require 'win/library' #require 'win/gui/window' #require 'win/gui/message' # needed because of SC_... constants defined there ? module Win module Gui # Contains constants and Win32 API functions related to Window menus manipulation. # Menu basics can be found here: # module Menu extend Win::Library # include Win::Gui::Window # Menu Flags MF_INSERT = 0x00000000 MF_CHANGE = 0x00000080 MF_APPEND = 0x00000100 MF_DELETE = 0x00000200 MF_REMOVE = 0x00001000 MF_BYCOMMAND = 0x00000000 MF_BYPOSITION = 0x00000400 MF_SEPARATOR = 0x00000800 MF_ENABLED = 0x00000000 MF_GRAYED = 0x00000001 MF_DISABLED = 0x00000002 MF_UNCHECKED = 0x00000000 MF_CHECKED = 0x00000008 MF_USECHECKBITMAPS = 0x00000200 MF_STRING = 0x00000000 MF_BITMAP = 0x00000004 MF_OWNERDRAW = 0x00000100 MF_POPUP = 0x00000010 MF_MENUBARBREAK = 0x00000020 MF_MENUBREAK = 0x00000040 MF_UNHILITE = 0x00000000 MF_HILITE = 0x00000080 MF_DEFAULT = 0x00001000 MF_SYSMENU = 0x00002000 MF_HELP = 0x00004000 MF_RIGHTJUSTIFY = 0x00004000 MF_MOUSESELECT = 0x00008000 MF_END = 0x00000080 # System Objects OBJID_WINDOW = 0x00000000 OBJID_SYSMENU = 0xFFFFFFFF OBJID_TITLEBAR = 0xFFFFFFFE OBJID_MENU = 0xFFFFFFFD OBJID_CLIENT = 0xFFFFFFFC OBJID_VSCROLL = 0xFFFFFFFB OBJID_HSCROLL = 0xFFFFFFFA OBJID_SIZEGRIP = 0xFFFFFFF9 OBJID_CARET = 0xFFFFFFF8 OBJID_CURSOR = 0xFFFFFFF7 OBJID_ALERT = 0xFFFFFFF6 OBJID_SOUND = 0xFFFFFFF5 OBJID_QUERYCLASSNAMEIDX = 0xFFFFFFF4 OBJID_NATIVEOM = 0xFFFFFFF0 # From atlres.h: # operation messages sent to DLGINIT # LB_ADDSTRING (WM_USER+1) # CB_ADDSTRING (WM_USER+3) # Standard window components ID_SEPARATOR = 0 # special separator value ID_DEFAULT_PANE = 0 # default status bar pane # standard control bars (IDW = window ID) ATL_IDW_TOOLBAR = 0xE800 # main Toolbar for window ATL_IDW_STATUS_BAR = 0xE801 # Status bar window ATL_IDW_COMMAND_BAR = 0xE802 # Command bar window # parts of a frame window ATL_IDW_CLIENT = 0xE900 ATL_IDW_PANE_FIRST = 0xE900 # first pane (256 max) ATL_IDW_PANE_LAST = 0xE9FF ATL_IDW_HSCROLL_FIRST = 0xEA00 # first Horz scrollbar (16 max) ATL_IDW_VSCROLL_FIRST = 0xEA10 # first Vert scrollbar (16 max) ATL_IDW_SIZE_BOX = 0xEA20 # size box for splitters ATL_IDW_PANE_SAVE = 0xEA21 # to shift ATL_IDW_PANE_FIRST # bands for a rebar ATL_IDW_BAND_FIRST = 0xEB00 ATL_IDW_BAND_LAST = 0xEBFF # Standard Commands # File commands ID_FILE_NEW = 0xE100 ID_FILE_OPEN = 0xE101 ID_FILE_CLOSE = 0xE102 ID_FILE_SAVE = 0xE103 ID_FILE_SAVE_AS = 0xE104 ID_FILE_PAGE_SETUP = 0xE105 ID_FILE_PRINT_SETUP = 0xE106 ID_FILE_PRINT = 0xE107 ID_FILE_PRINT_DIRECT = 0xE108 ID_FILE_PRINT_PREVIEW = 0xE109 ID_FILE_UPDATE = 0xE10A ID_FILE_SAVE_COPY_AS = 0xE10B ID_FILE_SEND_MAIL = 0xE10C ID_FILE_MRU_FIRST = 0xE110 ID_FILE_MRU_FILE1 = 0xE110 # range - 16 max ID_FILE_MRU_FILE2 = 0xE111 ID_FILE_MRU_FILE3 = 0xE112 ID_FILE_MRU_FILE4 = 0xE113 ID_FILE_MRU_FILE5 = 0xE114 ID_FILE_MRU_FILE6 = 0xE115 ID_FILE_MRU_FILE7 = 0xE116 ID_FILE_MRU_FILE8 = 0xE117 ID_FILE_MRU_FILE9 = 0xE118 ID_FILE_MRU_FILE10 = 0xE119 ID_FILE_MRU_FILE11 = 0xE11A ID_FILE_MRU_FILE12 = 0xE11B ID_FILE_MRU_FILE13 = 0xE11C ID_FILE_MRU_FILE14 = 0xE11D ID_FILE_MRU_FILE15 = 0xE11E ID_FILE_MRU_FILE16 = 0xE11F ID_FILE_MRU_LAST = 0xE11F # Edit commands ID_EDIT_CLEAR = 0xE120 ID_EDIT_CLEAR_ALL = 0xE121 ID_EDIT_COPY = 0xE122 ID_EDIT_CUT = 0xE123 ID_EDIT_FIND = 0xE124 ID_EDIT_PASTE = 0xE125 ID_EDIT_PASTE_LINK = 0xE126 ID_EDIT_PASTE_SPECIAL = 0xE127 ID_EDIT_REPEAT = 0xE128 ID_EDIT_REPLACE = 0xE129 ID_EDIT_SELECT_ALL = 0xE12A ID_EDIT_UNDO = 0xE12B ID_EDIT_REDO = 0xE12C # Window commands ID_WINDOW_NEW = 0xE130 ID_WINDOW_ARRANGE = 0xE131 ID_WINDOW_CASCADE = 0xE132 ID_WINDOW_TILE_HORZ = 0xE133 ID_WINDOW_TILE_VERT = 0xE134 ID_WINDOW_SPLIT = 0xE135 ATL_IDM_WINDOW_FIRST = 0xE130 ATL_IDM_WINDOW_LAST = 0xE13F ATL_IDM_FIRST_MDICHILD = 0xFF00 # window list starts here # Help and App commands ID_APP_ABOUT = 0xE140 ID_APP_EXIT = 0xE141 ID_HELP_INDEX = 0xE142 ID_HELP_FINDER = 0xE143 ID_HELP_USING = 0xE144 ID_CONTEXT_HELP = 0xE145 # shift-F1 ID_HELP = 0xE146 # first attempt for F1 ID_DEFAULT_HELP = 0xE147 # last attempt # Misc ID_NEXT_PANE = 0xE150 ID_PREV_PANE = 0xE151 ID_PANE_CLOSE = 0xE152 # Format ID_FORMAT_FONT = 0xE160 # Scroll ID_SCROLL_UP = 0xE170 ID_SCROLL_DOWN = 0xE171 ID_SCROLL_PAGE_UP = 0xE172 ID_SCROLL_PAGE_DOWN = 0xE173 ID_SCROLL_TOP = 0xE174 ID_SCROLL_BOTTOM = 0xE175 ID_SCROLL_LEFT = 0xE176 ID_SCROLL_RIGHT = 0xE177 ID_SCROLL_PAGE_LEFT = 0xE178 ID_SCROLL_PAGE_RIGHT = 0xE179 ID_SCROLL_ALL_LEFT = 0xE17A ID_SCROLL_ALL_RIGHT = 0xE17B # OLE commands ID_OLE_INSERT_NEW = 0xE200 ID_OLE_EDIT_LINKS = 0xE201 ID_OLE_EDIT_CONVERT = 0xE202 ID_OLE_EDIT_CHANGE_ICON = 0xE203 ID_OLE_EDIT_PROPERTIES = 0xE204 ID_OLE_VERB_FIRST = 0xE210 # range - 16 max ID_OLE_VERB_LAST = 0xE21F # View commands (same number used as IDW used for toolbar and status bar) ID_VIEW_TOOLBAR = 0xE800 ID_VIEW_STATUS_BAR = 0xE801 ID_VIEW_REFRESH = 0xE803 # Standard control IDs IDC_STATIC = -1 # all static controls # Standard string error/warnings # idle status bar message ATL_IDS_IDLEMESSAGE = 0xE001 ATL_IDS_SCFIRST = 0xEF00 ATL_IDS_SCSIZE = 0xEF00 ATL_IDS_SCMOVE = 0xEF01 ATL_IDS_SCMINIMIZE = 0xEF02 ATL_IDS_SCMAXIMIZE = 0xEF03 ATL_IDS_SCNEXTWINDOW = 0xEF04 ATL_IDS_SCPREVWINDOW = 0xEF05 ATL_IDS_SCCLOSE = 0xEF06 ATL_IDS_SCRESTORE = 0xEF12 ATL_IDS_SCTASKLIST = 0xEF13 ATL_IDS_MDICHILD = 0xEF1F ATL_IDS_MRU_FILE = 0xEFDA # Misc. control IDs # Property Sheet control id's (determined with Spy++) ID_APPLY_NOW = 0x3021 ID_WIZBACK = 0x3023 ID_WIZNEXT = 0x3024 ID_WIZFINISH = 0x3025 ATL_IDC_TAB_CONTROL = 0x3020 ## # The GetMenu function retrieves a handle to the menu assigned to the specified window. # # [*Syntax*] HMENU GetMenu( HWND hWnd ); # # hWnd:: Handle to the window whose menu handle is to be retrieved. # # *Returns*:: The return value is a handle to the menu. If the specified window has no menu, the return # value is NULL. If the window is a child window, the return value is undefined. # --- # *Remarks*: # GetMenu does not work on floating menu bars. Floating menu bars are custom controls that mimic # standard menus; they are not menus. To get the handle on a floating menu bar, use the Active # Accessibility APIs. # --- # Minimum DLL Version user32.dll # Header Declared in Winuser.h, include Windows.h # Import library User32.lib # Minimum operating systems Windows 95, Windows NT 3.1 # --- # *See* *Also* # GetSubMenu, SetMenu # Menus: # --- # Enhanced (snake_case) API: returns nil if no menu handle associated with this window. # # :call-seq: # menu_handle = [get_]menu(window_handle) # function :GetMenu, [:HWND], :HMENU, fails: 0 ## # The GetSystemMenu function allows the application to access the window menu (also known as the system # menu or the control menu) for copying and modifying. # # [*Syntax*] HMENU GetSystemMenu( HWND hWnd, BOOL bRevert ); # # hWnd:: Handle to the window that will own a copy of the window menu. # bRevert:: Specifies the action to be taken. If this parameter is FALSE, GetSystemMenu returns a # handle to the copy of the window menu currently in use. The copy is initially identical to # the window menu, but it can be modified. If this parameter is TRUE, GetSystemMenu resets the # window menu back to the default state. The previous window menu, if any, is destroyed. # # *Returns*:: If the bRevert parameter is FALSE, the return value is a handle to a copy of the window # menu. If the bRevert parameter is TRUE, the return value is NULL. # --- # *Remarks*: # Any window that does not use the GetSystemMenu function to make its own copy of the window menu # receives the standard window menu. # The window menu initially contains items with various identifier values, such as SC_CLOSE, SC_MOVE, SC_SIZE. # Menu items on the window menu send WM_SYSCOMMAND messages. # All predefined window menu items have identifier numbers greater than 0xF000. If an application adds # commands to the window menu, it should use identifier numbers less than 0xF000. # The system automatically grays items on the standard window menu, depending on the situation. The # application can perform its own checking or graying by responding to the WM_INITMENU message that is # sent before any menu is displayed. # --- # Minimum DLL Version user32.dll # Header Declared in Winuser.h, include Windows.h # Import library User32.lib # Minimum operating systems Windows 95, Windows NT 3.1 # --- # *See* *Also*: # GetMenu, InsertMenuItem, SetMenuItemInfo, WM_INITMENU, WM_SYSCOMMAND # Menus: # # --- # Enhanced (snake_case) API: reset is optional, defaults to false(do not reset) # # :call-seq: # menu_handle = [get_]system_menu(window_handle, reset) # function :GetSystemMenu, [:HWND, :int8], :HMENU, fails: 0, &->(api, window_handle, reset=false) { window_handle, (reset == 0 || reset == false) ? 0 : 1 } # weird lambda literal instead of normal block is needed because current version of RDoc # goes crazy if block is attached to meta-definition ## # The GetMenuItemCount function determines the number of items in the specified menu. # # [*Syntax*] int GetMenuItemCount( HMENU hMenu ); # # hMenu:: Handle to the menu to be examined. # # *Returns*:: If the function succeeds, the return value specifies the number of items in the menu. # If the function fails, the return value is -1. To get extended error information, call GetLastError. # --- # Minimum DLL Version user32.dll # Header Declared in Winuser.h, include Windows.h # Import library User32.lib # Minimum operating systems Windows 95, Windows NT 3.1 # --- # *See* *Also*: # GetMenuItemID # # --- # Enhanced (snake_case) API: returns nil instead of -1 if function fails # # :call-seq: # num_items = [get_]menu_item_count(menu_handle) # function :GetMenuItemCount, [:HMENU], :int32, fails: -1 ## # The GetMenuItemID function retrieves the menu item identifier of a menu item located at the specified # position in a menu. # # [*Syntax*] UINT GetMenuItemID( HMENU hMenu, int nPos ); # # hMenu:: Handle to the menu that contains the item whose identifier is to be retrieved. # nPos:: Specifies the zero-based relative position of the menu item whose identifier is to be # retrieved. # # *Returns*:: The return value is the identifier of the specified menu item. If the menu item identifier # is NULL or if the specified item opens a submenu, the return value is -1. # -- # Minimum DLL Version user32.dll # Header Declared in Winuser.h, include Windows.h # Import library User32.lib # Minimum operating systems Windows 95, Windows NT 3.1 # --- # See Also: # GetMenuItemCount # # --- # Enhanced (snake_case) API: returns nil instead of -1 if function fails # # :call-seq: # item_id = [get_]menu_item_id(@menu_handle, pos) # function :GetMenuItemID, [:HMENU, :int], :int32, fails: -1 ## # The GetSubMenu function retrieves a handle to the drop-down menu or submenu activated by the specified # menu item. # # [*Syntax*] HMENU GetSubMenu( HMENU hMenu, int nPos ); # # hMenu:: Handle to the menu. # nPos:: Specifies the zero-based relative position in the specified menu of an item that activates # a drop-down menu or submenu. # # *Returns*:: If the function succeeds, the return value is a handle to the drop-down menu or submenu # activated by the menu item. If the menu item does not activate a drop-down menu or # submenu, the return value is NULL. # --- # Minimum DLL Version user32.dll # Header Declared in Winuser.h, include Windows.h # Import library User32.lib # Minimum operating systems Windows 95, Windows NT 3.1 # --- # See Also: CreatePopupMenu, GetMenu # # --- # Enhanced (snake_case) API: # # :call-seq: # sub_menu = [get_]sub_menu(menu_handle, pos) # function :GetSubMenu, [:HMENU, :int], :HMENU, fails: 0 ## # The IsMenu function determines whether a handle is a menu handle. # # [*Syntax*] BOOL IsMenu( HMENU hMenu ); # # hMenu:: Handle to be tested. # # *Returns*:: If hMenu is a menu handle, the return value is nonzero. # If hMenu is not a menu handle, the return value is zero. # --- # Minimum DLL Version user32.dll # Header Declared in Winuser.h, include Windows.h # Import library User32.lib # Minimum operating systems Windows 95, Windows NT 3.1 # Unicode Implemented as Unicode version. # # --- # Enhanced (snake_case) API: returns true/false instead of 1/0 # # :call-seq: # success = menu?(menu_handle) # function :IsMenu, [:HMENU], :int8, boolean: true ## # The CreateMenu function creates a menu. The menu is initially empty, but it can be filled with menu # items by using the InsertMenuItem, AppendMenu, and InsertMenu functions. # # [*Syntax*] HMENU CreateMenu( void ); # # *Returns*:: If the function succeeds, the return value is a handle to the newly created menu. # If the function fails, the return value is NULL. To get extended error information, call GetLastError. # --- # *Remarks*: # Resources associated with a menu that is assigned to a window are freed automatically. If the menu is # not assigned to a window, an application must free system resources associated with the menu before # closing. An application frees menu resources by calling the DestroyMenu function. # Windows 95/98/Me:The system can support a maximum of 16,364 menu handles. # --- # Minimum DLL Version user32.dll # Header Declared in Winuser.h, include Windows.h # Import library User32.lib # Minimum operating systems Windows 95, Windows NT 3.1 # Unicode Implemented as Unicode version. # --- # See Also: AppendMenu, CreatePopupMenu, DestroyMenu, InsertMenu, SetMenu, InsertMenuItem # # :call-seq: # menu_handle = create_menu() # function :CreateMenu, [], :HMENU, fails: 0 ## # The CreatePopupMenu function creates a drop-down menu, submenu, or shortcut menu. The menu is # initially empty. You can insert or append menu items by using the InsertMenuItem function. You can # also use the InsertMenu function to insert menu items and the AppendMenu function to append menu items. # # [*Syntax*] HMENU CreatePopupMenu( void ); # # *Returns*:: If the function succeeds, the return value is a handle to the newly created menu. # If the function fails, the return value is NULL. To get extended error information, call GetLastError. # --- # *Remarks*: # The application can add the new menu to an existing menu, or it can display a shortcut menu by calling # the TrackPopupMenuEx or TrackPopupMenu functions. # Resources associated with a menu that is assigned to a window are freed automatically. If the menu is # not assigned to a window, an application must free system resources associated with the menu before # closing. An application frees menu resources by calling the DestroyMenu function. # --- # Minimum DLL Version user32.dll # Header Declared in Winuser.h, include Windows.h # Import library User32.lib # Minimum operating systems Windows 95, Windows NT 3.1 # Unicode Implemented as Unicode version. # --- # *See* *Also*: # AppendMenu, CreateMenu, DestroyMenu, InsertMenu, SetMenu, TrackPopupMenu, TrackPopupMenuEx, InsertMenuItem # # :call-seq: # success = create_popup_menu() # function :CreatePopupMenu, [], :HMENU, fails: 0 ## # The DestroyMenu function destroys the specified menu and frees any memory that the menu occupies. # # [*Syntax*] BOOL DestroyMenu( HMENU hMenu ); # # hMenu:: Handle to the menu to be destroyed. # # *Returns*:: If the function succeeds, the return value is nonzero. # If the function fails, the return value is zero. To get extended error information, call GetLastError. # --- # *Remarks*: # Before closing, an application must use the DestroyMenu function to destroy a menu not assigned to a # window. A menu that is assigned to a window is automatically destroyed when the application closes. # DestroyMenu is recursive, that is, it will destroy the menu and all its submenus. # --- # Minimum DLL Version user32.dll # Header Declared in Winuser.h, include Windows.h # Import library User32.lib # Minimum operating systems Windows 95, Windows NT 3.1 # Unicode Implemented as Unicode version. # --- # See Also: CreateMenu, DeleteMenu, RemoveMenu, SetMenuItemInfo # # --- # Enhanced (snake_case) API: returns true/false instead of 1/0 # # :call-seq: # success = destroy_menu(menu_handle) # function :DestroyMenu, [:HMENU], :int8, boolean: true ## # The SetMenu function assigns a new menu to the specified window. # # [*Syntax*] BOOL SetMenu( HWND hWnd, HMENU hMenu ); # # hWnd:: Handle to the window to which the menu is to be assigned. # hMenu:: Handle to the new menu. If this parameter is NULL, the window's current menu is removed. # # *Returns*:: If the function succeeds, the return value is nonzero. # If the function fails, the return value is zero. To get extended error information, call GetLastError. # --- # *Remarks*: # The window is redrawn to reflect the menu change. A menu can be assigned to any window that is not a # child window. # The SetMenu function replaces the previous menu, if any, but it does not destroy it. An application # should call the DestroyMenu function to accomplish this task. # --- # Minimum DLL Version user32.dll # Header Declared in Winuser.h, include Windows.h # Import library User32.lib # Minimum operating systems Windows 95, Windows NT 3.1 # Unicode Implemented as Unicode version. # --- # See Also: DestroyMenu, GetMenu # # --- # Enhanced (snake_case) API: menu_handle argument optional # # :call-seq: # success = set_menu(window_handle, menu_handle) # function :SetMenu, [:HWND, :HMENU], :int8, boolean: true, &->(api, window_handle, menu_handle=nil){ window_handle, menu_handle ? menu_handle : 0} ## # The AppendMenu function appends a new ITEM to the end of the specified menu bar, drop-down menu, submenu, or # shortcut menu. You can use this function to specify the content, appearance, and behavior of the menu item. # # [*Syntax*] BOOL AppendMenu( HMENU hMenu, UINT uFlags, UINT_PTR uIDNewItem, LPCTSTR lpNewItem ); # # hMenu:: Handle to the menu bar, drop-down menu, submenu, or shortcut menu to be changed. # uFlags:: Specifies flags to control the appearance and behavior of the new menu item. This # parameter can be a combination of the values listed in the following Remarks section. # uIDNewItem:: Specifies either the identifier of the new menu item or, if the uFlags parameter is # set to MF_POPUP, a handle to the drop-down menu or submenu. # lpNewItem:: Specifies the content of the new menu item. The interpretation of lpNewItem depends # on whether the uFlags parameter includes the MF_BITMAP, MF_OWNERDRAW, or MF_STRING flag, # as shown in the following table. # MF_BITMAP:: Contains a bitmap handle. # MF_OWNERDRAW:: Contains an application-supplied value that can be used to maintain additional # data related to the menu item. The value is in the itemData member of the structure # pointed to by the lParam parameter of the WM_MEASUREITEM or WM_DRAWITEM message # sent when the menu is created or its appearance is updated. # MF_STRING:: Contains a pointer to a null-terminated string. # # *Returns*:: If the function succeeds, the return value is nonzero. If the function fails, the return # value is zero. To get extended error information, call GetLastError. # --- # *Remarks*: # The application must call the DrawMenuBar function whenever a menu changes, whether or not the menu is # in a displayed window. # To get keyboard accelerators to work with bitmap or owner-drawn menu items, the owner of the menu must # process the WM_MENUCHAR message. For more information, see Owner-Drawn Menus and the WM_MENUCHAR Message. # The following flags can be set in the uFlags parameter: # MF_BITMAP:: Uses a bitmap as the menu item. The lpNewItem parameter contains a handle to the bitmap. # MF_CHECKED:: Places a check mark next to the menu item. If the application provides check-mark bitmaps # (see SetMenuItemBitmaps, this flag displays the check-mark bitmap next to the menu item.) # MF_DISABLED:: Disables the menu item so that it cannot be selected, but the flag does not gray it. # MF_ENABLED:: Enables the menu item so that it can be selected, and restores it from its grayed state. # MF_GRAYED:: Disables the menu item and grays it so that it cannot be selected. # MF_MENUBARBREAK:: Functions the same as the MF_MENUBREAK flag for a menu bar. For a drop-down menu, submenu, # or shortcut menu, the new column is separated from the old column by a vertical line. # MF_MENUBREAK:: Places the item on a new line (for a menu bar) or in a new column (for a drop-down menu, # submenu, or shortcut menu) without separating columns. # MF_OWNERDRAW:: Specifies that the item is an owner-drawn item. Before the menu is displayed for the # first time, the window that owns the menu receives a WM_MEASUREITEM message to retrieve # the width and height of the menu item. The WM_DRAWITEM message is then sent to the window # procedure of the owner window whenever the appearance of the menu item must be updated. # MF_POPUP:: Specifies that the menu item opens a drop-down menu or submenu. The uIDNewItem parameter # specifies a handle to the drop-down menu or submenu. This flag is used to add a menu name to a menu # bar, or a menu item that opens a submenu to a drop-down menu, submenu, or shortcut menu. # MF_SEPARATOR:: Draws a horizontal dividing line. This flag is used only in a drop-down menu, submenu, or # shortcut menu. The line cannot be grayed, disabled, or highlighted. The lpNewItem and uIDNewItem # parameters are ignored. # MF_STRING:: Specifies that the menu item is a text string; the lpNewItem parameter is a pointer to the string. # MF_UNCHECKED:: Does not place a check mark next to the item (default). If the application supplies check-mark # bitmaps (see SetMenuItemBitmaps), this flag displays the clear bitmap next to the menu item. # The following groups of flags cannot be used together: # MF_BITMAP, MF_STRING, and MF_OWNERDRAW # MF_CHECKED and MF_UNCHECKED # MF_DISABLED, MF_ENABLED, and MF_GRAYED # MF_MENUBARBREAK and MF_MENUBREAK # --- # Minimum DLL Version user32.dll # Header Declared in Winuser.h, include Windows.h # Import library User32.lib # Minimum operating systems Windows 95, Windows NT 3.1 # Unicode Implemented as ANSI and Unicode versions. # --- # See Also: # CreateMenu, DeleteMenu, DestroyMenu, DrawMenuBar, InsertMenu, InsertMenuItem, ModifyMenu, # RemoveMenu, SetMenuItemBitmaps # # --- # Enhanced (snake_case) API: # # :call-seq: # success = append_menu(menu_handle, flags, id_new_item, lp_new_item) # function :AppendMenu, [:HMENU, :UINT, :UINT, :pointer], :int8, boolean: true ## # The InsertMenu function inserts a new menu item into a menu, moving other items down the menu. # Note The InsertMenu function has been superseded by the InsertMenuItem function. You can still use # InsertMenu, however, if you do not need any of the extended features of InsertMenuItem. # # [*Syntax*] BOOL InsertMenu( HMENU hMenu, UINT uPosition, UINT uFlags, PTR uIDNewItem, LPCTSTR # lpNewItem ); # # hMenu:: Handle to the menu to be changed. # uPosition:: Specifies the menu item before which the new menu item is to be inserted, as # determined by the uFlags parameter. # uFlags:: Specifies flags that control the interpretation of the uPosition parameter and the content, # appearance, and behavior of the new menu item. This parameter must be a combination of one of the # following required values and at least one of the values listed in the following Remarks section. # MF_BYCOMMAND:: Indicates that the uPosition parameter gives the identifier of the menu item. # MF_BYCOMMAND flag is the default if neither MF_BYCOMMAND nor MF_BYPOSITION specified. # MF_BYPOSITION:: Indicates that the uPosition parameter gives the zero-based relative position of the # new menu item. If uPosition is -1, new menu item is appended to the end of the menu. # uIDNewItem:: Specifies either the identifier of the new menu item or, if the uFlags parameter has # the MF_POPUP flag set, a handle to the drop-down menu or submenu. # lpNewItem:: Specifies the content of the new menu item. The interpretation of lpNewItem depends on whether # the uFlags parameter includes the MF_BITMAP, MF_OWNERDRAW, or MF_STRING flag, as follows: # MF_BITMAP:: Contains a bitmap handle. # MF_OWNERDRAW:: Contains an application-supplied value that can be used to maintain additional data # related to the menu item. The value is in the itemData member of the structure # pointed to by the lParam parameter of the WM_MEASUREITEM or WM_DRAWITEM message sent # when the menu item is created or its appearance is updated. # MF_STRING:: Contains a pointer to a null-terminated string (the default). # # *Returns*:: If the function succeeds, the return value is nonzero. # If the function fails, the return value is zero. To get extended error information, call GetLastError. # --- # *Remarks*: # The application must call the DrawMenuBar function whenever a menu changes, whether or not the menu is # in a displayed window. # The following list describes the flags that can be set in the uFlags parameter: # MF_BITMAP:: Uses a bitmap as the menu item. The lpNewItem parameter contains a handle to the bitmap. # MF_CHECKED:: Places a check mark next to the menu item. If the application provides check-mark bitmaps # (see SetMenuItemBitmaps), this flag displays the check-mark bitmap next to the menu item. # MF_DISABLED:: Disables the menu item so that it cannot be selected, but does not gray it. # MF_ENABLED:: Enables the menu item so that it can be selected and restores it from its grayed state. # MF_GRAYED:: Disables the menu item and grays it so it cannot be selected. # MF_MENUBARBREAK:: Functions the same as the MF_MENUBREAK flag for a menu bar. For a drop-down menu, submenu, or # shortcut menu, the new column is separated from the old column by a vertical line. # MF_MENUBREAK:: Places the item on a new line (for menu bars) or in a new column (for a drop-down menu, # submenu, or shortcut menu) without separating columns. # MF_OWNERDRAW:: Specifies that the item is an owner-drawn item. Before the menu is displayed for the first time, # the window that owns the menu receives a WM_MEASUREITEM message to retrieve the width and # height of the menu item. The WM_DRAWITEM message is then sent to the window procedure of the # owner window whenever the appearance of the menu item must be updated. # MF_POPUP:: Specifies that the menu item opens a drop-down menu or submenu. The uIDNewItem parameter # specifies a handle to the drop-down menu or submenu. This flag is used to add a menu name to a menu # bar or a menu item that opens a submenu to a drop-down menu, submenu, or shortcut menu. # MF_SEPARATOR:: Draws a horizontal dividing line. This flag is used only in a drop-down menu, submenu, or # shortcut menu. The line cannot be grayed, disabled, or highlighted. The lpNewItem and uIDNewItem # parameters are ignored. # MF_STRING:: Specifies that the menu item is a text string; the lpNewItem parameter is a pointer to the string. # MF_UNCHECKED:: Does not place a check mark next to the menu item (default). If the application supplies # check-mark bitmaps (see the SetMenuItemBitmaps function), this flag displays the clear bitmap # next to the menu item. # The following groups of flags cannot be used together: # MF_BYCOMMAND and MF_BYPOSITION # MF_DISABLED, MF_ENABLED, and MF_GRAYED # MF_BITMAP, MF_STRING, MF_OWNERDRAW, and MF_SEPARATOR # MF_MENUBARBREAK and MF_MENUBREAK # MF_CHECKED and MF_UNCHECKED # --- # Minimum DLL Version user32.dll # Header Declared in Winuser.h, include Windows.h # Import library User32.lib # Minimum operating systems Windows 95, Windows NT 3.1 # Unicode Implemented as ANSI and Unicode versions. # --- # See Also: AppendMenu, DeleteMenu, DrawMenuBar, InsertMenuItem, ModifyMenu, RemoveMenu, # SetMenuItemBitmaps, WM_DRAWITEM, WM_MEASUREITEM # # --- # Enhanced (snake_case) API: returns true/false instead of 1/0 # # :call-seq: # success = insert_menu(menu_handle, position, flags, id_new_item, lp_new_item) # function :InsertMenu, [:HMENU, :UINT, :UINT, :UINT, :pointer], :int8, boolean: true ## # The DeleteMenu function deletes an item from the specified menu. If the menu item opens a menu or submenu, # this function destroys the handle to the menu or submenu and frees the memory used by the menu or submenu. # # [*Syntax*] BOOL DeleteMenu( HMENU hMenu, UINT uPosition, UINT uFlags ); # # hMenu:: Handle to the menu to be changed. # uPosition:: Specifies the menu item to be deleted, as determined by the uFlags parameter. # uFlags:: Specifies how the uPosition parameter is interpreted. This parameter must be one of the # following values. # MF_BYCOMMAND:: Indicates that uPosition gives the identifier of the menu item. The MF_BYCOMMAND # flag is the default flag if neither MF_BYCOMMAND nor MF_BYPOSITION flag is specified. # MF_BYPOSITION:: Indicates that uPosition gives the zero-based relative position of the menu item. # # *Returns*:: If the function succeeds, the return value is nonzero. # If the function fails, the return value is zero. To get extended error information, call GetLastError. # --- # *Remarks*: # The application must call the DrawMenuBar function whenever a menu changes, whether or not the menu is # in a displayed window. # --- # Minimum DLL Version user32.dll # Header Declared in Winuser.h, include Windows.h # Import library User32.lib # Minimum operating systems Windows 95, Windows NT 3.1 # Unicode Implemented as Unicode version. # --- # See Also: DrawMenuBar, RemoveMenu # # --- # Enhanced (snake_case) API: returns true/false instead of 1/0 # # :call-seq: # success = delete_menu(menu_handle, position, flags) # function :DeleteMenu, [:HMENU, :UINT, :UINT], :int8, boolean: true # Untested: function :CheckMenuItem, 'LII', 'L' function :CheckMenuRadioItem, 'LIIII', :int8, boolean: true function :DrawMenuBar, 'L', :int8, boolean: true function :EnableMenuItem, 'LII', :int8, boolean: true function :EndMenu, [], :int8, boolean: true function :GetMenuBarInfo, 'LLLP', :int8, boolean: true function :GetMenuCheckMarkDimensions, [], 'L' function :GetMenuDefaultItem, 'LII', 'I' function :GetMenuInfo, 'LP', :int8, boolean: true function :GetMenuItemInfo, 'LIIP', :int8, boolean: true function :GetMenuItemRect, 'LLIP', :int8, boolean: true function :GetMenuState, 'LLI', 'I' function :GetMenuString, 'LIPII', 'I' function :HiliteMenuItem, 'LLII', :int8, boolean: true function :InsertMenuItem, 'LIIP', :int8, boolean: true function :LoadMenu, 'LP', 'L' function :LoadMenuIndirect, 'P', 'L' function :MenuItemFromPoint, 'LLP', 'I' function :ModifyMenu, 'LIIPP', :int8, boolean: true function :RemoveMenu, 'LII', :int8, boolean: true function :SetMenuDefaultItem, 'LLL', :int8, boolean: true function :SetMenuInfo, 'LP', :int8, boolean: true function :SetMenuItemBitmaps, 'LIILL', :int8, boolean: true function :SetMenuItemInfo, 'LIIP', :int8, boolean: true function :TrackPopupMenu, 'LIIIILP', :int8, boolean: true function :TrackPopupMenuEx, 'LIIILP', :int8, boolean: true end end end