# MongoFe This is a simple Sinatra based web front-end that can be used for experimenting and learning MongoDB. The MongoFe gem can also be used for simple administrative tasks, managing collections and document basic operations such as: create new documents, delete existing ones, search by various criteria and document indexing. ### Installation $ gem install mongo_fe ### Credentials Create a file in your home directory called: `.mongo_fe` In this file add the following: uri: mongodb://localhost:27017 Examples: uri: mongodb://nemo:clownfish@ds02231897.mongolab.com:33897/Reef ### Usage Verify first that you have access to a MongoDB instance. [See the install guides](http://www.mongodb.org/display/DOCS/Quickstart/), if need be. I used the [Homebrew](http://mxcl.github.com/homebrew/) package manager to install mongodb. If you have Homebrew, run the following commands: $ brew update $ brew install mongodb To start the MongoFe web server: $ mongofe or you can start the web server pointing it to a remote MongoDB url, example: $ mongofe -C mongodb://sheppard:arterius@masseffect3.mongolab.com:33897/datamelee $ mongofe -C mongodb://Genetically:Enhanced@"spiritual_successor.mongohq.com:10075/BioShock (fictive links, real syntax) MongoFe works well with remote MongoDB instances, see: [mongolab.com](https://mongolab.com/home) or [mongohq.com](https://mongohq.com), for example. To stop the server: $ mongofe -K ### Screenshots In the mean time, I'd love for you to check out these screenshots to get a feel for MongoFe and see some of the administrative interfaces designed to make your day to day tasks easier. **database info** ![Database info](https://img.skitch.com/20120716-g4cbs3yrrwifa5pscnafitw3hw.png) **documents query and management** ![Documents view](https://img.skitch.com/20120716-nhjfsadxug7shnkfqmui5wc7qp.png) **index management** ![Indexes view](https://img.skitch.com/20120716-c7bwmw31wr3kmsb9ebsufhsrtj.png) Have fun! ### Contributing * Fork it * Create your feature branch (``git checkout -b my-new-feature``) * Add some tests and please make sure they pass * Commit your changes (``git commit -am 'Added some feature'``) * Push to the branch (``git push origin my-new-feature``) * Create new Pull Request ### License MIT License