relevant product image (if available), such as a blue image for the blue representation of the product * Clicking through any of the product's browse results takes the customer to the same product details (from Mongo) ### State/Caching in the Storefront * If a product browses by option, the particular option value is persisted through the `:option` param when clicking through to the product's details * When a product browses by option and the `:option` param is set, the specific option value is used in the product's cache key, affecting show, summary, and pricing view caches Workarea Commerce Documentation -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- See []( for Workarea Commerce documentation. License -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Workarea Browse Option is released under the [Business Software License](LICENSE)