import org.scalatest.{Matchers, FunSuite} /** @version 1.0.0 */ class PigLatinTest extends FunSuite with Matchers { test("word beginning with a") { PigLatin.translate("apple") should be ("appleay") } test("word beginning with e") { pending PigLatin.translate("ear") should be ("earay") } test("word beginning with i") { pending PigLatin.translate("igloo") should be ("iglooay") } test("word beginning with o") { pending PigLatin.translate("object") should be ("objectay") } test("word beginning with u") { pending PigLatin.translate("under") should be ("underay") } test("word beginning with a vowel and followed by a qu") { pending PigLatin.translate("equal") should be ("equalay") } test("word beginning with p") { pending PigLatin.translate("pig") should be ("igpay") } test("word beginning with k") { pending PigLatin.translate("koala") should be ("oalakay") } test("word beginning with y") { pending PigLatin.translate("yellow") should be ("ellowyay") } test("word beginning with x") { pending PigLatin.translate("xenon") should be ("enonxay") } test("word beginning with q without a following u") { pending PigLatin.translate("qat") should be ("atqay") } test("word beginning with ch") { pending PigLatin.translate("chair") should be ("airchay") } test("word beginning with qu") { pending PigLatin.translate("queen") should be ("eenquay") } test("word beginning with qu and a preceding consonant") { pending PigLatin.translate("square") should be ("aresquay") } test("word beginning with th") { pending PigLatin.translate("therapy") should be ("erapythay") } test("word beginning with thr") { pending PigLatin.translate("thrush") should be ("ushthray") } test("word beginning with sch") { pending PigLatin.translate("school") should be ("oolschay") } test("word beginning with yt") { pending PigLatin.translate("yttria") should be ("yttriaay") } test("word beginning with xr") { pending PigLatin.translate("xray") should be ("xrayay") } test("a whole phrase") { pending PigLatin.translate("quick fast run") should be ("ickquay astfay unray") } }