CREATE EXTENSION IF NOT EXISTS hstore; CREATE SCHEMA IF NOT EXISTS SELECTED_SCHEMA_NAME; REVOKE ALL ON SCHEMA SELECTED_SCHEMA_NAME FROM public; COMMENT ON SCHEMA SELECTED_SCHEMA_NAME IS 'Out-of-table audit/history logging tables and trigger functions'; -- -- Audited data. Lots of information is available, it's just a matter of how much -- you really want to record. See: -- -- -- -- Remember, every column you add takes up more audit table space and slows audit -- inserts. -- -- Every index you add has a big impact too, so avoid adding indexes to the -- audit table unless you REALLY need them. The hstore GIST indexes are -- particularly expensive. -- -- It is sometimes worth copying the audit table, or a coarse subset of it that -- you're interested in, into a temporary table where you CREATE any useful -- indexes and do your analysis. -- CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS SELECTED_SCHEMA_NAME.logged_actions ( event_id bigserial primary key, schema_name text not null, table_name text not null, full_name text not null, relid oid not null, session_user_name text, app_user_id integer, app_user_type text, app_ip_address inet, action_tstamp_tx TIMESTAMP WITH TIME ZONE NOT NULL, action_tstamp_stm TIMESTAMP WITH TIME ZONE NOT NULL, action_tstamp_clk TIMESTAMP WITH TIME ZONE NOT NULL, transaction_id bigint, application_name text, client_addr inet, client_port integer, client_query text, action TEXT NOT NULL CHECK (action IN ('I','D','U', 'T', 'A')), row_id bigint, row_data hstore, changed_fields hstore, statement_only boolean not null ); REVOKE ALL ON SELECTED_SCHEMA_NAME.logged_actions FROM public; COMMENT ON TABLE SELECTED_SCHEMA_NAME.logged_actions IS 'History of auditable actions on audited tables, from SELECTED_SCHEMA_NAME.if_modified_func()'; COMMENT ON COLUMN SELECTED_SCHEMA_NAME.logged_actions.event_id IS 'Unique identifier for each auditable event'; COMMENT ON COLUMN SELECTED_SCHEMA_NAME.logged_actions.schema_name IS 'Database schema audited table for this event is in'; COMMENT ON COLUMN SELECTED_SCHEMA_NAME.logged_actions.table_name IS 'Non-schema-qualified table name of table event occured in'; COMMENT ON COLUMN SELECTED_SCHEMA_NAME.logged_actions.full_name IS 'schema-qualified table name of table event occured in'; COMMENT ON COLUMN SELECTED_SCHEMA_NAME.logged_actions.relid IS 'Table OID. Changes with drop/create. Get with ''tablename''::regclass'; COMMENT ON COLUMN SELECTED_SCHEMA_NAME.logged_actions.session_user_name IS 'Login / session user whose statement caused the audited event'; COMMENT ON COLUMN SELECTED_SCHEMA_NAME.logged_actions.app_user_id IS 'Application-provided polymorphic user id'; COMMENT ON COLUMN SELECTED_SCHEMA_NAME.logged_actions.app_user_type IS 'Application-provided polymorphic user type'; COMMENT ON COLUMN SELECTED_SCHEMA_NAME.logged_actions.app_ip_address IS 'Application-provided ip address of user whose statement caused the audited event'; COMMENT ON COLUMN SELECTED_SCHEMA_NAME.logged_actions.action_tstamp_tx IS 'Transaction start timestamp for tx in which audited event occurred'; COMMENT ON COLUMN SELECTED_SCHEMA_NAME.logged_actions.action_tstamp_stm IS 'Statement start timestamp for tx in which audited event occurred'; COMMENT ON COLUMN SELECTED_SCHEMA_NAME.logged_actions.action_tstamp_clk IS 'Wall clock time at which audited event''s trigger call occurred'; COMMENT ON COLUMN SELECTED_SCHEMA_NAME.logged_actions.transaction_id IS 'Identifier of transaction that made the change. May wrap, but unique paired with action_tstamp_tx.'; COMMENT ON COLUMN SELECTED_SCHEMA_NAME.logged_actions.client_addr IS 'IP address of client that issued query. Null for unix domain socket.'; COMMENT ON COLUMN SELECTED_SCHEMA_NAME.logged_actions.client_port IS 'Remote peer IP port address of client that issued query. Undefined for unix socket.'; COMMENT ON COLUMN SELECTED_SCHEMA_NAME.logged_actions.client_query IS 'Top-level query that caused this auditable event. May be more than one statement.'; COMMENT ON COLUMN SELECTED_SCHEMA_NAME.logged_actions.application_name IS 'Application name set when this audit event occurred. Can be changed in-session by client.'; COMMENT ON COLUMN SELECTED_SCHEMA_NAME.logged_actions.action IS 'Action type; I = insert, D = delete, U = update, T = truncate, A = archive'; COMMENT ON COLUMN SELECTED_SCHEMA_NAME.logged_actions.row_id IS 'Record primary_key. Null for statement-level trigger. Prefers if exists'; COMMENT ON COLUMN SELECTED_SCHEMA_NAME.logged_actions.row_data IS 'Record value. Null for statement-level trigger. For INSERT this is the new tuple. For DELETE and UPDATE it is the old tuple.'; COMMENT ON COLUMN SELECTED_SCHEMA_NAME.logged_actions.changed_fields IS 'New values of fields changed by UPDATE. Null except for row-level UPDATE events.'; COMMENT ON COLUMN SELECTED_SCHEMA_NAME.logged_actions.statement_only IS '''t'' if audit event is from an FOR EACH STATEMENT trigger, ''f'' for FOR EACH ROW'; CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS logged_actions_relid_idx ON SELECTED_SCHEMA_NAME.logged_actions(relid); CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS logged_actions_table_name_idx ON SELECTED_SCHEMA_NAME.logged_actions(table_name); CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS logged_actions_full_name_idx ON SELECTED_SCHEMA_NAME.logged_actions(full_name); CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS logged_actions_action_tstamp_tx_stm_idx ON SELECTED_SCHEMA_NAME.logged_actions(action_tstamp_stm); CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS logged_actions_action_idx ON SELECTED_SCHEMA_NAME.logged_actions(action); CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS logged_actions_row_id_idx ON SELECTED_SCHEMA_NAME.logged_actions(row_id); DROP VIEW IF EXISTS SELECTED_SCHEMA_NAME.logged_actions_view CASCADE; CREATE OR REPLACE VIEW SELECTED_SCHEMA_NAME.logged_actions_view AS SELECT * FROM SELECTED_SCHEMA_NAME.logged_actions; ALTER VIEW SELECTED_SCHEMA_NAME.logged_actions_view ALTER COLUMN event_id SET DEFAULT NEXTVAL('"SELECTED_SCHEMA_NAME"."logged_actions_event_id_seq"');