module Kontena module Callbacks class AuthenticateAfterDeploy < Kontena::Callback include Kontena::Cli::Common matches_commands 'master create' def after ENV["DEBUG"] && STDERR.puts("Command result: #{command.result.inspect}") ENV["DEBUG"] && STDERR.puts("Command exit code: #{command.exit_code.inspect}") return unless command.exit_code == 0 return unless command.result.kind_of?(Hash) return unless command.result.has_key?(:public_ip) return unless command.result.has_key?(:code) return unless command.result.has_key?(:name) # If plugins generate self-signed cert, most of the upcoming callbacks will # fail without this. This can be made bit more clever once all the plugins # return the generated self-signed certificate. ENV['SSL_IGNORE_ERRORS'] = 'true' # In case there already is a server with the same name add random characters to name if config.find_server(command.result[:name]) command.result[:name] = "#{command.result[:name]}-#{SecureRandom.hex(2)}" end new_master = url: "https://#{command.result[:public_ip]}", name: command.result[:name] ) retried = false # Figure out if HTTPS works, if not, try HTTP begin ENV["DEBUG"] && STDERR.puts("Trying to request / from #{new_master.url}") client =, nil, ignore_ssl_errors: true) client.get('/') rescue ENV["DEBUG"] && STDERR.puts("HTTPS test failed: #{$!} #{$!.message}") unless retried new_master.url = "http://#{command.result[:public_ip]}" retried = true retry end return end require 'shellwords' cmd = "master login --no-login-info --skip-grid-auto-select --verbose --name #{command.result[:name].shellescape} --code #{command.result[:code].shellescape} #{new_master.url.shellescape}" Retriable.retriable do ENV["DEBUG"] && STDERR.puts("Running: #{cmd}") end end end end end