#!/bin/bash set -euo pipefail if [[ -n "${DOTFILES_DEBUG:-}" ]]; then set -x fi function ensure_path_entry() { local entries=("$@") for entry in "${entries[@]}"; do if [[ ":${PATH}:" != *":${entry}:"* ]]; then export PATH="${entry}:${PATH}" fi done } function log_color() { local color_code="$1" shift printf "\033[${color_code}m%s\033[0m\n" "$*" >&2 } function log_red() { log_color "0;31" "$@" } function log_blue() { log_color "0;34" "$@" } function log_green() { log_color "1;32" "$@" } function log_yellow() { log_color "1;33" "$@" } function log_task() { log_blue "🔃" "$@" } function log_manual_action() { log_red "⚠ī¸" "$@" } function log_c() { log_yellow "👉" "$@" } function c() { log_c "$@" "$@" } function c_exec() { log_c "$@" exec "$@" } function log_error() { log_red "❌" "$@" } function log_info() { log_red "ℹī¸" "$@" } function error() { log_error "$@" exit 1 } function sudo() { if ! command sudo --non-interactive true 2>/dev/null; then log_manual_action "Root privileges are required, please enter your password below" command sudo --validate fi command sudo "$@" } function is_apt_package_installed() { local package="$1" dpkg -l "${package}" &>/dev/null } function not_during_test() { if [[ "${DOTFILES_TEST:-}" == "true" ]]; then log_info "Skipping '${*}' because we are in test mode" else "${@}" fi } # https://stackoverflow.com/a/53640320/12156188 function service_exists() { local n=$1 if [[ $(systemctl list-units --all -t service --full --no-legend "$n.service" | sed 's/^\s*//g' | cut -f1 -d' ') == $n.service ]]; then return 0 else return 1 fi } ################################################################ ## ABOVE is script_libray ## BELOW is helm install debug ################################################################ mkdir helm_upgrade_log_tmp watching_pods_logs_file=$(mktemp helm_upgrade_log_tmp/helm-upgrade-logs.watching-pods-logs.XXXXXX) watching_pods_events_file=$(mktemp helm_upgrade_log_tmp/helm-upgrade-logs.watching-pods-events.XXXXXX) function cleanup() { rm -f "${watching_pods_logs_file}" "${watching_pods_events_file}" || true jobs -pr | xargs -r kill } trap cleanup EXIT function prefix_output() { local prefix="$1" local color_code="$2" shift 2 local sed_replace sed_replace=$(printf "\033[${color_code}m%s: &\033[0m" "${prefix}") # shellcheck disable=SC2312 "$@" &> >(sed "s,^.*$,${sed_replace}," >&2) } function watch_pods() { local release="$1" sleep 3 # Prevent flodding the logs with the initial output prefix_output "pods" "1;32" c kubectl get pods \ --watch \ --selector "app.kubernetes.io/managed-by=Helm,app.kubernetes.io/instance=${release}" } function watch_pod_logs() { local pod="$1" if grep -q "^${pod}$" "${watching_pods_logs_file}"; then return fi echo "${pod}" >>"${watching_pods_logs_file}" prefix_output "pod ${pod} logs" "0;34" c kubectl logs \ --all-containers \ --prefix \ --follow \ "${pod}" || true # remove from watch list (it may be added again) sed -i "/^${pod}$/d" "${watching_pods_logs_file}" } function watch_pod_events() { local pod="$1" if grep -q "^${pod}$" "${watching_pods_events_file}"; then return fi echo "${pod}" >>"${watching_pods_events_file}" prefix_output "pod ${pod} events" "0;35" c kubectl get events \ --watch-only \ --field-selector involvedObject.name="${pod}" || true # remove from watch list (it may be added again) sed -i "/^${pod}$/d" "${watching_pods_events_file}" } function watch_pods_logs_and_events() { local release="$1" sleep 5 # Prevent flodding the logs with the initial output while true; do local args=( --selector "app.kubernetes.io/managed-by=Helm,app.kubernetes.io/instance=${release}" --output jsonpath='{.items[*].metadata.name}' ) for pod in $( kubectl get pods "${args[@]}" ); do watch_pod_events "${pod}" & done for pod in $( kubectl get pods \ --field-selector=status.phase=Running \ "${args[@]}" ); do watch_pod_logs "${pod}" & done sleep 1 done } function get_first_non_option() { for arg in "$@"; do if [[ "${arg}" != "-"* ]]; then echo "${arg}" return fi done } release="$(get_first_non_option "$@")" c helm upgrade "$@" --wait & pid="$!" watch_pods "${release}" & watch_pods_logs_and_events "${release}" & wait "${pid}" rm -rf helm_upgrade_log_tmp