module Hashicorptools NUMBER_OF_AMIS_TO_KEEP = 2 class Packer < Thor include Ec2Utilities include Variables desc "build", "creates an AMI from the current config" option :debug, :required => false def build _build end desc "validate", "validates the packer config" def validate system "packer validate #{ami_config_path}" end desc "console", "interactive session" def console require 'byebug' byebug end desc "list", "list all available amis" def list amis.each do |ami| puts ami.image_id end end desc "clean", "clean old AMIs that are no longer needed" def clean clean_amis end desc "clean_snapshots", "clean obsolete EBS snapshots not associated with any AMI" def clean_snapshots snapshots = ec2.snapshots.with_owner('self') snapshots.each do |snapshot| match = snapshot.description.match(/Created by CreateImage\(.+\) for (ami-[0-9a-f]+) from vol-.+/) if match.nil? puts "Skipping #{} - #{snapshot.description}" next end ami_id = match[1] unless ec2.images[ami_id].exists? puts "Removing obsolete snapshot #{} - #{snapshot.description}" snapshot = snapshot.delete end end end desc "boot", "start up an instance of the latest version of AMI" def boot run_instances_resp = ec2.run_instances(image_id: current_ami('base-image').image_id, min_count: 1, max_count: 1, instance_type: "t2.micro") ec2.create_tags( resources: run_instances_resp.instances.collect{|i| i.instance_id }, tags: [ {key: 'Name', value: "packer test boot #{tag_name}"}, {key: 'environment', value: 'packer-development'}, {key: 'temporary', value: 'kill me'}]) require 'byebug' byebug end protected def _build(settings_overrides={}) settings_overrides.merge!({source_ami: source_ami_id, ami_tag: tag_name, cookbook_name: cookbook_name}) if options[:debug] puts "[DEBUG] Executing 'packer build -debug #{variables(settings_overrides)} #{ami_config_path}'" system "packer build -debug \ #{variables(settings_overrides)} \ #{ami_config_path}" else system "packer build \ #{variables(settings_overrides)} \ #{ami_config_path}" end clean_amis end def source_ami_id current_ami('base-image').image_id end def format_variable(key, value) "-var '#{key}=#{value}'" end def tag_name raise 'implement me' end def cookbook_name raise 'implement me' end def ami_config_path File.expand_path('../ami_configs/standard-ami.json', __FILE__) end def region 'us-east-1' end def auto_scaling @auto_scaling ||= region) end def ec2_v2 @ec2 ||= region) end def amis_in_use launch_configs = auto_scaling.describe_launch_configurations image_ids =['launch_configurations'].collect{|lc| lc.image_id}.flatten ec2_reservations = ec2_v2.describe_instances image_ids << ec2_reservations.reservations.collect{|res| res.instances.collect{|r| r.image_id}}.flatten image_ids.flatten end def clean_amis ami_ids = amis.collect{|a| a.image_id} ami_ids_to_remove = ami_ids - amis_in_use potential_amis_to_remove = amis potential_amis_to_remove.keep_if {|a| ami_ids_to_remove.include?(a.image_id) } if potential_amis_to_remove.size > NUMBER_OF_AMIS_TO_KEEP amis_to_remove = potential_amis_to_remove[NUMBER_OF_AMIS_TO_KEEP..-1] amis_to_keep = potential_amis_to_remove[0..(NUMBER_OF_AMIS_TO_KEEP-1)] puts "Deregistering old AMIs..." amis_to_remove.each do |ami| ebs_mappings = ami.block_device_mappings puts "Deregistering #{ami.image_id}" ami.deregister delete_ami_snapshots(ebs_mappings) end puts "Currently active AMIs..." amis_to_keep.each do |ami| puts ami.image_id end else puts "no AMIs to clean." end end def delete_ami_snapshots(ebs_mappings) ebs_mappings.each do |volume, attributes| puts "Deleting snapshot #{attributes[:snapshot_id]}" snapshot =[:snapshot_id]) snapshot.delete end end end end