module StateMachine module Integrations #:nodoc: # Adds support for integrating state machines with Sequel models. # # == Examples # # Below is an example of a simple state machine defined within a # Sequel model: # # class Vehicle < Sequel::Model # state_machine :initial => :parked do # event :ignite do # transition :parked => :idling # end # end # end # # The examples in the sections below will use the above class as a # reference. # # == Actions # # By default, the action that will be invoked when a state is transitioned # is the +save+ action. This will cause the resource to save the changes # made to the state machine's attribute. *Note* that if any other changes # were made to the resource prior to transition, then those changes will # be made as well. # # For example, # # vehicle = Vehicle.create # => #"parked", :name=>nil, :id=>1}> # = 'Ford Explorer' # vehicle.ignite # => true # vehicle.refresh # => #"idling", :name=>"Ford Explorer", :id=>1}> # # == Events # # As described in StateMachine::InstanceMethods#state_machine, event # attributes are created for every machine that allow transitions to be # performed automatically when the object's action (in this case, :save) # is called. # # In Sequel, these automated events are run in the following order: # * before validation - Run before callbacks and persist new states, then validate # * before save - If validation was skipped, run before callbacks and persist new states, then save # * after save - Run after callbacks # # For example, # # vehicle = Vehicle.create # => #"parked", :name=>nil, :id=>1}> # vehicle.state_event # => nil # vehicle.state_event = 'invalid' # vehicle.valid? # => false # vehicle.errors.full_messages # => ["state_event is invalid"] # # vehicle.state_event = 'ignite' # vehicle.valid? # => true # # => #"idling", :name=>nil, :id=>1}> # vehicle.state # => "idling" # vehicle.state_event # => nil # # Note that this can also be done on a mass-assignment basis: # # vehicle = Vehicle.create(:state_event => 'ignite') # => #"idling", :name=>nil, :id=>1}> # vehicle.state # => "idling" # # This technique is always used for transitioning states when the +save+ # action (which is the default) is configured for the machine. # # === Security implications # # Beware that public event attributes mean that events can be fired # whenever mass-assignment is being used. If you want to prevent malicious # users from tampering with events through URLs / forms, the attribute # should be protected like so: # # class Vehicle < Sequel::Model # set_restricted_columns :state_event # # set_allowed_columns ... # Alternative technique # # state_machine do # ... # end # end # # If you want to only have *some* events be able to fire via mass-assignment, # you can build two state machines (one public and one protected) like so: # # class Vehicle < Sequel::Model # set_restricted_columns :state_event # Prevent access to events in the first machine # # state_machine do # # Define private events here # end # # # Allow both machines to share the same state # state_machine :public_state, :attribute => :state do # # Define public events here # end # end # # == Transactions # # In order to ensure that any changes made during transition callbacks # are rolled back during a failed attempt, every transition is wrapped # within a transaction. # # For example, # # class Message < Sequel::Model # end # # Vehicle.state_machine do # before_transition do |transition| # Message.create(:content => transition.inspect) # false # end # end # # vehicle = Vehicle.create # => #"parked", :name=>nil, :id=>1}> # vehicle.ignite # => false # Message.count # => 0 # # *Note* that only before callbacks that halt the callback chain and # failed attempts to save the record will result in the transaction being # rolled back. If an after callback halts the chain, the previous result # still applies and the transaction is *not* rolled back. # # To turn off transactions: # # class Vehicle < Sequel::Model # state_machine :initial => :parked, :use_transactions => false do # ... # end # end # # == Validation errors # # If an event fails to successfully fire because there are no matching # transitions for the current record, a validation error is added to the # record's state attribute to help in determining why it failed and for # reporting via the UI. # # For example, # # vehicle = Vehicle.create(:state => 'idling') # => #"parked", :name=>nil, :id=>1}> # vehicle.ignite # => false # vehicle.errors.full_messages # => ["state cannot transition via \"ignite\""] # # If an event fails to fire because of a validation error on the record and # *not* because a matching transition was not available, no error messages # will be added to the state attribute. # # In addition, if you're using the ignite! version of the event, # then the failure reason (such as the current validation errors) will be # included in the exception that gets raised when the event fails. For # example, assuming there's a validation on a field called +name+ on the class: # # vehicle = # vehicle.ignite! # => StateMachine::InvalidTransition: Cannot transition state via :ignite from :parked (Reason(s): Name cannot be blank) # # == Scopes # # To assist in filtering models with specific states, a series of class # methods are defined on the model for finding records with or without a # particular set of states. # # These named scopes are the functional equivalent of the following # definitions: # # class Vehicle < Sequel::Model # class << self # def with_states(*states) # filter(:state => states) # end # alias_method :with_state, :with_states # # def without_states(*states) # filter(~{:state => states}) # end # alias_method :without_state, :without_states # end # end # # *Note*, however, that the states are converted to their stored values # before being passed into the query. # # Because of the way scopes work in Sequel, they can be chained like so: # # Vehicle.with_state(:parked).order(:id.desc) # # Note that states can also be referenced by the string version of their # name: # # Vehicle.with_state('parked') # # == Callbacks # # All before/after transition callbacks defined for Sequel resources # behave in the same way that other Sequel hooks behave. Rather than # passing in the record as an argument to the callback, the callback is # instead bound to the object and evaluated within its context. # # For example, # # class Vehicle < Sequel::Model # state_machine :initial => :parked do # before_transition any => :idling do # put_on_seatbelt # end # # before_transition do |transition| # # log message # end # # event :ignite do # transition :parked => :idling # end # end # # def put_on_seatbelt # ... # end # end # # Note, also, that the transition can be accessed by simply defining # additional arguments in the callback block. # # === Failure callbacks # # +after_failure+ callbacks allow you to execute behaviors when a transition # is allowed, but fails to save. This could be useful for something like # auditing transition attempts. Since callbacks run within transactions in # Sequel, a save failure will cause any records that get created in # your callback to roll back. You can work around this issue like so: # # DB = Sequel.connect('mysql://localhost/app') # DB_LOGS = Sequel.connect('mysql://localhost/app') # # class TransitionLog < Sequel::Model(DB_LOGS[:transition_logs]) # end # # class Vehicle < Sequel::Model(DB[:vehicles]) # state_machine do # after_failure do |transition| # TransitionLog.create(:vehicle => vehicle, :transition => transition) # end # # ... # end # end # # The +TransitionLog+ model uses a second connection to the database that # allows new records to be saved without being affected by rollbacks in the # +Vehicle+ model's transaction. # # === Callback Order # # Callbacks occur in the following order. Callbacks specific to state_machine # are bolded. The remaining callbacks are part of Sequel. # # * (-) save # * (-) begin transaction (if enabled) # * (1) *before_transition* # * (2) before_validation # * (-) validate # * (3) after_validation # * (4) before_save # * (5) before_create # * (-) create # * (6) after_create # * (7) after_save # * (8) *after_transition* # * (-) end transaction (if enabled) # * (9) after_commit module Sequel include Base require 'state_machine/integrations/sequel/versions' # The default options to use for state machines using this integration @defaults = {:action => :save} # Classes that include Sequel::Model will automatically use the Sequel # integration. def self.matching_ancestors %w(Sequel::Model) end # Forces the change in state to be recognized regardless of whether the # state value actually changed def write(object, attribute, value, *args) result = super column = self.attribute.to_sym if (attribute == :state || attribute == :event && value) && owner_class.columns.include?(column) && !object.changed_columns.include?(column) object.changed_columns << column end result end # Adds a validation error to the given object def invalidate(object, attribute, message, values = []) object.errors.add(self.attribute(attribute), generate_message(message, values)) end # Describes the current validation errors on the given object. If none # are specific, then the default error is interpeted as a "halt". def errors_for(object) object.errors.empty? ? 'Transition halted' : object.errors.full_messages * ', ' end # Resets any errors previously added when invalidating the given object def reset(object) object.errors.clear end # Pluralizes the name using the built-in inflector def pluralize(word) load_inflector super end protected # Initializes class-level extensions for this machine def define_helpers load_plugins super end # Loads all of the Sequel plugins necessary to run def load_plugins owner_class.plugin(:hook_class_methods) end # Loads the built-in inflector def load_inflector require 'sequel/extensions/inflector' end # Defines an initialization hook into the owner class for setting the # initial state of the machine *before* any attributes are set on the # object def define_state_initializer define_helper :instance, <<-end_eval, __FILE__, __LINE__ + 1 def initialize_set(*) self.class.state_machines.initialize_states(self, :static => :force) { super } end end_eval end # Skips defining reader/writer methods since this is done automatically def define_state_accessor define_helper :instance, <<-end_eval, __FILE__, __LINE__ + 1 def validate(*) super machine = self.class.state_machine(#{name.inspect}) machine.invalidate(self, :state, :invalid) unless machine.states.match(self) end end_eval end # Defines validation hooks if the machine's action is to save the model def define_action_helpers super define_validation_hook if action == :save end # Uses around callbacks to run state events if using the :save hook def define_action_hook if action == :save define_helper :instance, <<-end_eval, __FILE__, __LINE__ + 1 def #{action_hook}(*args) opts = args.last.is_a?(Hash) ? args.last : {} yielded = false result = self.class.state_machine(#{name.inspect}).send(:around_save, self) do yielded = true super end if yielded || result result else #{handle_save_failure} end end end_eval else super end end # Handles how save failures (due to invalid transitions) are raised def handle_save_failure 'raise_hook_failure(:before_transition) if raise_on_failure?(opts)' end # Runs state events around the machine's :save action def around_save(object) result = transaction(object) do object.class.state_machines.transitions(object, action).perform { yield } end result end # Adds hooks into validation for automatically firing events def define_validation_hook define_helper :instance, <<-end_eval, __FILE__, __LINE__ + 1 def around_validation(*) self.class.state_machines.transitions(self, :save, :after => false).perform { super } end end_eval end # Gets the db default for the machine's attribute def owner_class_attribute_default if owner_class.db.table_exists?(owner_class.table_name) && column = owner_class.db_schema[attribute.to_sym] column[:default] end end # Uses the DB literal to match the default against the specified state def owner_class_attribute_default_matches?(state) owner_class.db.literal(state.value) == owner_class_attribute_default end # Creates a scope for finding records *with* a particular state or # states for the attribute def create_with_scope(name) create_scope(name, lambda {|dataset, values| dataset.filter(attribute_column => values)}) end # Creates a scope for finding records *without* a particular state or # states for the attribute def create_without_scope(name) create_scope(name, lambda {|dataset, values| dataset.exclude(attribute_column => values)}) end # Creates a new named scope with the given name def create_scope(name, scope) machine = self owner_class.def_dataset_method(name) do |*states| machine.send(:run_scope, scope, self, states) end false end # Generates the results for the given scope based on one or more states to # filter by def run_scope(scope, dataset, states) super(scope, model_from_dataset(dataset).state_machine(name), dataset, states) end # Determines the model associated with the given dataset def model_from_dataset(dataset) dataset.model end # Generates the fully-qualifed column name for this machine's attribute def attribute_column, attribute) end # Runs a new database transaction, rolling back any changes if the # yielded block fails (i.e. returns false). def transaction(object) result = nil object.db.transaction do raise ::Sequel::Error::Rollback unless result = yield end result end # Creates a new callback in the callback chain, always ensuring that # it's configured to bind to the object as this is the convention for # Sequel callbacks def add_callback(type, options, &block) options[:bind_to_object] = true options[:terminator] = @terminator ||= lambda {|result| result == false} super end end end end