# -*- encoding: utf-8; frozen_string_literal: true -*- # #-- # This file is part of HexaPDF. # # HexaPDF - A Versatile PDF Creation and Manipulation Library For Ruby # Copyright (C) 2014-2021 Thomas Leitner # # HexaPDF is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it # under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License version 3 as # published by the Free Software Foundation with the addition of the # following permission added to Section 15 as permitted in Section 7(a): # FOR ANY PART OF THE COVERED WORK IN WHICH THE COPYRIGHT IS OWNED BY # THOMAS LEITNER, THOMAS LEITNER DISCLAIMS THE WARRANTY OF NON # INFRINGEMENT OF THIRD PARTY RIGHTS. # # HexaPDF is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT # ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or # FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Affero General Public # License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License # along with HexaPDF. If not, see . # # The interactive user interfaces in modified source and object code # versions of HexaPDF must display Appropriate Legal Notices, as required # under Section 5 of the GNU Affero General Public License version 3. # # In accordance with Section 7(b) of the GNU Affero General Public # License, a covered work must retain the producer line in every PDF that # is created or manipulated using HexaPDF. # # If the GNU Affero General Public License doesn't fit your need, # commercial licenses are available at . #++ require 'hexapdf/error' require 'hexapdf/layout/text_fragment' require 'hexapdf/layout/inline_box' require 'hexapdf/layout/line' require 'hexapdf/layout/numeric_refinements' module HexaPDF module Layout # Arranges text and inline objects into lines according to a specified width and height as well # as other options. # # == Features # # * Existing line breaking characters inside of TextFragment objects are respected when fitting # text. If this is not wanted, they have to be removed beforehand. # # * The first line may be indented by setting Style#text_indent which may also be negative. # # * Text can be fitted into arbitrarily shaped areas, even containing holes. # # == Layouting Algorithm # # Laying out text consists of three phases: # # 1. The items are broken into pieces which are wrapped into Box, Glue or Penalty objects. # Additional Penalty objects marking line breaking opportunities are inserted where needed. # This step is done by the SimpleTextSegmentation module. # # 2. The pieces are arranged into lines using a very simple algorithm that just puts the maximum # number of consecutive pieces into each line. This step is done by the SimpleLineWrapping # module. # # 3. The lines of step two may actually not be whole lines but line fragments if the area has # holes or other discontinuities. The #fit method deals with those so that the line wrapping # algorithm can be separate. class TextLayouter using NumericRefinements # Used for layouting. Describes an item with a fixed width, like an InlineBox or TextFragment. class Box # The wrapped item. attr_reader :item # Creates a new Box for the item. def initialize(item) @item = item end # The width of the item. def width @item.width end # The height of the item. def height @item.height end # Returns :box. def type :box end end # Used for layouting. Describes a glue item, i.e. an item describing white space that could # potentially be shrunk or stretched. class Glue # The wrapped item. attr_reader :item # The amount by which the glue could be stretched. attr_reader :stretchability # The amount by which the glue could be shrunk. attr_reader :shrinkability # Creates a new Glue for the item. def initialize(item, stretchability = item.width / 2, shrinkability = item.width / 3) @item = item @stretchability = stretchability @shrinkability = shrinkability end # The width of the item. def width @item.width end # Returns :glue. def type :glue end end # Used for layouting. Describes a penalty item, i.e. a point where a break is allowed. # # If the penalty is greater than or equal to INFINITY, a break is forbidden. If it is smaller # than or equal to -INFINITY, a break is mandatory. # # If a penalty contains an item and a break occurs at the penalty (taking the width of the # penalty/item into account), then the penality item must be the last item of the line. class Penalty # All numbers greater than this one are deemed infinite. INFINITY = 1000 # The penalty value for a mandatory paragraph break. PARAGRAPH_BREAK = -INFINITY - 1_000_000 # The penalty value for a mandatory line break. LINE_BREAK = -INFINITY - 1_000_001 # The penalty for breaking at this point. attr_reader :penalty # The width assigned to this item. attr_reader :width # The wrapped item. attr_reader :item # Creates a new Penalty with the given penality. def initialize(penalty, width = 0, item: nil) @penalty = penalty @width = width @item = item end # Returns :penalty. def type :penalty end # Singleton object describing a Penalty for a prohibited break. ProhibitedBreak = new(Penalty::INFINITY) # Singleton object describing a standard Penalty, e.g. for hyphens. Standard = new(50) end # Implementation of a simple text segmentation algorithm. # # The algorithm breaks TextFragment objects into objects wrapped by Box, Glue or Penalty # items, and inserts additional Penalty items when needed: # # * Any valid Unicode newline separator inserts a Penalty object describing a mandatory break. # # See http://www.unicode.org/reports/tr18/#Line_Boundaries # # * Spaces and tabulators are wrapped by Glue objects, allowing breaks. # # * Non-breaking spaces are wrapped into Penalty objects that prohibit line breaking. # # * Hyphens are attached to the preceeding text fragment (or are a standalone text fragment) # and followed by a Penalty object to allow a break. # # * If a soft-hyphens is encountered, a hyphen wrapped by a Penalty object is inserted to # allow a break. # # * If a zero-width-space is encountered, a Penalty object is inserted to allow a break. module SimpleTextSegmentation # Breaks are detected at: space, tab, zero-width-space, non-breaking space, hyphen, # soft-hypen and any valid Unicode newline separator BREAK_RE = /[ \u{A}-\u{D}\u{85}\u{2028}\u{2029}\t\u{200B}\u{00AD}\u{00A0}-]/ # Breaks the items (an array of InlineBox and TextFragment objects) into atomic pieces # wrapped by Box, Glue or Penalty items, and returns those as an array. def self.call(items) result = [] glues = {} penalties = {} items.each do |item| if item.kind_of?(InlineBox) result << Box.new(item) else i = 0 while i < item.items.size # Collect characters and kerning values until break character is encountered box_items = [] while (glyph = item.items[i]) && (glyph.kind_of?(Numeric) || !BREAK_RE.match?(glyph.str)) box_items << glyph i += 1 end # A hyphen belongs to the text fragment box_items << glyph if glyph && !glyph.kind_of?(Numeric) && glyph.str == '-' unless box_items.empty? result << Box.new(TextFragment.new(box_items.freeze, item.style)) end if glyph case glyph.str when ' ' glues[item.style] ||= Glue.new(TextFragment.new([glyph].freeze, item.style)) result << glues[item.style] when "\n", "\v", "\f", "\u{85}", "\u{2029}" penalties[item.style] ||= Penalty.new(Penalty::PARAGRAPH_BREAK, 0, item: TextFragment.new([].freeze, item.style)) result << penalties[item.style] when "\u{2028}" result << Penalty.new(Penalty::LINE_BREAK, 0, item: TextFragment.new([].freeze, item.style)) when "\r" if !item.items[i + 1] || item.items[i + 1].kind_of?(Numeric) || item.items[i + 1].str != "\n" penalties[item.style] ||= Penalty.new(Penalty::PARAGRAPH_BREAK, 0, item: TextFragment.new([].freeze, item.style)) result << penalties[item.style] end when '-' result << Penalty::Standard when "\t" spaces = [item.style.font.decode_utf8(" ").first] * 8 result << Glue.new(TextFragment.new(spaces.freeze, item.style)) when "\u{00AD}" hyphen = item.style.font.decode_utf8("-").first frag = TextFragment.new([hyphen].freeze, item.style) result << Penalty.new(Penalty::Standard.penalty, frag.width, item: frag) when "\u{00A0}" space = item.style.font.decode_utf8(" ").first frag = TextFragment.new([space].freeze, item.style) result << Penalty.new(Penalty::ProhibitedBreak.penalty, frag.width, item: frag) when "\u{200B}" result << Penalty.new(0) end end i += 1 end end end result end end # A dummy line class for use with variable width wrapping, and Style#line_spacing methods in # case a line actually consists of multiple line fragments. DummyLine = Struct.new(:y_min, :y_max) do def update(y_min, y_max) self.y_min = y_min self.y_max = y_max end def height y_max - y_min end end # Implementation of a simple line wrapping algorithm. # # The algorithm arranges the given items so that the maximum number is put onto each line, # taking the differences of Box, Glue and Penalty items into account. It is not as advanced as # say Knuth's line wrapping algorithm in that it doesn't optimize paragraphs. class SimpleLineWrapping # :call-seq: # SimpleLineWrapping.call(items, width_block) {|line, item| block } -> rest # # Arranges the items into lines. # # The +width_block+ argument has to be a callable object that returns the width of the line: # # * If the line width doesn't depend on the height or the vertical position of the line # (i.e. fixed line width), the +width_block+ should have an arity of zero. However, this # doesn't mean that the block is called only once; it is actually called before each new # line (e.g. for varying line widths that don't depend on the line height; one common case # is the indentation of the first line). This is the general case. # # * However, if lines should have varying widths (e.g. for flowing text around shapes), the # +width_block+ argument should be an object responding to #call(line_like) where # +line_like+ is a Line-like object responding to #y_min, #y_max and #height holding the # values for the currently layed out line. The caller is responsible for tracking the # height of the already layed out lines. This method involves more work and is therefore # slower. # # Regardless of whether varying line widths are used or not, each time a line is finished, # it is yielded to the caller. The second argument +item+ is the item that caused the line # break (e.g. a Box, Glue or Penalty). The return value should be truthy if line wrapping # should continue, or falsy if it should stop. If the yielded line is empty and the yielded # item is a box item, this single item didn't fit into the available width; the caller has # to handle this situation, e.g. by stopping. # # In case of varying widths, the +width_block+ may also return +nil+ in which case the # algorithm should revert back to a stored item index and then start as if beginning a new # line. Which index to use is told the algorithm through the special return value # +:store_start_of_line+ of the yielded-to block. When this return value is used, the # current start of the line index should be stored for later use. # # After the algorithm is finished, it returns the unused items. def self.call(items, width_block, &block) obj = new(items, width_block) if width_block.arity == 1 obj.variable_width_wrapping(&block) else obj.fixed_width_wrapping(&block) end end private_class_method :new # Creates a new line wrapping object that arranges the +items+ on lines with the given # width. def initialize(items, width_block) @items = items @width_block = width_block @line_items = [] @width = 0 @glue_items = [] @beginning_of_line_index = 0 @last_breakpoint_index = 0 @last_breakpoint_line_items_index = 0 @break_prohibited_state = false @height_calc = Line::HeightCalculator.new @line = DummyLine.new(0, 0) @available_width = @width_block.call(@line) end # Peforms line wrapping with a fixed width per line, with line height playing no role. def fixed_width_wrapping index = 0 while (item = @items[index]) case item.type when :box unless add_box_item(item.item) if @break_prohibited_state index = reset_line_to_last_breakpoint_state item = @items[index] end break unless yield(create_line, item) reset_after_line_break(index) redo end when :glue unless add_glue_item(item.item, index) break unless yield(create_line, item) reset_after_line_break(index + 1) end when :penalty if item.penalty <= -Penalty::INFINITY add_box_item(item.item) if item.width > 0 break unless yield(create_unjustified_line, item) reset_after_line_break(index + 1) elsif item.penalty >= Penalty::INFINITY @break_prohibited_state = true add_box_item(item.item) if item.width > 0 elsif item.width > 0 if item_fits_on_line?(item) next_index = index + 1 next_item = @items[next_index] next_item = @items[next_index += 1] while next_item&.type == :penalty if next_item && !item_fits_on_line?(next_item) @line_items.concat(@glue_items).push(item.item) @width += item.width end update_last_breakpoint(index) else @break_prohibited_state = true end else update_last_breakpoint(index) end end index += 1 end line = create_unjustified_line last_line_used = true last_line_used = yield(line, nil) if item.nil? && !line.items.empty? item.nil? && last_line_used ? [] : @items[@beginning_of_line_index..-1] end # Performs the line wrapping with variable widths. def variable_width_wrapping index = @stored_index = 0 while (item = @items[index]) case item.type when :box y_min, y_max, new_height = @height_calc.simulate_height(item.item) if new_height > @line.height @line.update(y_min, y_max) @available_width = @width_block.call(@line) if !@available_width || @width > @available_width index = (@available_width ? @beginning_of_line_index : @stored_index) item = @items[index] reset_after_line_break_variable_width(index) redo end end if add_box_item(item.item) @height_calc << item.item else if @break_prohibited_state index = reset_line_to_last_breakpoint_state item = @items[index] end break unless (action = yield(create_line, item)) reset_after_line_break_variable_width(index, true, action) redo end when :glue unless add_glue_item(item.item, index) break unless (action = yield(create_line, item)) reset_after_line_break_variable_width(index + 1, true, action) end when :penalty if item.penalty <= -Penalty::INFINITY add_box_item(item.item) if item.width > 0 break unless (action = yield(create_unjustified_line, item)) reset_after_line_break_variable_width(index + 1, true, action) elsif item.penalty >= Penalty::INFINITY @break_prohibited_state = true add_box_item(item.item) if item.width > 0 elsif item.width > 0 if item_fits_on_line?(item) next_index = index + 1 next_item = @items[next_index] next_item = @items[next_index += 1] while next_item&.type == :penalty y_min, y_max, new_height = @height_calc.simulate_height(next_item.item) if next_item && @width + next_item.width > @width_block.call(DummyLine.new(y_min, y_max)) @line_items.concat(@glue_items).push(item.item) @width += item.width # No need to clean up, since in the next iteration a line break occurs end update_last_breakpoint(index) else @break_prohibited_state = true end else update_last_breakpoint(index) end end index += 1 end line = create_unjustified_line last_line_used = true last_line_used = yield(line, nil) if item.nil? && !line.items.empty? item.nil? && last_line_used ? [] : @items[@beginning_of_line_index..-1] end private # Adds the box item to the line items if it fits on the line. # # Returns +true+ if the item could be added and +false+ otherwise. def add_box_item(item) return false unless @width + item.width <= @available_width @line_items.concat(@glue_items).push(item) @width += item.width @glue_items.clear true end # Adds the glue item to the line items if it fits on the line. # # Returns +true+ if the item could be added and +false+ otherwise. def add_glue_item(item, index) return false unless @width + item.width <= @available_width unless @line_items.empty? # ignore glue at beginning of line @glue_items << item @width += item.width update_last_breakpoint(index) end true end # Updates the information on the last possible breakpoint of the current line. def update_last_breakpoint(index) @break_prohibited_state = false @last_breakpoint_index = index @last_breakpoint_line_items_index = @line_items.size end # Resets the line items array to contain only those items that were in it when the last # breakpoint was encountered and returns the items' index of the last breakpoint. def reset_line_to_last_breakpoint_state @line_items.slice!(@last_breakpoint_line_items_index..-1) @break_prohibited_state = false @last_breakpoint_index end # Returns +true+ if the item fits on the line. def item_fits_on_line?(item) @width + item.width <= @available_width end # Creates a Line object from the current line items. def create_line Line.new(@line_items) end # Creates a Line object from the current line items that ignores line justification. def create_unjustified_line create_line.tap(&:ignore_justification!) end # Resets the line state variables to their initial values. The +index+ specifies the items # index of the first item on the new line. The +line_height+ specifies the line height to # use for getting the available width. def reset_after_line_break(index) @beginning_of_line_index = index @line_items.clear @width = 0 @glue_items.clear @last_breakpoint_index = index @last_breakpoint_line_items_index = 0 @break_prohibited_state = false @available_width = @width_block.call(@line) end # Specialized reset method for variable width wrapping. # # * The arguments +index+ and +line_height+ are also passed to #reset_after_line_break. # # * If the +action+ argument is +:store_start_of_line+, the stored item index is reset to # the index of the first item of the line. def reset_after_line_break_variable_width(index, reset_line = false, action = :none) @stored_index = @beginning_of_line_index if action == :store_start_of_line @line.update(0, 0) if reset_line @height_calc.reset reset_after_line_break(index) end end # Encapsulates the result of layouting items using a TextLayouter and provides a method for # drawing the result (i.e. the layed out lines) on a canvas. class Result # The status after layouting the items: # # +:success+:: There are no remaining items. # +:box_too_wide+:: A single text or inline box was too wide to fit alone on a line. # +:height+:: There was not enough height for all items to layout. # # Even if the result is not +:success+, the layouting may still be successful depending on # the usage. For example, if we expect that there may be too many items to fit, +:height+ is # still a success. attr_reader :status # Array of layed out lines. attr_reader :lines # The actual height of all layed out lines (this includes a possible offset for the first # line). attr_reader :height # The remaining items that couldn't be layed out. attr_reader :remaining_items # Creates a new Result structure. def initialize(status, lines, remaining_items) @status = status @lines = lines @height = @lines.sum(&:y_offset) - (@lines.last&.y_min || 0) @remaining_items = remaining_items end # Draws the layed out lines onto the canvas with the top-left corner being at [x, y]. def draw(canvas, x, y) last_text_fragment = nil canvas.save_graphics_state do # Best effort for leading in case we have an evenly spaced paragraph canvas.leading(@lines[1].y_offset) if @lines.size > 1 @lines.each do |line| y -= line.y_offset line_x = x + line.x_offset line.each do |item, item_x, item_y| if item.kind_of?(TextFragment) item.draw(canvas, line_x + item_x, y + item_y, ignore_text_properties: last_text_fragment&.style == item.style) last_text_fragment = item elsif !item.empty? canvas.restore_graphics_state item.draw(canvas, line_x + item_x, y + item_y) canvas.save_graphics_state last_text_fragment = nil end end end end end end # The style to be applied. # # Only the following properties are used: Style#text_indent, Style#align, Style#valign, # Style#line_spacing, Style#text_segmentation_algorithm, Style#text_line_wrapping_algorithm attr_reader :style # Creates a new TextLayouter object with the given style. # # The +style+ argument can either be a Style object or a hash of style options. See #style for # the properties that are used by the layouter. def initialize(style = Style.new) @style = (style.kind_of?(Style) ? style : Style.new(**style)) end # :call-seq: # text_layouter.fit(items, width, height) -> result # # Fits the items into the given area and returns a Result object with all the information. # # The +height+ argument is just a number specifying the maximum height that can be used. # # The +width+ argument can be one of the following: # # **a number**:: # In this case the layed out lines have this number as maximum width. This is the standard # case and means that the area in which the text is layed out is a rectangle. # # **an array with an even number of numbers**:: # The array has to be of the form [offset, width, offset, width, ...], so the even indices # specify offsets (relative to the current position, not absolute offsets from the left), # the odd indices widths. This allows laying out lines containing holes in them. # # A simple example: [15, 100, 30, 40]. This means that a space of 15 on the left is never # used, then comes text with a maximum width of 100, starting at the absolute offset 15, # followed by a hole with a width of 30 and then text again with a width of 40, starting # at the absolute offset 145 (=15 + 100 + 30). # # **an object responding to #call(height, line_height)**:: # # The provided argument +height+ is the bottom of last line (or 0 in case of the first # line) and +line_height+ is the height of the line to be layed out. The return value has # to be of one of the forms above (i.e. a single number or an array of numbers) and should # describe the area given these height restrictions. # # This allows laying out text inside complex, arbitrarily formed shapes and can be used, # for example, for flowing text around objects. # # The text segmentation algorithm specified via #style is applied to the items in case they # are not already in segmented form. This also means that Result#remaining_items always # contains segmented items. def fit(items, width, height) unless items.empty? || items[0].respond_to?(:type) items = style.text_segmentation_algorithm.call(items) end # result variables lines = [] actual_height = 0 rest = items # processing state variables indent = style.text_indent line_fragments = [] line_height = 0 previous_line = nil y_offset = 0 width_spec = nil width_spec_index = 0 width_block = if width.respond_to?(:call) last_actual_height = nil previous_line_height = nil proc do |cur_line| line_height = [line_height, cur_line.height || 0].max if last_actual_height != actual_height || previous_line_height != line_height gap = if previous_line style.line_spacing.gap(previous_line, cur_line) else 0 end spec = width.call(actual_height + gap, cur_line.height) spec = [0, spec] unless spec.kind_of?(Array) last_actual_height = actual_height previous_line_height = line_height else spec = width_spec end if spec == width_spec # no changes, just need to return the width of the current part width_spec[width_spec_index * 2 + 1] - (width_spec_index == 0 ? indent : 0) elsif line_fragments.each_with_index.all? {|l, i| l.width <= spec[i * 2 + 1] } # width_spec changed, parts can only get smaller but processed parts still fit width_spec = spec width_spec[width_spec_index * 2 + 1] - (width_spec_index == 0 ? indent : 0) else # width_spec changed and some processed part doesn't fit anymore, retry from start line_fragments.clear width_spec = spec width_spec_index = 0 nil end end elsif width.kind_of?(Array) width_spec = width proc { width_spec[width_spec_index * 2 + 1] - (width_spec_index == 0 ? indent : 0) } else width_spec = [0, width] proc { width - indent } end while true too_wide_box = nil line_height = 0 rest = style.text_line_wrapping_algorithm.call(rest, width_block) do |line, item| # make sure empty lines broken by mandatory paragraph breaks are not empty line << TextFragment.new([], style) if item&.type != :box && line.items.empty? # item didn't fit into first part, find next available part if line.items.empty? && line_fragments.empty? old_height = actual_height while item.width > width_block.call(item.item) && actual_height <= height width_spec_index += 1 if width_spec_index >= width_spec.size / 2 actual_height += item.height / 3 width_spec_index = 0 end end if actual_height + item.height <= height width_spec_index.times { line_fragments << Line.new } y_offset = actual_height - old_height next true else actual_height = old_height too_wide_box = item next nil end end # continue with line fragments of current line if there are still parts and items # available; also handles the case if at least the first fragment is not empty and a # single item didn't fit into at least one of the other parts line_fragments << line unless line_fragments.size == width_spec.size / 2 || !item || item.type == :penalty width_spec_index += 1 next (width_spec_index == 1 ? :store_start_of_line : true) end combined_line = create_combined_line(line_fragments) new_height = actual_height + combined_line.height + (previous_line ? style.line_spacing.gap(previous_line, combined_line) : 0) if new_height <= height # valid line found, use it apply_offsets(line_fragments, width_spec, indent, previous_line, combined_line, y_offset) lines.concat(line_fragments) line_fragments.clear width_spec_index = 0 indent = if item&.type == :penalty && item.penalty == Penalty::PARAGRAPH_BREAK style.text_indent else 0 end previous_line = combined_line actual_height = new_height line_height = 0 y_offset = nil true else nil end end if too_wide_box && (too_wide_box.item.kind_of?(TextFragment) && too_wide_box.item.items.size > 1) rest[0..rest.index(too_wide_box)] = too_wide_box.item.items.map do |item| Box.new(TextFragment.new([item], too_wide_box.item.style)) end too_wide_box = nil else status = (too_wide_box ? :box_too_wide : (rest.empty? ? :success : :height)) break end end unless lines.empty? lines.first.y_offset += initial_baseline_offset(lines, height, actual_height) end Result.new(status, lines, rest) end private # Creates a line combining all items from the given line fragments for height calculations. def create_combined_line(line_frags) if line_frags.size == 1 line_frags[0] else calc = Line::HeightCalculator.new line_frags.each {|l| l.items.each {|i| calc << i } } y_min, y_max, = calc.result DummyLine.new(y_min, y_max) end end # Applies the necessary x- and y-offsets to the line fragments. # # Note that the offset for the first fragment of the first line is the top of the line since # the #initial_baseline_offset method applies the correct offset to it once layouting is # completely done. def apply_offsets(line_frags, width_spec, indent, previous_line, combined_line, y_offset) cumulated_width = 0 line_frags.each_with_index do |line, index| line.x_offset = cumulated_width + indent line.x_offset += width_spec[index * 2] line.x_offset += horizontal_alignment_offset(line, width_spec[index * 2 + 1] - indent) cumulated_width += width_spec[index * 2] + width_spec[index * 2 + 1] if index == 0 line.y_offset = if y_offset y_offset + combined_line.y_max - (previous_line ? previous_line.y_min : line.y_max) else style.line_spacing.baseline_distance(previous_line, combined_line) end indent = 0 end end end # Returns the initial baseline offset from the top, based on the valign style option. def initial_baseline_offset(lines, height, actual_height) case style.valign when :top lines.first.y_max when :center (height - actual_height) / 2.0 + lines.first.y_max when :bottom (height - actual_height) + lines.first.y_max end end # Returns the horizontal offset from the left side, based on the align style option. def horizontal_alignment_offset(line, available_width) case style.align when :left then 0 when :center then (available_width - line.width) / 2 when :right then available_width - line.width when :justify then (justify_line(line, available_width); 0) end end # Justifies the given line. def justify_line(line, width) return if line.ignore_justification? || (width - line.width).abs < 0.001 indexes = [] sum = 0.0 line.items.each_with_index do |item, item_index| next if item.kind_of?(InlineBox) item.items.each_with_index do |glyph, glyph_index| if !glyph.kind_of?(Numeric) && glyph.str == ' ' sum += glyph.width * item.style.scaled_font_size indexes << item_index << glyph_index end end end if sum > 0 adjustment = (width - line.width) / sum i = indexes.length - 2 while i >= 0 frag = line.items[indexes[i]] value = -frag.items[indexes[i + 1]].width * adjustment if frag.items.frozen? value = HexaPDF::Layout::TextFragment.new([value], frag.style) line.items.insert(indexes[i], value) else frag.items.insert(indexes[i + 1], value) frag.clear_cache end i -= 2 end line.clear_cache end end end end end