module Sinatra module AssetPack # Class methods that will be given to the Sinatra application. module ClassMethods # Sets asset options, or gets them def assets(&blk) @options ||=, &blk) self.assets_initialize! if block_given? @options end def assets_initialize! add_compressed_routes! add_individual_routes! # Cache the built files. if assets.prebuild && !reload_templates assets.cache! { |file| $stderr.write "** Building #{file}...\n" } end end # Add routes for the compressed versions def add_compressed_routes! assets.packages.each do |name, package| get package.route_regex do mtime, contents = @template_cache.fetch(package.path) { [ package.mtime, package.minify ] } content_type package.type last_modified mtime contents end end end # Add the routes for the individual files. def add_individual_routes! assets.served.each do |path, from| get %r{#{"^/#{path}/".squeeze('/')}(.*)$} do |file| fmt = File.extname(file)[1..-1] # Sanity checks pass unless AssetPack.supported_formats.include?(fmt) fn = asset_path_for(file, from) or pass pass if settings.assets.ignored?("#{path}/#{file}") # Send headers content_type fmt.to_sym last_modified File.mtime(fn).to_i expires 86400*30, :public format = File.extname(fn)[1..-1] if AssetPack.supported_formats.include?(format) # It's a raw file, just send it not_found unless format == fmt if fmt == 'css' @template_cache.fetch(fn) { asset_filter_css } else send_file fn end else # Dynamic file not_found unless AssetPack.tilt_formats[format] == fmt @template_cache.fetch(fn) { out = render format.to_sym, out = asset_filter_css(out) if fmt == 'css' out } end end end end end end end