--- TJ: alpha2: TJ alpha3: TJK alt_currency: RUB continent: Asia country_code: '992' currency_code: TJS gec: TI geo: latitude: 38.861034 longitude: 71.276093 max_latitude: 41.044367 max_longitude: 75.1539564 min_latitude: 36.6719898 min_longitude: 67.34201209999999 bounds: northeast: lat: 41.044367 lng: 75.1539564 southwest: lat: 36.6719898 lng: 67.34201209999999 international_prefix: '810' ioc: TJK iso_long_name: The Republic of Tajikistan iso_short_name: Tajikistan languages_official: - tg - ru languages_spoken: - tg - ru national_destination_code_lengths: - 2 national_number_lengths: - 9 national_prefix: '8' nationality: Tadzhik number: '762' postal_code: true postal_code_format: "\\d{6}" region: Asia start_of_week: monday subregion: Central Asia un_locode: TJ unofficial_names: - Tajikistan - Tadschikistan - Tayikistán - タジキスタン - Tadzjikistan - Tajikstan world_region: EMEA