# Sugar high! Inspired by the 'zucker' project. ## Install gem install sugar-high ## Usage See specs for example use ## Update June 22, 2011 file_mutate is now backwards compatible again in order nt to break gems such as cream et. al. that depend on auto inclusion of all File extensions into File object ## Sugar packs * alias * arguments * array * blank * class_ext * enumerable * file * file_mutate (backwards compatible) * file_mutation * includes * kind_of * math * metaclass * methods * module * not * numeric * path * properties * reg_exp ### Alias * multi_alias name, options_hash : creates multiple aliases using patterns ### Arguments * args (Used in generator CLI testing) * last_option *args : Returns last argument if hash or empty hash otherwise * ... ### Array * to_symbols * to_symbols_uniq * to_strings * flat_uniq * file_join * ... ### Blank * blank? ### Class Extension * is_class? * is_module? * class_exists? * module_exists? * try_class * try_module * try_module_only * find_first_class(*class_names) * find_first_module(*module_names) ### Enumerable * only_kinds_of?(*modules) * only_labels? * select_kinds_of(*modules) * select_kinds_of! * select_labels * select_labels! * select_symbols * select_symbols! * select_uniq_symbols! * select_strings * select_strings! * select_only(type) * select_only!(type) ### Hash * hash_revert : Reverse keys and values ### File * self.blank? and blank? : Is file empty? * self.overwrite : overwrite file with new content (mode = 'w') * self.append : append to existing file with content or create new (mode = 'w+') String: * path : expand String with path operations :up and :down PathString: * up lv : Go up some directory levels, prefixing with a number of '../' * down lv : Go down some directory levels, stripping off a number of prefixed '../' ### Includes * includes : Includes modules listed as symbols ### Kind of * any_kind_of? *const_list * kind_of_label? : Symbol or String ? ### Metaclass * metaclass : Get the metaclass ### Methods * get_methods *types : Get collection of methods, fx :private and :protected (or :all) ### Module * modules *names * nested_modules *names Create empty namespaces ### Blank * blank? : Empty string? (works on nil) * wblank? : Blank including whitespace only? (works on nil) * empty? : array and nil * any? : array and nil ## RSpec 2 Matchers * have_aliases(method, *alias_methods)
  require 'sugar-high/rspec'
  have_aliases :original, :alias_1, :alias2
## Note on Patches/Pull Requests * Fork the project. * Make your feature addition or bug fix. * Add tests for it. This is important so I don't break it in a future version unintentionally. * Commit, do not mess with rakefile, version, or history. (if you want to have your own version, that is fine but bump version in a commit by itself I can ignore when I pull) * Send me a pull request. Bonus points for topic branches. ## Copyright Copyright (c) 2010 Kristian Mandrup. See LICENSE for details.