module Repia module Errors # List of HTTP Errors class HTTPError < StandardError; end class BadRequest < HTTPError; STATUS_CODE = 400; end class Unauthorized < HTTPError; STATUS_CODE = 401; end class PaymentRequired < HTTPError; STATUS_CODE = 402; end class Forbidden < HTTPError; STATUS_CODE = 403; end class NotFound < HTTPError; STATUS_CODE = 404; end class MethodNotAllowed < HTTPError; STATUS_CODE = 405; end class NotAcceptable < HTTPError; STATUS_CODE = 406; end class ProxyAuthenticationRequired < HTTPError; STATUS_CODE = 407; end class RequestTimeout < HTTPError; STATUS_CODE = 408; end class Conflict < HTTPError; STATUS_CODE = 409; end class Gone < HTTPError; STATUS_CODE = 410; end class LengthRequired < HTTPError; STATUS_CODE = 411; end class PreconditionFailed < HTTPError; STATUS_CODE = 412; end class RequestEntityTooLarge < HTTPError; STATUS_CODE = 413; end class RequestURITooLong < HTTPError; STATUS_CODE = 414; end class UnsupportedMediaType < HTTPError; STATUS_CODE = 415; end class RequestedRangeNotSatisfiable < HTTPError; STATUS_CODE = 416; end class ExpectationFailed < HTTPError; STATUS_CODE = 417; end class InternalServerError < HTTPError; STATUS_CODE = 500; end class NotImplemented < HTTPError; STATUS_CODE = 501; end class BadGateway < HTTPError; STATUS_CODE = 502; end class ServiceUnavailable < HTTPError; STATUS_CODE = 503; end class GatewayTimeout < HTTPError; STATUS_CODE = 504; end class HTTPVersionNotSupported < HTTPError; STATUS_CODE = 505; end # At loading time, create a map and store a humanized error message for # convenience. STATUS_CODE_TO_ERROR = {} HTTPError.subclasses.each do |error| STATUS_CODE_TO_ERROR[error::STATUS_CODE] = error error::MESSAGE ="::").last.underscore.humanize end end end