require File.expand_path(File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/common') load '../bin/sensible-cinema' module SensibleSwing describe MainWindow do it "should be able to start up" do shouldn't crash :) end it "should auto-select a EDL if it matches a DVD's title" do"19d121ae8dc40cdd70b57ab7e8c74f76").should_not be nil end it "should not auto-select if you pass it nil" do be nil end it "should prompt if two EDL's match a DVD title" do old_edl = MainWindow::EDL_DIR MainWindow.const_set(:EDL_DIR, 'temp') FileUtils.rm_rf 'temp' Dir.mkdir 'temp'"BOBS_BIG_PLAN").should be nil Dir.chdir 'temp' do File.binwrite('a.txt', "\"disk_unique_id\" => \"abcdef1234\"") File.binwrite('b.txt', "\"disk_unique_id\" => \"abcdef1234\"") end"abcdef1234").should be nil MainWindow.const_set(:EDL_DIR, old_edl) end it "should modify path to have mencder available, and ffmpeg, and download them on the fly" do ENV['PATH'].should include("mencoder") end before do @subject = @subject.stub!(:choose_dvd_drive) { ["drive", "volume", "19d121ae8dc40cdd70b57ab7e8c74f76"] # happiest baby on the block } @subject.stub!(:get_mencoder_commands) { |*args| args[-4].should match(/abc/) @args = args 'sleep 0.1' } @subject.stub!(:new_filechooser) { } @subject.stub!(:get_drive_with_most_space_with_slash) { "e:\\" } @subject.stub!(:show_blocking_message_dialog) {} @subject.stub!(:get_user_input) {'01:00'} @subject.stub!(:system_non_blocking) { |command| @command = command {} # fake out the return... } @subject.stub!(:open_file_to_edit_it) {} end class FakeFileChooser def set_title x end def set_file y end def go 'abc' end end it "should be able to do a normal copy to hard drive, edited" do @subject.do_copy_dvd_to_hard_drive(false).should == [false, "abc.fulli.tmp.avi"] end it "should call through to explorer for the full thing" do @subject.do_copy_dvd_to_hard_drive(false) @subject.background_thread.join @args[-2].should == nil @command.should match /explorer/ @command.should_not match /fulli/ end it "should be able to return the full list if it already exists" do FileUtils.touch "abc.fulli.tmp.avi.done" @subject.do_copy_dvd_to_hard_drive(false,true).should == [true, "abc.fulli.tmp.avi"] FileUtils.rm "abc.fulli.tmp.avi.done" end it "should call explorer for the we can't reach this path of opening a partial without telling it what to do with it" do @subject.do_copy_dvd_to_hard_drive(true).should == [false, "abc.fulli.tmp.avi"] @subject.background_thread.join @args[-1].should == 1 @args[-2].should == "01:00" @command.should match /explorer/ @command.should_not match /fulli/ end def prompt_for_start_and_end_times @subject.instance_variable_get(:@preview_section).simulate_click @args[-1].should == 1 @args[-2].should == "01:00" @subject.background_thread.join @command.should match /smplayer/ end it "should prompt for start and end times" do prompt_for_start_and_end_times end it "should be able to reprompt for start and end times automagically" do prompt_for_start_and_end_times old_args = @args @args = nil @subject.repeat_last_copy_dvd_to_hard_drive.join @args.should == old_args end it "if the .done file exists, it should directly call smplayer" do FileUtils.touch "abc.fulli.tmp.avi.done" @subject.instance_variable_get(:@watch_unedited).simulate_click @command.should == "smplayer abc.fulli.tmp.avi" FileUtils.rm "abc.fulli.tmp.avi.done" end it "if the .done file does not exist, it should call mplayer later" do @subject.instance_variable_get(:@watch_unedited).simulate_click @subject.after_success_once.should_not == nil @command.should == nil # scary timing spec @subject.background_thread.join # should have cleaned up... @subject.after_success_once.should == nil @command.should_not == nil end it "should create a new file for ya" do out = MainWindow::EDL_DIR + "/volume.txt" File.exist?( out ).should be_false @subject.instance_variable_get(:@create_new_edl_for_current_dvd).simulate_click begin File.exist?( out ).should be_true ensure FileUtils.rm_rf out end end it "should display unique" do @subject.instance_variable_get(:@display_unique).simulate_click.should == "01:00" end end end