#!/usr/bin/env ruby require_relative '../lib/tuktuk' require 'optparse' def missing_keys?(opts) [:body, :from, :subject, :to] - opts.keys end options = {} OptionParser.new do |opts| opts.banner = "Usage: tuktuk [options]" opts.on("-f", "--from your@email.com", String, "From email") do |val| options[:from] = val end opts.on("-t", "--to email1,email2", Array, "List of destination emails") do |list| options[:to] = list end opts.on("-s","--subject 'This is a test.'", String, "Email subject") do |subject| options[:subject] = subject end opts.on("-b", "--body 'Hello there.'", String, "Email body") do |body| options[:body] = body end opts.on_tail("-h", "--help", "Show this message") do puts opts exit end opts.on_tail("-v", "--version", "Show version") do puts Tuktuk::VERSION exit end end.parse! if list = missing_keys?(options) and list.any? puts "Missing option(s): #{list.join(', ')}" puts "Run with -h or --help for all options." exit end Tuktuk.options = { :max_workers => 0, :log_to => STDOUT } response, email = Tuktuk.deliver(options) if response.is_a?(Tuktuk::Bounce) puts 'Email bounced. Type: ' + response.class.name # => HardBounce or SoftBounce puts response.message else puts 'Email delivered!' end