require 'yaml' module Statsample # Codification # # This tool aids to code open questions # * Load one or more vectors on the workflow, to create a file on yaml of values. If data have Statsample::SEPARATOR_TOKEN, the value will be splitted on two or more values # * Edit the yaml and replace the values with your codes. If you need to create two or mores codes for an answer, use the separator (default Statsample::SEPARATOR_TOKEN) # * Recode the vectors, loading the yaml file: # * The new vectors have the same name of the original plus "_recoded" # * Instead of load new recoded vectors, create many vectors as values, as add_vectors_by_split # # Usage: # recode_file="recodification.yaml" # phase=:first # flag # if phase==:first #,"w") {|fp| # Statsample::Codification.create_yaml(ds,%w{vector1 vector2}, ",",fp) # } # Edit the file recodification.yaml # elsif phase==:second #,"r") {|fp| # Statsample::Codification.verify(fp,['vector1']) # } # elsif phase==:third #,"r") {|fp| # Statsample::Codification.recode_dataset_split!(ds,fp,"*") # } # end # module Codification class << self # Create a yaml dump for a hash, based on vectors # The keys will be vectors name on dataset and the values # will be hashes, with keys = values, for recodification # # v1=%w{a,b b,c d}.to_vector # ds={"v1"=>v1}.to_dataset # Statsample::Codification.create_yaml(ds,['v1']) # => "--- \nv1: \n a: a\n b: b\n c: c\n d: d\n" def create_yaml(dataset,vectors,sep=Statsample::SPLIT_TOKEN,io=nil) raise ArgumentError,"Array should't be empty" if vectors.size==0 pro_hash=vectors.inject({}){|h,v_name| raise Exception, "Vector #{v_name} doesn't exists on Dataset" if !dataset.fields.include? v_name v=dataset[v_name] split_data=v.splitted(sep) factors=split_data.flatten.uniq.compact.sort.inject({}) {|ac,val| ac[val]=val;ac} h[v_name]=factors h } YAML.dump(pro_hash,io) end def inverse_hash(h,sep=Statsample::SPLIT_TOKEN) h.inject({}) {|a,v| v[1].split(sep).each {|val| a[val]||=[] a[val].push(v[0]) } a } end def dictionary(h,sep=Statsample::SPLIT_TOKEN) h.inject({}) {|a,v| a[v[0]]=v[1].split(sep) a } end def recode_vector(v,h,sep=Statsample::SPLIT_TOKEN) dict=dictionary(h,sep) new_data=v.splitted(sep) recoded=new_data.collect{|c| if c.nil? nil else c.collect{|value| dict[value] }.flatten.uniq end } end def recode_dataset_simple!(dataset,yaml,sep=Statsample::SPLIT_TOKEN) _recode_dataset(dataset,yaml,sep,false) end def recode_dataset_split!(dataset,yaml,sep=Statsample::SPLIT_TOKEN) _recode_dataset(dataset,yaml,sep,true) end def _recode_dataset(dataset,yaml,sep=Statsample::SPLIT_TOKEN,split=false) h=YAML::load(yaml) v_names||=h.keys v_names.each do |v_name| raise Exception, "Vector #{v_name} doesn't exists on Dataset" if !dataset.fields.include? v_name recoded=recode_vector(dataset[v_name],h[v_name],sep).collect { |c| if c.nil? nil else c.join(sep) end }.to_vector if(split) recoded.split_by_separator(sep).each {|k,v| dataset[v_name+"_"+k]=v } else dataset[v_name+"_recoded"]=recoded end end end def verify(yaml,v_names=nil,sep=Statsample::SPLIT_TOKEN,io=$>) require 'pp' h=YAML::load(yaml) v_names||=h.keys v_names.each{|v_name| inverse=inverse_hash(h[v_name],sep) io.puts "Vector: #{v_name}" YAML.dump(inverse.sort,io) } end end end end