require "spec_helper" describe "Vidibus::Service::Mongoid" do let(:realm) { "12ab69f099a4012d4df558b035f038ab" } let(:this) { Service.create!(:function => "manager", :url => "http://manager.local", :uuid => "344b4b8088fb012dd3e558b035f038ab", :secret => "EaDai5nz16DbQTWQuuFdd4WcAiZYRPDwZTn2IQeXbPE4yBg3rr", :realm_uuid => nil, :this => true) } let(:connector) { Service.create!(:function => "connector", :url => "http://connector.local", :uuid => "60dfef509a8e012d599558b035f038ab", :secret => nil, :realm_uuid => nil) } let(:uploader) { Service.create!(:function => "uploader", :url => "http://uploader.local", :uuid => "c0861d609247012d0a8b58b035f038ab", :secret => "A7q8Vzxgrk9xrw2FCnvV4bv01UP/LBUUM0lIGDmMcB2GsBTIqx", :realm_uuid => realm) } let(:client_mock) { this; mock.any_instance_of(Vidibus::Service::Client) } describe "validation" do it "should pass with valid attributes" do this.should be_valid end it "should fail without a valid URL" do this.url = "something" this.should be_invalid end it "should fail without a function" do this.function = "" this.should be_invalid this.errors[:function].should have(1).error end it "should pass with arbitrary functions" do this.function = :something this.should be_valid end it "should fail if a secret is given for Connector" do connector.secret = "something" connector.should be_invalid connector.errors[:secret].should have(1).error connector.errors[:secret].first.should eql("is not allowed for a Connector") end it "should pass with empty secret for Connector" do connector.secret = nil connector.should be_valid end it "should fail without a secret for services except Connector" do uploader.secret = nil uploader.should be_invalid uploader.errors[:secret].should have(1).error end it "should fail without a realm_uuid for services except Connector and this" do uploader.realm_uuid = nil uploader.should be_invalid uploader.errors[:realm_uuid].should have(1).error end it "should pass with empty realm_uuid for Connector" do connector.realm_uuid = nil connector.should be_valid end it "should pass if realm_uuid is given for Connector" do connector.realm_uuid = realm connector.should be_valid end it "should pass if a realm_uuid is given for this" do this.realm_uuid = realm this.should be_valid end it "should fail for duplicate UUIDs within same realm" do duplicate_service = => uploader.uuid, :realm_uuid => realm) duplicate_service.should be_invalid duplicate_service.errors[:uuid].should have(1).error end end describe "#url" do it "should be set without trailing slash" do this.url = "http://manager.local/" this.url.should eql("http://manager.local") end it "should be stored without trailing slash" do this.update_attributes(:url => "http://manager.local/") this.reload.url.should eql("http://manager.local") end end describe "#domain" do it "should return the url without protocol" do this.domain.should eql(this.url.gsub(/https?:\/\//, "")) end end describe "#connector?" do it "should return true if service is a Connector" do connector.connector?.should be_true end it "should return false if service is not a Connector" do uploader.connector?.should be_false end end describe "#get" do it "should trigger a GET request" do client_mock.get("/something", :query => { :gotta => "give" }) uploader.get("/something", :query => { :gotta => "give" }) end end describe "#post" do it "should trigger a POST request" do"/something", :query => { :do => "it" })"/something", :query => { :do => "it" }) end end describe "#put" do it "should trigger a PUT request" do client_mock.put("/something", :query => { :new => "stuff" }) uploader.put("/something", :query => { :new => "stuff" }) end end describe "#delete" do it "should trigger a DELETE request" do client_mock.delete("/something/else", {}) uploader.delete("/something/else") end end describe ".this" do it "should return this service" do this Service.this.should eql(this) end it "should raise an error if this service has not been configured yet" do expect {Service.this}.to raise_error(Service::ConfigurationError) end end describe ".connector" do it "should return the Connector" do connector Service.connector.should eql(connector) end it "should raise an error if the Connector has not been configured yet" do expect {Service.connector}.to raise_error(Service::ConfigurationError) end end describe ".local" do before {uploader} it "should return a service matching given function without a realm" do connector Service.local(:connector).should eql(connector) end it "should return a service matching given function and realm" do Service.local(:uploader, realm).should eql(uploader) end it "should return no service if it does not match given realm" do Service.local(:uploader).should be_nil end it "should return no service if it does not match given function" do Service.local(:connector, realm).should be_nil end it "should return a service matching given UUID and realm" do Service.local(uploader.uuid, realm).should eql(uploader) end it "should return no service if it does not match given function" do Service.local("123", realm).should be_nil end end describe ".discover" do it "should first try to find a local service" do uploader mock(Service).local(:uploader, realm) {uploader} dont_allow(Service).remote(:uploader, realm), realm).should eql(uploader) end it "if no local service can be found a remote one should be fetched" do mock(Service).local(:uploader, realm) {nil} mock(Service).remote(:uploader, realm) {uploader}, realm).should eql(uploader) end end describe ".remote" do it "should require a realm" do expect {Service.remote(:uploader, nil)}.to raise_error(ArgumentError) end it "should fetch service data from Connector and create a local service object" do connector and this stub_http_request(:get, "http://connector.local/services/uploader"). with(:query => {:realm => "12ab69f099a4012d4df558b035f038ab", :service => "344b4b8088fb012dd3e558b035f038ab", :sign => "d27be37e9440765d38789f9000a5b3a86c741b3954c88f7b1769e4067ac9fbd0"}). to_return(:status => 200, :body => %({"uuid":"c0861d609247012d0a8b58b035f038ab", "url":"http://uploader.local", "function":"uploader", "secret":"kjO8AjgX68Yp7OQ1XF8dTfPBE5GCuCnd/OPko+A9yCaw8qnj9xoyMGZEXQpf\niVBOUcux1qlW8hfT6UPKGoVfYA==\n"})) Service.remote(:uploader, realm) uploader = Service.local(:uploader, realm) uploader.uuid.should eql("c0861d609247012d0a8b58b035f038ab") uploader.function.should eql("uploader") uploader.url.should eql("http://uploader.local") uploader.secret.should eql(Vidibus::Secure.decrypt("kjO8AjgX68Yp7OQ1XF8dTfPBE5GCuCnd/OPko+A9yCaw8qnj9xoyMGZEXQpf\niVBOUcux1qlW8hfT6UPKGoVfYA==\n", this.secret)) end it "should raise an error requested service has already been stored" do connector and this and uploader stub_http_request(:get, "http://connector.local/services/uploader"). with(:query => {:realm => "e75234809111012d05ac58b035f038ab", :service => "973a8710926e012d0a8c58b035f038ab", :sign => "a93d3a1a0124e969f97d68feab37638ec8737b1d8ddc582cd204fbb228ad7e2b"}). to_return(:status => 200, :body => %({"uuid":"c0861d609247012d0a8b58b035f038ab", "url":"http://uploader.local", "function":"uploader", "secret":"kjO8AjgX68Yp7OQ1XF8dTfPBE5GCuCnd/OPko+A9yCaw8qnj9xoyMGZEXQpf\niVBOUcux1qlW8hfT6UPKGoVfYA==\n"})) expect { Service.remote(:uploader, realm) }.to raise_error end end end