ENV['RC_ARCHS'] = '' if RUBY_PLATFORM =~ /darwin/ # :stopdoc: require 'mkmf' RbConfig::MAKEFILE_CONFIG['CC'] = ENV['CC'] if ENV['CC'] ROOT = File.expand_path(File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), '..', '..')) LIBDIR = Config::CONFIG['libdir'] INCLUDEDIR = Config::CONFIG['includedir'] if defined?(RUBY_ENGINE) && RUBY_ENGINE == 'macruby' $LIBRUBYARG_STATIC.gsub!(/-static/, '') end $CFLAGS << " #{ENV["CFLAGS"]}" $LIBS << " #{ENV["LIBS"]}" if RbConfig::CONFIG['target_os'] == 'mingw32' || RbConfig::CONFIG['target_os'] =~ /mswin/ $CFLAGS << " -DXP_WIN -DXP_WIN32 -DUSE_INCLUDED_VASPRINTF" elsif RbConfig::CONFIG['target_os'] =~ /solaris/ $CFLAGS << " -DUSE_INCLUDED_VASPRINTF" else $CFLAGS << " -g -DXP_UNIX" end if RbConfig::MAKEFILE_CONFIG['CC'] =~ /mingw/ $CFLAGS << " -DIN_LIBXML" end if RbConfig::MAKEFILE_CONFIG['CC'] =~ /gcc/ $CFLAGS << " -O3" unless $CFLAGS[/-O\d/] $CFLAGS << " -Wall -Wcast-qual -Wwrite-strings -Wconversion -Wmissing-noreturn -Winline" end if RbConfig::CONFIG['target_os'] =~ /mswin/ lib_prefix = 'lib' # There's no default include/lib dir on Windows. Let's just add the Ruby ones # and resort on the search path specified by INCLUDE and LIB environment # variables HEADER_DIRS = [INCLUDEDIR] LIB_DIRS = [LIBDIR] XML2_HEADER_DIRS = [File.join(INCLUDEDIR, "libxml2"), INCLUDEDIR] else lib_prefix = '' HEADER_DIRS = [ # First search /opt/local for macports '/opt/local/include', # Then search /usr/local for people that installed from source '/usr/local/include', # Check the ruby install locations INCLUDEDIR, # Finally fall back to /usr '/usr/include', '/usr/include/libxml2', ] LIB_DIRS = [ # First search /opt/local for macports '/opt/local/lib', # Then search /usr/local for people that installed from source '/usr/local/lib', # Check the ruby install locations LIBDIR, # Finally fall back to /usr '/usr/lib', ] XML2_HEADER_DIRS = [ '/opt/local/include/libxml2', '/usr/local/include/libxml2', File.join(INCLUDEDIR, "libxml2") ] + HEADER_DIRS # If the user has homebrew installed, use the libxml2 inside homebrew brew_prefix = `brew --prefix libxml2 2> /dev/null`.chomp unless brew_prefix.empty? LIB_DIRS.unshift File.join(brew_prefix, 'lib') XML2_HEADER_DIRS.unshift File.join(brew_prefix, 'include/libxml2') end end dir_config('zlib', HEADER_DIRS, LIB_DIRS) dir_config('iconv', HEADER_DIRS, LIB_DIRS) dir_config('xml2', XML2_HEADER_DIRS, LIB_DIRS) dir_config('xslt', HEADER_DIRS, LIB_DIRS) def asplode(lib) abort "-----\n#{lib} is missing. please visit http://nokogiri.org/tutorials/installing_nokogiri.html for help with installing dependencies.\n-----" end pkg_config('libxslt') pkg_config('libxml-2.0') pkg_config('libiconv') asplode "libxml2" unless find_header('libxml/parser.h') asplode "libxslt" unless find_header('libxslt/xslt.h') asplode "libexslt" unless find_header('libexslt/exslt.h') asplode "libiconv" unless have_func('iconv_open', 'iconv.h') or have_library('iconv', 'iconv_open', 'iconv.h') or find_library('iconv', 'iconv_open', 'iconv.h') asplode "libxml2" unless find_library("#{lib_prefix}xml2", 'xmlParseDoc') asplode "libxslt" unless find_library("#{lib_prefix}xslt", 'xsltParseStylesheetDoc') asplode "libexslt" unless find_library("#{lib_prefix}exslt", 'exsltFuncRegister') unless have_func('xmlHasFeature') abort "-----\nThe function 'xmlHasFeature' is missing from your installation of libxml2. Likely this means that your installed version of libxml2 is old enough that nokogiri will not work well. To get around this problem, please upgrade your installation of libxml2. Please visit http://nokogiri.org/tutorials/installing_nokogiri.html for more help!" end have_func 'xmlFirstElementChild' have_func('xmlRelaxNGSetParserStructuredErrors') have_func('xmlRelaxNGSetParserStructuredErrors') have_func('xmlRelaxNGSetValidStructuredErrors') have_func('xmlSchemaSetValidStructuredErrors') have_func('xmlSchemaSetParserStructuredErrors') if ENV['CPUPROFILE'] unless find_library('profiler', 'ProfilerEnable', *LIB_DIRS) abort "google performance tools are not installed" end end create_makefile('nokogiri/nokogiri') # :startdoc: