class PokemonMenu attr_accessor :cli def initialize(cli) self.cli = cli end def main_menu puts"\n\n" input ="What Pokemon information would you like to get?", cycle: true) do |menu| menu.choice 'Get a list of Pokemon.', 1 menu.choice 'Search for Pokemon by name', 2 menu.choice 'Search for Pokemon by Type', 3 menu.choice 'Search for Pokemon by Ability', 4 menu.choice 'Search for Pokemon by Generation', 5 menu.choice 'Get information from a random Pokemon', 6 menu.choice 'Return to main menu'.light_green, 7 menu.choice 'Exit Dexter++'.light_red, 8 end case input when 1 self.list_pokemon when 2 self.search_by_name when 3 self.search_by_type when 4 self.search_by_ability when 5 self.search_by_generation when 6 self.get_random when 7 self.cli.main_menu when 8 self.cli.exit_program end end def list_pokemon puts "\n\nHow many Pokemon would you like to list?" input = gets.strip.to_i until input.between?(1, Pokemon.limit) if input <= 0 puts"\nThat is not enough Pokemon! Try a bigger number" input = gets.strip.to_i else puts "\nThats way too many Pokemon! Try a smaller number." input = gets.strip.to_i end end puts "\n\nAwesome! Let me load that for you." options = Pokemon.find_with_offset_and_limit(rand(0...Pokemon.limit), input) self.display_pokemon_options(options) end def search_by_name puts "\n\nWhat Pokemon would you like to search for?" input = gets.strip.downcase puts "\n\nAwesome! Let me load that for you." pokemon = API.get_pokemon_by_name(input) pokemon.print_all puts"\n\n" self.display_more_options(pokemon) end def search_by_type(type = nil) if type puts "\n\nAwesome! Let me load that for you." puts "\n\n" options = Pokemon.find_list_by_type( self.display_pokemon_options(options) else puts "\n\n" options = ["Normal","Flying","Poison","Ground", "Rock","Bug","Ghost","Steel","Fire", "Water","Grass","Electric","Psychic", "Ice","Dragon","Dark","Fairy","Unknown", "Shadow","Return to main menu".light_green, "Exit Dexter++".light_red] input ="Select a type to search for.", options, cycle: true) end case input when "Return to main menu".light_green self.cli.main_menu when "Exit Dexter++".light_red self.cli.exit_program else puts "\n\nAwesome! Let me load that for you." puts "\n\n" options = Pokemon.find_list_by_type(input.downcase) self.display_pokemon_options(options) end end def search_by_ability(ability = nil) if ability puts "\n\nAwesome! Let me load that for you." puts "\n\n" options = API.get_pokemon_list_by_ability( self.display_pokemon_options(options) else puts "\n\nWhat Ability would you like your Pokemon to have?" input = gets.strip.downcase puts "\n\nAwesome! Let me load that for you." puts "\n\n" options = API.get_pokemon_list_by_ability(input) self.display_pokemon_options(options) end end def search_by_generation puts "\n\nWhat Generation of Pokemon would you like to list?" puts "\n\n" input = self.generation_menu puts "\n\nAwesome! Let me load that for you." options = API.get_pokemon_list_by_generation(input) self.display_pokemon_options(options) end def get_random pokemon = API.get_random_pokemon pokemon.print_all puts"\n\n" self.display_more_options(pokemon) end def generation_menu choices = [1,2,3,4,5,6,7,"Back"]"Select a generation to search for.", choices, cycle: true) end def display_pokemon_options(options) puts "\n\n" options.unshift("Exit Dexter++".light_red) options.unshift("Go back to main menu".light_green) choice = self.cli.get_menu_from_array(options) if choice == "Exit Dexter++".light_red self.cli.exit_program elsif choice == "Go back to main menu".light_green self.cli.main_menu else pokemon = API.get_pokemon_by_name(choice.downcase) pokemon.print_all puts"\n\n" self.display_more_options(pokemon) end end def display_more_options(pokemon) puts "\n\n" input ="What information about #{} would you like to see?", cycle: true) do |menu| menu.choice 'Type information.', 1 menu.choice 'Moves information', 2 menu.choice 'Abilities information', 3 menu.choice 'Go back to main menu'.light_green, 4 menu.choice 'Exit Dexter++'.light_red, 5 end case input when 1 pokemon.types.each{|type| type.print_all} puts "\n\n" self.display_more_options(pokemon) when 2 pokemon.moves.each{|move| move.print_all} puts "\n\n" self.display_more_options(pokemon) when 3 pokemon.abilities.each {|ability| ability.print_all} puts "\n\n" self.display_more_options(pokemon) when 4 self.cli.main_menu when 5 self.cli.exit_program end end end