#! /usr/bin/env ruby require 'spec_helper' require 'puppet/network/http/rack' if Puppet.features.rack? require 'puppet/network/http/rack/rest' describe "Puppet::Network::HTTP::RackREST", :if => Puppet.features.rack? do it "should include the Puppet::Network::HTTP::Handler module" do expect(Puppet::Network::HTTP::RackREST.ancestors).to be_include(Puppet::Network::HTTP::Handler) end describe "when serving a request" do before :all do @model_class = stub('indirected model class') Puppet::Indirector::Indirection.stubs(:model).with(:foo).returns(@model_class) end before :each do @response = Rack::Response.new @handler = Puppet::Network::HTTP::RackREST.new(:handler => :foo) end def mk_req(uri, opts = {}) env = Rack::MockRequest.env_for(uri, opts) Rack::Request.new(env) end let(:minimal_certificate) do key = OpenSSL::PKey::RSA.new(512) signer = Puppet::SSL::CertificateSigner.new cert = OpenSSL::X509::Certificate.new cert.version = 2 cert.serial = 0 cert.not_before = Time.now cert.not_after = Time.now + 3600 cert.public_key = key cert.subject = OpenSSL::X509::Name.parse("/CN=testing") signer.sign(cert, key) cert end describe "#headers" do it "should return the headers (parsed from env with prefix 'HTTP_')" do req = mk_req('/', {'HTTP_Accept' => 'myaccept', 'HTTP_X_Custom_Header' => 'mycustom', 'NOT_HTTP_foo' => 'not an http header'}) expect(@handler.headers(req)).to eq({"accept" => 'myaccept', "x-custom-header" => 'mycustom', "content-type" => nil }) end end describe "and using the HTTP Handler interface" do it "should return the CONTENT_TYPE parameter as the content type header" do req = mk_req('/', 'CONTENT_TYPE' => 'mycontent') expect(@handler.headers(req)['content-type']).to eq("mycontent") end it "should use the REQUEST_METHOD as the http method" do req = mk_req('/', :method => 'MYMETHOD') expect(@handler.http_method(req)).to eq("MYMETHOD") end it "should return the request path as the path" do req = mk_req('/foo/bar') expect(@handler.path(req)).to eq("/foo/bar") end it "should return the unescaped path for an escaped request path" do unescaped_path = '/foo/bar baz' escaped_path = Puppet::Util.uri_encode(unescaped_path) req = mk_req(escaped_path) expect(@handler.path(req)).to eq(unescaped_path) end it "should return the request body as the body" do req = mk_req('/foo/bar', :input => 'mybody') expect(@handler.body(req)).to eq("mybody") end it "should return the an Puppet::SSL::Certificate instance as the client_cert" do req = mk_req('/foo/bar', 'SSL_CLIENT_CERT' => minimal_certificate.to_pem) expect(@handler.client_cert(req).content.to_pem).to eq(minimal_certificate.to_pem) end it "returns nil when SSL_CLIENT_CERT is empty" do req = mk_req('/foo/bar', 'SSL_CLIENT_CERT' => '') expect(@handler.client_cert(req)).to be_nil end it "should set the response's content-type header when setting the content type" do @header = mock 'header' @response.expects(:header).returns @header @header.expects(:[]=).with('Content-Type', "mytype") @handler.set_content_type(@response, "mytype") end it "should set the status and write the body when setting the response for a request" do @response.expects(:status=).with(400) @response.expects(:write).with("mybody") @handler.set_response(@response, "mybody", 400) end describe "when result is a File" do before :each do stat = stub 'stat', :size => 100 @file = stub 'file', :stat => stat, :path => "/tmp/path" @file.stubs(:is_a?).with(File).returns(true) end it "should set the Content-Length header as a string" do @response.expects(:[]=).with("Content-Length", '100') @handler.set_response(@response, @file, 200) end it "should return a RackFile adapter as body" do @response.expects(:body=).with { |val| val.is_a?(Puppet::Network::HTTP::RackREST::RackFile) } @handler.set_response(@response, @file, 200) end end it "should ensure the body has been read on success" do req = mk_req('/production/report/foo', :method => 'PUT') req.body.expects(:read).at_least_once Puppet::Transaction::Report.stubs(:save) @handler.process(req, @response) end it "should ensure the body has been partially read on failure" do req = mk_req('/production/report/foo') req.body.expects(:read).with(1) @handler.stubs(:headers).raises(StandardError) @handler.process(req, @response) end end describe "and determining the request parameters" do it "should include the HTTP request parameters, with the keys as symbols" do req = mk_req('/?foo=baz&bar=xyzzy') result = @handler.params(req) expect(result[:foo]).to eq("baz") expect(result[:bar]).to eq("xyzzy") end it "should return multi-values params as an array of the values" do req = mk_req('/?foo=baz&foo=xyzzy') result = @handler.params(req) expect(result[:foo]).to eq(["baz", "xyzzy"]) end it "should return parameters from the POST body" do req = mk_req("/", :method => 'POST', :input => 'foo=baz&bar=xyzzy') result = @handler.params(req) expect(result[:foo]).to eq("baz") expect(result[:bar]).to eq("xyzzy") end it "should not return multi-valued params in a POST body as an array of values" do req = mk_req("/", :method => 'POST', :input => 'foo=baz&foo=xyzzy') result = @handler.params(req) expect(result[:foo]).to be_one_of("baz", "xyzzy") end it "should CGI-decode the HTTP parameters" do encoding = Puppet::Util.uri_query_encode("foo bar") req = mk_req("/?foo=#{encoding}") result = @handler.params(req) expect(result[:foo]).to eq("foo bar") end it "should convert the string 'true' to the boolean" do req = mk_req("/?foo=true") result = @handler.params(req) expect(result[:foo]).to be_truthy end it "should convert the string 'false' to the boolean" do req = mk_req("/?foo=false") result = @handler.params(req) expect(result[:foo]).to be_falsey end it "should convert integer arguments to Integers" do req = mk_req("/?foo=15") result = @handler.params(req) expect(result[:foo]).to eq(15) end it "should convert floating point arguments to Floats" do req = mk_req("/?foo=1.5") result = @handler.params(req) expect(result[:foo]).to eq(1.5) end it "should treat YAML encoded parameters like it was any string" do escaping = Puppet::Util.uri_query_encode(YAML.dump(%w{one two})) req = mk_req("/?foo=#{escaping}") expect(@handler.params(req)[:foo]).to eq("---\n- one\n- two\n") end it "should not allow the client to set the node via the query string" do req = mk_req("/?node=foo") expect(@handler.params(req)[:node]).to be_nil end it "should not allow the client to set the IP address via the query string" do req = mk_req("/?ip=foo") expect(@handler.params(req)[:ip]).to be_nil end it "should pass the client's ip address to model find" do req = mk_req("/", 'REMOTE_ADDR' => 'ipaddress') expect(@handler.params(req)[:ip]).to eq("ipaddress") end it "should set 'authenticated' to false if no certificate is present" do req = mk_req('/') expect(@handler.params(req)[:authenticated]).to be_falsey end end describe "with pre-validated certificates" do it "should retrieve the hostname by finding the CN given in :ssl_client_header, in the format returned by Apache (RFC2253)" do Puppet[:ssl_client_header] = "myheader" req = mk_req('/', "myheader" => "O=Foo\\, Inc,CN=host.domain.com") expect(@handler.params(req)[:node]).to eq("host.domain.com") end it "should retrieve the hostname by finding the CN given in :ssl_client_header, in the format returned by nginx" do Puppet[:ssl_client_header] = "myheader" req = mk_req('/', "myheader" => "/CN=host.domain.com") expect(@handler.params(req)[:node]).to eq("host.domain.com") end it "should retrieve the hostname by finding the CN given in :ssl_client_header, ignoring other fields" do Puppet[:ssl_client_header] = "myheader" req = mk_req('/', "myheader" => 'ST=Denial,CN=host.domain.com,O=Domain\\, Inc.') expect(@handler.params(req)[:node]).to eq("host.domain.com") end it "should use the :ssl_client_header to determine the parameter for checking whether the host certificate is valid" do Puppet[:ssl_client_header] = "certheader" Puppet[:ssl_client_verify_header] = "myheader" req = mk_req('/', "myheader" => "SUCCESS", "certheader" => "CN=host.domain.com") expect(@handler.params(req)[:authenticated]).to be_truthy end it "should consider the host unauthenticated if the validity parameter does not contain 'SUCCESS'" do Puppet[:ssl_client_header] = "certheader" Puppet[:ssl_client_verify_header] = "myheader" req = mk_req('/', "myheader" => "whatever", "certheader" => "CN=host.domain.com") expect(@handler.params(req)[:authenticated]).to be_falsey end it "should consider the host unauthenticated if no certificate information is present" do Puppet[:ssl_client_header] = "certheader" Puppet[:ssl_client_verify_header] = "myheader" req = mk_req('/', "myheader" => nil, "certheader" => "CN=host.domain.com") expect(@handler.params(req)[:authenticated]).to be_falsey end it "should resolve the node name with an ip address look-up if no certificate is present" do Puppet[:ssl_client_header] = "myheader" req = mk_req('/', "myheader" => nil) @handler.expects(:resolve_node).returns("host.domain.com") expect(@handler.params(req)[:node]).to eq("host.domain.com") end it "should resolve the node name with an ip address look-up if a certificate without a CN is present" do Puppet[:ssl_client_header] = "myheader" req = mk_req('/', "myheader" => "O=no CN") @handler.expects(:resolve_node).returns("host.domain.com") expect(@handler.params(req)[:node]).to eq("host.domain.com") end it "should not allow authentication via the verify header if there is no CN available" do Puppet[:ssl_client_header] = "dn_header" Puppet[:ssl_client_verify_header] = "verify_header" req = mk_req('/', "dn_header" => "O=no CN", "verify_header" => 'SUCCESS') @handler.expects(:resolve_node).returns("host.domain.com") expect(@handler.params(req)[:authenticated]).to be_falsey end end end end describe Puppet::Network::HTTP::RackREST::RackFile do before(:each) do stat = stub 'stat', :size => 100 @file = stub 'file', :stat => stat, :path => "/tmp/path" @rackfile = Puppet::Network::HTTP::RackREST::RackFile.new(@file) end it "should have an each method" do expect(@rackfile).to be_respond_to(:each) end it "should yield file chunks by chunks" do @file.expects(:read).times(3).with(8192).returns("1", "2", nil) i = 1 @rackfile.each do |chunk| expect(chunk.to_i).to eq(i) i += 1 end end it "should have a close method" do expect(@rackfile).to be_respond_to(:close) end it "should delegate close to File close" do @file.expects(:close) @rackfile.close end end