module Hyrax module PermissionsControllerBehavior extend ActiveSupport::Concern included do helper_method :curation_concern end def confirm # intentional noop to display default view end def copy authorize! :edit, curation_concern VisibilityCopyJob.perform_later(curation_concern) flash_message = 'Updating file permissions. This may take a few minutes. You may want to refresh your browser or return to this record later to see the updated file permissions.' redirect_to [main_app, curation_concern], notice: flash_message end def confirm_access # intentional noop to display default view end def copy_access authorize! :edit, curation_concern # copy visibility VisibilityCopyJob.perform_later(curation_concern) # copy permissions InheritPermissionsJob.perform_later(curation_concern) redirect_to [main_app, curation_concern], notice: I18n.t("hyrax.upload.change_access_flash_message") end def curation_concern @curation_concern ||= ActiveFedora::Base.find(params[:id]) end end end