begin require "vindicia-api" rescue LoadError raise "Could not load the vindicia-api gem. Use `gem install vindicia-api` to install it." end require 'i18n/core_ext/string/interpolate' module ActiveMerchant #:nodoc: module Billing #:nodoc: # For more information on the Vindicia Gateway please visit their {website}[] # # The login and password are not the username and password you use to # login to the Vindicia Merchant Portal. # # ==== Recurring Billing # # AutoBills are an feature of Vindicia's API that allows for creating and managing subscriptions. # # For more information about Vindicia's API and various other services visit their {Resource Center}[] class VindiciaGateway < Gateway self.supported_countries = %w{US CA GB AU MX BR DE KR CN HK} self.supported_cardtypes = [:visa, :master, :american_express, :discover] self.homepage_url = '' self.display_name = 'Vindicia' class_attribute :test_url, :live_url self.test_url = "" self.live_url = "" # Creates a new VindiciaGateway # # The gateway requires that a valid login and password be passed # in the +options+ hash. # # ==== Options # # * <tt>:login</tt> -- Vindicia SOAP login (REQUIRED) # * <tt>:password</tt> -- Vindicia SOAP password (REQUIRED) # * <tt>:api_version</tt> -- Vindicia API Version - defaults to 3.6 (OPTIONAL) # * <tt>:account_id</tt> -- Account Id which all transactions will be run against. (REQUIRED) # * <tt>:transaction_prefix</tt> -- Prefix to order id for one-time transactions - defaults to 'X' (OPTIONAL # * <tt>:min_chargeback_probability</tt> -- Minimum score for chargebacks - defaults to 65 (OPTIONAL) # * <tt>:cvn_success</tt> -- Array of valid CVN Check return values - defaults to [M, P] (OPTIONAL) # * <tt>:avs_success</tt> -- Array of valid AVS Check return values - defaults to [X, Y, A, W, Z] (OPTIONAL) def initialize(options = {}) requires!(options, :login, :password) super config = lambda do |config| config.login = options[:login] config.password = options[:password] config.api_version = options[:api_version] || "3.6" config.endpoint = test? ? self.test_url : self.live_url config.namespace = "" end if Vindicia.config.is_configured? else Vindicia.configure(&config) end requires!(options, :account_id) @account_id = options[:account_id] @transaction_prefix = options[:transaction_prefix] || "X" @min_chargeback_probability = options[:min_chargeback_probability] || 65 @cvn_success = options[:cvn_success] || %w{M P} @avs_success = options[:avs_success] || %w{X Y A W Z} @allowed_authorization_statuses = %w{Authorized} end # Perform a purchase, which is essentially an authorization and capture in a single operation. # # ==== Parameters # # * <tt>money</tt> -- The amount to be purchased as an Integer value in cents. # * <tt>creditcard</tt> -- The CreditCard details for the transaction. # * <tt>options</tt> -- A hash of optional parameters. def purchase(money, creditcard, options = {}) response = authorize(money, creditcard, options) return response if !response.success? || response.fraud_review? capture(money, response.authorization, options) end # Performs an authorization, which reserves the funds on the customer's credit card, but does not # charge the card. # # ==== Parameters # # * <tt>money</tt> -- The amount to be authorized as an Integer value in cents. # * <tt>creditcard</tt> -- The CreditCard details for the transaction. # * <tt>options</tt> -- A hash of optional parameters. def authorize(money, creditcard, options = {}) vindicia_transaction = authorize_transaction(money, creditcard, options) response = check_transaction(vindicia_transaction) # if this response is under fraud review because of our AVS/CVV checks void the transaction if !response.success? && response.fraud_review? && !response.authorization.blank? void_response = void([vindicia_transaction[:transaction][:merchantTransactionId]], options) if void_response.success? return response else return void_response end end response end # Captures the funds from an authorized transaction. # # ==== Parameters # # * <tt>money</tt> -- The amount to be captured as an Integer value in cents. # * <tt>identification</tt> -- The authorization returned from the previous authorize request. def capture(money, identification, options = {}) response = post(Vindicia::Transaction.capture({ :transactions => [{ :merchantTransactionId => identification }] })) if response[:return][:returnCode] != '200' || response[:qtyFail].to_i > 0 return fail(response) end success(response, identification) end # Void a previous transaction # # ==== Parameters # # * <tt>identification</tt> - The authorization returned from the previous authorize request. # * <tt>options</tt> - Extra options (currently only :ip used) def void(identification, options = {}) response = post(Vindicia::Transaction.cancel({ :transactions => [{ :account => { :merchantAccountId => @account_id }, :merchantTransactionId => identification, :sourceIp => options[:ip] }] })) if response[:return][:returnCode] == '200' && response[:qtyFail].to_i == 0 success(response, identification) else fail(response) end end # Perform a recurring billing, which is essentially a purchase and autobill setup in a single operation. # # ==== Parameters # # * <tt>money</tt> -- The amount to be purchased as an Integer value in cents. # * <tt>creditcard</tt> -- The CreditCard details for the transaction. # * <tt>options</tt> -- A hash of parameters. # # ==== Options # # * <tt>:product_sku</tt> -- The subscription product's sku # * <tt>:autobill_prefix</tt> -- Prefix to order id for subscriptions - defaults to 'A' (OPTIONAL) def recurring(money, creditcard, options={}) options[:recurring] = true @autobill_prefix = options[:autobill_prefix] || "A" response = authorize(money, creditcard, options) return response if !response.success? || response.fraud_review? capture_resp = capture(money, response.authorization, options) return capture_resp if !response.success? # Setting up a recurring AutoBill requires an associated product requires!(options, :product_sku) autobill_response = check_subscription(authorize_subscription(options.merge(:product_sku => options[:product_sku]))) if autobill_response.success? autobill_response else # If the AutoBill fails to set-up, void the transaction and return it as the response void_response = void(capture_resp.authorization, options) if void_response.success? return autobill_response else return void_response end end end protected def post(body) parse(ssl_post(Vindicia.config.endpoint, body, "Content-Type" => "text/xml")) end def parse(response) # Vindicia always returns in the form of request_type_response => { actual_response } Hash.from_xml(response)["Envelope"]["Body"].values.first.with_indifferent_access end def check_transaction(vindicia_transaction) if vindicia_transaction[:return][:returnCode] == '200' status_log = vindicia_transaction[:transaction][:statusLog].first if status_log[:creditCardStatus] avs = status_log[:creditCardStatus][:avsCode] cvn = status_log[:creditCardStatus][:cvnCode] end if @allowed_authorization_statuses.include?(status_log[:status]) && check_cvn(cvn) && check_avs(avs) success(vindicia_transaction, vindicia_transaction[:transaction][:merchantTransactionId], avs, cvn) else # If the transaction is authorized, but it didn't pass our AVS/CVV checks send the authorization along so # that is gets voided. Otherwise, send no authorization. fail(vindicia_transaction, avs, cvn, false, @allowed_authorization_statuses.include?(status_log[:status]) ? vindicia_transaction[:transaction][:merchantTransactionId] : "") end else # 406 = Chargeback risk score is higher than minChargebackProbability, transaction not authorized. fail(vindicia_transaction, nil, nil, vindicia_transaction[:return][:return_code] == '406') end end def authorize_transaction(money, creditcard, options) parameters = { :amount => amount(money), :currency => options[:currency] || currency(money) } add_account_data(parameters, options) add_customer_data(parameters, options) add_payment_source(parameters, creditcard, options) post(Vindicia::Transaction.auth({ :transaction => parameters, :minChargebackProbability => @min_chargeback_probability })) end def add_account_data(parameters, options) parameters[:account] = { :merchantAccountId => @account_id } parameters[:sourceIp] = options[:ip] if options[:ip] end def add_customer_data(parameters, options) parameters[:merchantTransactionId] = transaction_id(options[:order_id]) parameters[:shippingAddress] = convert_am_address_to_vindicia(options[:shipping_address]) # Transaction items must be provided for tax purposes requires!(options, :line_items) parameters[:transactionItems] = options[:line_items] if options[:recurring] parameters[:nameValues] = [{:name => 'merchantAutoBillIdentifier', :value => autobill_id(options[:order_id])}] end end def add_payment_source(parameters, creditcard, options) parameters[:sourcePaymentMethod] = { :type => 'CreditCard', :creditCard => { :account => creditcard.number, :expirationDate => "%4d%02d" % [creditcard.year, creditcard.month] }, :accountHolderName =>, :nameValues => [{ :name => 'CVN', :value => creditcard.verification_value }], :billingAddress => convert_am_address_to_vindicia(options[:billing_address] || options[:address]), :customerSpecifiedType => creditcard.brand.capitalize, :active => !!options[:recurring] } end def authorize_subscription(options) parameters = {} add_account_data(parameters, options) add_subscription_information(parameters, options) post(Vindicia::AutoBill.update({ :autobill => parameters, :validatePaymentMethod => false, :minChargebackProbability => 100 })) end def check_subscription(vindicia_transaction) if vindicia_transaction[:return][:returnCode] == '200' if vindicia_transaction[:autobill] && vindicia_transaction[:autobill][:status] == "Active" success(vindicia_transaction, vindicia_transaction[:autobill][:merchantAutoBillId]) else fail(vindicia_transaction) end else fail(vindicia_transaction) end end def add_subscription_information(parameters, options) requires!(options, :product_sku) if options[:shipping_address] parameters[:account][:shipping_address] = options[:shipping_address] end parameters[:merchantAutoBillId] = autobill_id(options[:order_id]) parameters[:product] = { :merchantProductId => options[:product_sku] } end def check_avs(avs) avs.blank? || @avs_success.include?(avs) end def check_cvn(cvn) cvn.blank? || @cvn_success.include?(cvn) end def success(response, authorization, avs_code = nil, cvn_code = nil), response[:return][:returnString], response, { :fraud_review => false, :authorization => authorization, :test => test?, :avs_result => { :code => avs_code }, :cvv_result => cvn_code }) end def fail(response, avs_code = nil, cvn_code = nil, fraud_review = false, authorization = ""), response[:return][:returnString], response, { :fraud_review => fraud_review || !authorization.blank?, :authorization => authorization, :test => test?, :avs_result => { :code => avs_code }, :cvv_result => cvn_code }) end def autobill_id(order_id) "#{@autobill_prefix}#{order_id}" end def transaction_id(order_id) "#{@transaction_prefix}#{order_id}" end # Converts valid ActiveMerchant address hash to proper Vindicia format def convert_am_address_to_vindicia(address) return if address.nil? convs = { :address1 => :addr1, :address2 => :addr2, :state => :district, :zip => :postalCode } vindicia_address = {} address.each do |key, val| vindicia_address[convs[key] || key] = val end vindicia_address end end end end