require "indefinite_article" require "yaml" require "scaffolding/class_names_transformer" class Scaffolding::Transformer attr_accessor :child, :parent, :parents, :class_names_transformer, :cli_options, :additional_steps, :namespace, :suppress_could_not_find def initialize(child, parents, cli_options = {}) self.child = child self.parent = parents.first self.parents = parents self.namespace = cli_options["namespace"] || "account" self.class_names_transformer =, parent, namespace) self.cli_options = cli_options self.additional_steps = [] end RUBY_NEW_FIELDS_PROCESSING_HOOK = "# 🚅 super scaffolding will insert processing for new fields above this line." RUBY_NEW_ARRAYS_HOOK = "# 🚅 super scaffolding will insert new arrays above this line." RUBY_NEW_FIELDS_HOOK = "# 🚅 super scaffolding will insert new fields above this line." RUBY_ADDITIONAL_NEW_FIELDS_HOOK = "# 🚅 super scaffolding will also insert new fields above this line." RUBY_EVEN_MORE_NEW_FIELDS_HOOK = "# 🚅 super scaffolding will additionally insert new fields above this line." ENDPOINTS_HOOK = "# 🚅 super scaffolding will mount new endpoints above this line." ERB_NEW_FIELDS_HOOK = "<%#{RUBY_NEW_FIELDS_HOOK} %>" CONCERNS_HOOK = "# 🚅 add concerns above." BELONGS_TO_HOOK = "# 🚅 add belongs_to associations above." HAS_MANY_HOOK = "# 🚅 add has_many associations above." OAUTH_PROVIDERS_HOOK = "# 🚅 add oauth providers above." HAS_ONE_HOOK = "# 🚅 add has_one associations above." SCOPES_HOOK = "# 🚅 add scopes above." VALIDATIONS_HOOK = "# 🚅 add validations above." CALLBACKS_HOOK = "# 🚅 add callbacks above." DELEGATIONS_HOOK = "# 🚅 add delegations above." METHODS_HOOK = "# 🚅 add methods above." def encode_double_replacement_fix(string) string.chars.join("~!@BT@!~") end def decode_double_replacement_fix(string) string.gsub("~!@BT@!~", "") end def transform_string(string) [ # full class name plural. "Scaffolding::AbsolutelyAbstract::CreativeConcepts", "Scaffolding::CompletelyConcrete::TangibleThings", "scaffolding/absolutely_abstract/creative_concepts", "scaffolding/completely_concrete/tangible_things", "scaffolding/completely_concrete/_tangible_things", "scaffolding_absolutely_abstract_creative_concepts", "scaffolding_completely_concrete_tangible_things", "scaffolding-absolutely-abstract-creative-concepts", "scaffolding-completely-concrete-tangible-things", # full class name singular. "Scaffolding::AbsolutelyAbstract::CreativeConcept", "Scaffolding::CompletelyConcrete::TangibleThing", "scaffolding/absolutely_abstract/creative_concept", "scaffolding/completely_concrete/tangible_thing", "scaffolding_absolutely_abstract_creative_concept", "scaffolding_completely_concrete_tangible_thing", "scaffolding-absolutely-abstract-creative-concept", "scaffolding-completely-concrete-tangible-thing", # class name in context plural. "absolutely_abstract_creative_concepts", "completely_concrete_tangible_things", "absolutely_abstract/creative_concepts", "completely_concrete/tangible_things", "absolutely-abstract-creative-concepts", "completely-concrete-tangible-things", # class name in context singular. "absolutely_abstract_creative_concept", "completely_concrete_tangible_thing", "absolutely_abstract/creative_concept", "completely_concrete/tangible_thing", "absolutely-abstract-creative-concept", "completely-concrete-tangible-thing", # just class name singular. "creative_concepts", "tangible_things", "creative-concepts", "tangible-things", "Creative Concepts", "Tangible Things", # just class name plural. "creative_concept", "tangible_thing", "creative-concept", "tangible-thing", "Creative Concept", "Tangible Thing", # Account namespace vs. others. ":account", "/account/" ].each do |needle| string = string.gsub(needle, encode_double_replacement_fix(class_names_transformer.replacement_for(needle))) end decode_double_replacement_fix(string) end def resolve_template_path(file) # Figure out the actual location of the file. # Originally all the potential source files were in the repository alongside the application. # Now the files could be provided by an included Ruby gem, so we allow those Ruby gems to register their base # path and then we check them in order to see which template we should use. do |base_path| base_path = resolved_path = base_path.join(file).to_s File.exist?(resolved_path) ? resolved_path : nil end.compact.first || raise("Couldn't find the Super Scaffolding template for `#{file}` in any of the following locations:\n\n#{BulletTrain::SuperScaffolding.template_paths.join("\n")}") end def get_transformed_file_content(file) transformed_file_content = [] skipping = false gathering_lines_to_repeat = false parents_to_repeat_for = [] gathered_lines_for_repeating = nil do |line| if line.include?("# 🚅 skip when scaffolding.") next end if line.include?("# 🚅 skip this section if resource is nested directly under team.") skipping = true if parent == "Team" next end if line.include?("# 🚅 skip this section when scaffolding.") skipping = true next end if line.include?("# 🚅 stop any skipping we're doing now.") skipping = false next end if line.include?("# 🚅 for each child resource from team down to the resource we're scaffolding, repeat the following:") gathering_lines_to_repeat = true parents_to_repeat_for = ([child] + parents.dup).reverse gathered_lines_for_repeating = [] next end if line.include?("# 🚅 stop repeating.") gathering_lines_to_repeat = false while parents_to_repeat_for.count > 1 current_parent = parents_to_repeat_for[0] current_child = parents_to_repeat_for[1] current_transformer =, current_parent) transformed_file_content << current_transformer.transform_string(gathered_lines_for_repeating.join) parents_to_repeat_for.shift end next end if gathering_lines_to_repeat gathered_lines_for_repeating << line next end if skipping next end # remove lines with 'remove in scaffolded files.' unless line.include?("remove in scaffolded files.") # only transform it if it doesn't have the lock emoji. if line.include?("🔒") # remove any comments that start with a lock. line.gsub!(/\s+?#\s+🔒.*/, "") else line = transform_string(line) end transformed_file_content << line end end transformed_file_content.join end def scaffold_file(file) transformed_file_content = get_transformed_file_content(file) transformed_file_name = transform_string(file) transformed_directory_name = File.dirname(transformed_file_name) unless FileUtils.mkdir_p(transformed_directory_name) end puts "Writing '#{transformed_file_name}'." File.write(transformed_file_name, transformed_file_content.strip + "\n") if transformed_file_name.split(".").last == "rb" puts "Fixing Standard Ruby on '#{transformed_file_name}'." # `standardrb --fix #{transformed_file_name} 2> /dev/null` end end def scaffold_directory(directory) transformed_directory_name = transform_string(directory) begin Dir.mkdir(transformed_directory_name) rescue Errno::EEXIST => _ puts "The directory #{transformed_directory_name} already exists, skipping generation.".yellow rescue Errno::ENOENT => _ puts "Proceeding to generate '#{transformed_directory_name}'." end Dir.foreach(resolve_template_path(directory)) do |file| file = "#{directory}/#{file}" unless scaffold_file(file) end end end # pass in an array where this content should be inserted within the yml file. For example, to add content # to admin.models pass in [:admin, :models] def add_line_to_yml_file(file, content, location_array) # First check that the given location array actually exists in the yml file: yml = YAML.safe_load(!(&:to_s) return nil if yml.dig(*location_array).nil? # Should we raise an error? content += "\n" unless content[-1] == "\n" # Find the location in the file where the location_array is lines = File.readlines(file) current_needle = location_array.shift.to_s current_space = "" insert_after = 1 lines.each_with_index do |line, index| break if current_needle.nil? if line.strip == current_needle + ":" current_needle = location_array.shift.to_s insert_after = index current_space = line.match(/\s+/).to_s end end new_lines = [] current_space += " " lines.each_with_index do |line, index| new_lines << line new_lines << current_space + content if index == insert_after end File.write(file, new_lines.join) end def add_line_to_file(file, content, hook, options = {}) increase_indent = options[:increase_indent] add_before = options[:add_before] add_after = options[:add_after] transformed_file_name = file transformed_content = content transform_hook = hook begin target_file_content = rescue Errno::ENOENT => _ puts "Couldn't find '#{transformed_file_name}'".red unless suppress_could_not_find || options[:suppress_could_not_find] return false end if target_file_content.include?(transformed_content) puts "No need to update '#{transformed_file_name}'. It already has '#{transformed_content}'." else new_target_file_content = [] target_file_content.split("\n").each do |line| if options[:exact_match] ? line == transform_hook : line.match(/#{Regexp.escape(transform_hook)}\s*$/) if add_before new_target_file_content << "#{line} #{add_before}" else unless options[:prepend] new_target_file_content << line end end line =~ /^(\s*).*#{Regexp.escape(transform_hook)}.*/ leading_whitespace = $1 incoming_leading_whitespace = nil transformed_content.lines.each do |content_line| content_line.rstrip content_line =~ /^(\s*).*/ # this ignores empty lines. # it accepts any amount of whitespace if we haven't seen any whitespace yet. if content_line.present? && $1 && (incoming_leading_whitespace.nil? || $1.length < incoming_leading_whitespace.length) incoming_leading_whitespace = $1 end end incoming_leading_whitespace ||= "" transformed_content.lines.each do |content_line| new_target_file_content << "#{leading_whitespace}#{" " if increase_indent}#{content_line.gsub(/^#{incoming_leading_whitespace}/, "").rstrip}".presence end new_target_file_content << "#{leading_whitespace}#{add_after}" if add_after if options[:prepend] new_target_file_content << line end else new_target_file_content << line end end puts "Updating '#{transformed_file_name}'." File.write(transformed_file_name, new_target_file_content.join("\n").strip + "\n") end end def scaffold_add_line_to_file(file, content, hook, options = {}) file = transform_string(file) content = transform_string(content) hook = transform_string(hook) add_line_to_file(file, content, hook, options) end def replace_line_in_file(file, content, in_place_of) target_file_content = if target_file_content.include?(content) puts "No need to update '#{file}'. It already has '#{content}'." else puts "Updating '#{file}'." target_file_content.gsub!(in_place_of, content) File.write(file, target_file_content) end end def scaffold_replace_line_in_file(file, content, in_place_of) file = transform_string(file) # we specifically don't transform the content, we assume a builder function created this content. in_place_of = transform_string(in_place_of) replace_line_in_file(file, content, in_place_of) end # if class_name isn't specified, we use `child`. # if class_name is specified, then `child` is assumed to be a parent of `class_name`. # returns an array with the ability line and a boolean indicating whether the ability line should be inserted among # the abilities for admins only. (this happens when building an ability line for a resources that doesn't ultimately # belong to a Team or a User.) def build_ability_line(class_names = nil) # e.g. ['Conversations::Message', 'Conversation'] if class_names # e.g. 'Conversations::Message' class_name = class_names.shift # e.g. ['Conversation', 'Deliverable', 'Phase', 'Project', 'Team'] working_parents = class_names + [child] + parents else # e.g. 'Deliverable' class_name = child # e.g. ['Phase', 'Project', 'Team'] working_parents = parents.dup end case working_parents.last when "User" working_parents.pop ability_line = "user_id:" when "Team" working_parents.pop ability_line = "team_id: user.team_ids" else # if a resources is specified that isn't ultimately owned by a team or a user, then only admins can manage it. return ["can :manage, #{class_name}", true] end # e.g. ['Phase', 'Project'] while working_parents.any? current_parent = working_parents.pop current_transformer = || class_name, current_parent, namespace) ability_line = "#{current_transformer.parent_variable_name_in_context}: {#{ability_line}}" end # e.g. "can :manage, Deliverable, phase: {project: {team_id: user.team_ids}}" ["can :manage, #{class_name}, #{ability_line}", false] end def build_conversation_ability_line build_ability_line(["Conversations::Message", "Conversation"]) end def add_scaffolding_hooks_to_model before_scaffolding_hooks = <<~RUBY #{CONCERNS_HOOK} RUBY after_scaffolding_hooks = <<-RUBY #{BELONGS_TO_HOOK} #{HAS_MANY_HOOK} #{HAS_ONE_HOOK} #{SCOPES_HOOK} #{VALIDATIONS_HOOK} #{CALLBACKS_HOOK} #{DELEGATIONS_HOOK} #{METHODS_HOOK} RUBY # add scaffolding hooks to the model. unless File.readlines(transform_string("./app/models/scaffolding/completely_concrete/tangible_thing.rb")).join.include?(CONCERNS_HOOK) scaffold_add_line_to_file("./app/models/scaffolding/completely_concrete/tangible_thing.rb", before_scaffolding_hooks, "ApplicationRecord", increase_indent: true) end unless File.readlines(transform_string("./app/models/scaffolding/completely_concrete/tangible_thing.rb")).join.include?(BELONGS_TO_HOOK) scaffold_add_line_to_file("./app/models/scaffolding/completely_concrete/tangible_thing.rb", after_scaffolding_hooks, "end", prepend: true, increase_indent: true, exact_match: true) end end def add_ability_line_to_roles_yml(class_names = nil) model_names = class_names || [child] role_file = "./config/models/roles.yml" model_names.each do |model_name| add_line_to_yml_file(role_file, "#{model_name}: read", [:default, :models]) add_line_to_yml_file(role_file, "#{model_name}: manage", [:admin, :models]) end end def build_factory_setup class_name = child working_parents = parents.dup current_parent = working_parents.pop current_transformer = || class_name, [current_parent]) setup_lines = [] unless current_parent == "Team" || current_parent == "User" setup_lines << current_transformer.transform_string("@absolutely_abstract_creative_concept = create(:scaffolding_absolutely_abstract_creative_concept)") end previous_assignment = current_transformer.transform_string("absolutely_abstract_creative_concept: @absolutely_abstract_creative_concept") current_parent = working_parents.pop while current_parent current_transformer = || class_name, [current_parent]) setup_lines << current_transformer.transform_string("@absolutely_abstract_creative_concept = create(:scaffolding_absolutely_abstract_creative_concept, #{previous_assignment})") previous_assignment = current_transformer.transform_string("absolutely_abstract_creative_concept: @absolutely_abstract_creative_concept") current_parent = working_parents.pop end setup_lines << current_transformer.transform_string("@tangible_thing = create(:scaffolding_completely_concrete_tangible_thing, #{previous_assignment})") setup_lines end def replace_in_file(file, before, after, target_regexp = nil) puts "Replacing in '#{file}'." if target_regexp.present? target_file_content = "" do |l| l.gsub!(before, after) if !!l.match(target_regexp) target_file_content += l end else target_file_content = target_file_content.gsub!(before, after) end File.write(file, target_file_content) end def restart_server # restart the server. puts "Restarting the server so it picks up the new localization .yml file." `./bin/rails restart` end def add_locale_helper_export_fix namespaced_locale_export_hook = "# 🚅 super scaffolding will insert the export for the locale view helper here." spacer = " " indentation = spacer * 3 namespace_elements = child.underscore.pluralize.split("/") last_element = namespace_elements.shift lines_to_add = [last_element + ":"] do |namespace_element| lines_to_add << indentation + namespace_element + ":" last_element = namespace_element indentation += spacer end lines_to_add << lines_to_add.pop + " *#{last_element}" scaffold_replace_line_in_file("./config/locales/en/scaffolding/completely_concrete/tangible_things.en.yml", lines_to_add.join("\n"), namespaced_locale_export_hook) end def scaffold_new_breadcrumbs(child, parents) scaffold_file("./app/views/account/scaffolding/completely_concrete/tangible_things/_breadcrumbs.html.erb") puts puts "Heads up! We're only able to generate the new breadcrumb views, so you'll have to edit `#{transform_string("./config/locales/en/scaffolding/completely_concrete/tangible_things.en.yml")}` and add the label. You can look at `./config/locales/en/scaffolding/completely_concrete/tangible_things.en.yml` for an example of how to do this, but here's an example of what it should look like:".yellow puts puts transform_string("en:\n scaffolding/completely_concrete/tangible_things: &tangible_things\n label: &label Things\n breadcrumbs:\n label: *label").yellow puts end def add_has_many_association has_many_line = ["has_many :completely_concrete_tangible_things"] # TODO I _think_ this is the right way to check for whether we need `class_name` to specify the name of the model. unless transform_string("completely_concrete_tangible_things").classify == child has_many_line << "class_name: \"Scaffolding::CompletelyConcrete::TangibleThing\"" end has_many_line << "dependent: :destroy" # TODO I _think_ this is the right way to check for whether we need `foreign_key` to specify the name of the model. unless transform_string("absolutely_abstract_creative_concept_id") == "#{parent.underscore}_id" has_many_line << "foreign_key: :absolutely_abstract_creative_concept_id" # And if we need `foreign_key`, we should also specify `inverse_of`. has_many_line << "inverse_of: :absolutely_abstract_creative_concept" end has_many_string = transform_string(has_many_line.join(", ")) add_line_to_file(transform_string("./app/models/scaffolding/absolutely_abstract/creative_concept.rb"), has_many_string, HAS_MANY_HOOK, prepend: true) # Return the name of the has_many association. has_many_string.split(",").first.split(":").last end def add_has_many_through_associations(has_many_through_transformer) has_many_association = add_has_many_association has_many_through_string = has_many_through_transformer.transform_string("has_many :completely_concrete_tangible_things, through: :$HAS_MANY_ASSOCIATION") has_many_through_string.gsub!("$HAS_MANY_ASSOCIATION", has_many_association) add_line_to_file(transform_string("./app/models/scaffolding/absolutely_abstract/creative_concept.rb"), has_many_through_string, HAS_MANY_HOOK, prepend: true) end def add_attributes_to_various_views(attributes, scaffolding_options = {}) sql_type_to_field_type_mapping = { # 'binary' => '', "boolean" => "buttons", "date" => "date_field", "datetime" => "date_and_time_field", "decimal" => "text_field", "float" => "text_field", "integer" => "text_field", "bigint" => "text_field", # 'primary_key' => '', # 'references' => '', "string" => "text_field", "text" => "text_area" # 'time' => '', # 'timestamp' => '', } # add attributes to various views. attributes.each_with_index do |attribute, index| first_table_cell = index == 0 && scaffolding_options[:type] == :crud parts = attribute.split(":") name = parts.shift type = parts.join(":") boolean_buttons = type == "boolean" # extract any options they passed in with the field. # will extract options declared with either [] or {}. type, attribute_options = type.scan(/^(.*){(.*)}/).first || type # create a hash of the options. attribute_options = if attribute_options attribute_options.split(",").map { |s| option_name, option_value = s.split("=") [option_name.to_sym, option_value || true] }.to_h else {} end attribute_options[:label] ||= "label_string" if sql_type_to_field_type_mapping[type] type = sql_type_to_field_type_mapping[type] end is_id = name.match?(/_id$/) is_ids = name.match?(/_ids$/) # if this is the first attribute of a newly scaffolded model, that field is required. is_required = attribute_options[:required] || (scaffolding_options[:type] == :crud && index == 0) is_vanilla = attribute_options&.key?(:vanilla) is_belongs_to = is_id && !is_vanilla is_has_many = is_ids && !is_vanilla is_multiple = attribute_options&.key?(:multiple) || is_has_many is_association = is_belongs_to || is_has_many # Sometimes we need all the magic of a `*_id` field, but without the scoping stuff. # Possibly only ever used internally by `join-model`. is_unscoped = attribute_options[:unscoped] name_without_id = name.gsub(/_id$/, "") name_without_ids = name.gsub(/_ids$/, "").pluralize collection_name = is_ids ? name_without_ids : name_without_id.pluralize # field on the show view. attribute_partial ||= attribute_options[:attribute] || case type when "trix_editor", "ckeditor" "html" when "buttons", "super_select", "options" if boolean_buttons "boolean" elsif is_ids "has_many" elsif is_id "belongs_to" else "option" end when "cloudinary_image" attribute_options[:height] = 200 "image" when "phone_field" "phone_number" when "date_field" "date" when "date_and_time_field" "date_and_time" when "email_field" "email" when "color_picker" "code" else "text" end cell_attributes = if boolean_buttons ' class="text-center"' end # e.g. from `person_id` to `person` or `person_ids` to `people`. attribute_name = if is_ids name_without_ids elsif is_id name_without_id else name end title_case = if is_ids # user_ids should be 'Users' name_without_ids.humanize.titlecase elsif is_id name_without_id.humanize.titlecase else name.humanize.titlecase end attribute_assignment = case type when "text_field", "password_field", "text_area" "'Alternative String Value'" when "email_field" "''" when "phone_field" "'+19053871234'" end # don't do table columns for certain types of fields and attribute partials if ["trix_editor", "ckeditor", "text_area"].include?(type) || ["html", "has_many"].include?(attribute_partial) cli_options["skip-table"] = true end if type == "none" cli_options["skip-form"] = true end if attribute_partial == "none" cli_options["skip-show"] = true cli_options["skip-table"] = true end # # MODEL VALIDATIONS # unless cli_options["skip-form"] || is_unscoped file_name = "./app/models/scaffolding/completely_concrete/tangible_thing.rb" if is_association field_content = if attribute_options[:source] <<~RUBY def valid_#{collection_name} #{attribute_options[:source]} end RUBY else add_additional_step :yellow, transform_string("You'll need to implement the `valid_#{collection_name}` method of `Scaffolding::CompletelyConcrete::TangibleThing` in `./app/models/scaffolding/completely_concrete/tangible_thing.rb`. This is the method that will be used to populate the `#{type}` field and also validate that users aren't trying to exploit multitenancy.") <<~RUBY def valid_#{collection_name} raise "please review and implement `valid_#{collection_name}` in `app/models/scaffolding/completely_concrete/tangible_thing.rb`." # please specify what objects should be considered valid for assigning to `#{name_without_id}`. # the resulting code should probably look something like `team.#{collection_name}`. end RUBY end scaffold_add_line_to_file(file_name, field_content, METHODS_HOOK, prepend: true) if is_belongs_to scaffold_add_line_to_file(file_name, "validates :#{name_without_id}, scope: true", VALIDATIONS_HOOK, prepend: true) end # TODO we need to add a multitenancy check for has many associations. end end # # FORM FIELD # unless cli_options["skip-form"] # add `has_rich_text` for trix editor fields. if type == "trix_editor" file_name = "./app/models/scaffolding/completely_concrete/tangible_thing.rb" scaffold_add_line_to_file(file_name, "has_rich_text :#{name}", HAS_ONE_HOOK, prepend: true) end # field on the form. field_attributes = {method: ":#{name}"} field_options = {} if scaffolding_options[:type] == :crud && index == 0 field_options[:autofocus] = "true" end if is_id && type == "super_select" field_options[:include_blank] = "t('.fields.#{name}.placeholder')" # add_additional_step :yellow, transform_string("We've added a reference to a `placeholder` to the form for the select or super_select field, but unfortunately earlier versions of the scaffolded locales Yaml don't include a reference to `fields: *fields` under `form`. Please add it, otherwise your form won't be able to locate the appropriate placeholder label.") end if is_multiple field_options[:multiple] = "true" end valid_values = if is_id "valid_#{name_without_id.pluralize}" elsif is_ids "valid_#{collection_name}" end # if field_options.any? field_options_key = if ["buttons", "super_select", "options"].include?(type) :html_options else :options end field_attributes[field_options_key] = "{" + { |key, value| "#{key}: #{value}" }.join(", ") + "}" end if is_association short = attribute_options[:class_name].underscore.split("/").last case type when "buttons", "options" field_attributes["\n options"] = "@tangible_thing.#{valid_values}.map { |#{short}| [#{short}.id, #{short}.#{attribute_options[:label]}] }" when "super_select" field_attributes["\n choices"] = "@tangible_thing.#{valid_values}.map { |#{short}| [#{short}.#{attribute_options[:label]}, #{short}.id] }" end end field_content = "<%= render 'shared/fields/#{type}'#{", " if field_attributes.any?}#{ { |key, value| "#{key}: #{value}" }.join(", ")} %>" # TODO Add more of these from other packages? is_core_model = ["Team", "User", "Membership"].include?(child) scaffold_add_line_to_file("./app/views/account/scaffolding/completely_concrete/tangible_things/_form.html.erb", field_content, ERB_NEW_FIELDS_HOOK, prepend: true, suppress_could_not_find: is_core_model) scaffold_add_line_to_file("./app/views/account/scaffolding/completely_concrete/tangible_things/_fields.html.erb", field_content, ERB_NEW_FIELDS_HOOK, prepend: true, suppress_could_not_find: !is_core_model) end # # SHOW VIEW # unless cli_options["skip-show"] if is_id <<~ERB <% if @tangible_thing.#{name_without_id} %>