// Custom JS to give functionality to the "Refresh the alert" button // Button HTML is build into DOM by ./alert.js // Styling is located in /assets/scss/{ _buttons, _loader, _svg}.scss const BUTTON = document.getElementById('syncAlert'); function syncHandler(e) { const SVG = BUTTON.querySelector('.svg__sync'); Promise.resolve() .then(() => { BUTTON.classList.add('buttons--sync--visible'); SVG.classList.add('loader__sync--animate'); }).then(() => { // Add a short delay before fetching the new alert window.setTimeout(() => { // (alert fetches too fast for the loading animation without this delay) import('./fetchNewAlert').then(({default: fetchNewAlert}) => { gapi.load('client', fetchNewAlert); // Runs a new call to gapi and repaints the alert HTML }); }, 1000); }) } function showButtonOnInitialLoad(button) { button.classList.add('buttons--sync--preview'); // This class has an animation that shows the button for 3-sec. window.setTimeout(() => { button.classList.remove('buttons--sync--preview'); // Remove the class after enough time for animations has elapsed }, 3000); } function refreshAlertButton() { window.setTimeout(() => { // Short delay before showing the refresh button showButtonOnInitialLoad(BUTTON); }, 500); BUTTON.addEventListener('click', syncHandler); } export default refreshAlertButton;