#!/usr/bin/env ruby -w # encoding: UTF-8 # # = SheetReceiver.rb -- The TaskJuggler III Project Management Software # # Copyright (c) 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011 # by Chris Schlaeger # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of version 2 of the GNU General Public License as # published by the Free Software Foundation. # require 'digest/md5' require 'mail' require 'open4' require 'yaml' require 'taskjuggler/SheetHandlerBase' require 'taskjuggler/RichText' class TaskJuggler class SheetReceiver < SheetHandlerBase def initialize(appName, type) super(appName) @sheetType = type # The following settings must be set by the deriving class. # Sheet type specific option for tj3client @tj3clientOption = nil # Base directory to store received sheets @sheetDir = nil # Base directory where to find the resource file. @templateDir = nil # Directory to store the failed emails. @failedMailsDir = nil # Directory to store the failed sheets @failedSheetsDir = nil # File that holds the acceptable signatures. @signatureFile = nil # The log file @logFile = nil # The subject of the confirmation email @emailSubject = nil # Regular expressions to identify a sheet. @sheetHeader = nil # Regular expression to extract the sheet signature (date). @signatureFilter = nil # The email address of the submitter of the sheet. @submitter = nil # The resource ID of the submitter. @resourceId = nil # The stdout content from tj3client @report = nil # The stderr content from tj3client @warnings = nil # The extracted sheet text. @sheet = nil # Will indicate whether the sheet was attached or in mail body @sheetWasAttached = true # The end date of the reporting period. @date = nil # The id of the incomming message. @messageId = nil end # Read the sheet from $stdin in email format. Extract the sheet from the # attachments or body and check it. If ok, send back a summary, otherwise # the error message. # The actual check is done by a tj3 server process that is accessed via # tj3client. def processEmail setWorkingDir createDirectories # Read the RFC 822 compliant mail from STDIN. rawMail = $stdin.read # To get line-accurate error reports for encoding errors, we scan the # email for obvious ecoding errors and try to get a sender fallback # address. This will not find encoding problems inside encoded mime # parts. fromLine = nil begin rawMail.each_line do |line| unless fromLine matches = line.encode('UTF-8', :invalid => :replace, :replace => '?').match('^From: .*') fromLine = matches[0] if matches end begin # Try the encoding. If it fails, we'll get an exception. line.encode!('UTF-8') rescue raise "Encoding error in line: #{line.encode('UTF-8', :invalid)}" end end mail = Mail.new(rawMail) rescue # Try to extract the mail sender the dirty way so we can at least send # a response to the submitter. @submitter = fromLine[6..-1] if fromLine && fromLine.is_a?(String) error("Incoming mail could not be processed: #{$!}") end # Who sent this email? @submitter = mail.from.respond_to?('[]') ? mail.from[0] : mail.from # Getting the message ID. @messageId = mail.message_id || 'unknown' @idDigest = Digest::MD5.hexdigest(@messageId) info("Processing #{@sheetType} mail from #{@submitter} " + "with ID #{@messageId} (#{@idDigest})") # Store the mail in the failedMailsDir in case something goes wrong. File.open("#{@failedMailsDir}/#{@idDigest}", 'w') do |f| f.write(mail) end # First we search the attachments and then the body. mail.attachments.each do |attachment| # We are looking for an attached file with a .tji extension. fileName = attachment.filename next unless fileName && fileName[-4..-1] == '.tji' # Further inspect the attachment. If we could process it, we are done. return true if processSheet(attachment.body.decoded) end # None of the attachements worked, so let's try the mail body. @sheetWasAttached = false return true if processSheet(mail.body.decoded) error(<<"EOT" No #{@sheetType} sheet found in email. Please make sure the header syntax is correct and contained in a single line that starts at the begining of the line. If you had the #{@sheetType} sheet attached, the file name must have a '.tji' extension to be found. EOT ) end private # Isolate the actual syntax from _sheet_ and process it. def processSheet(sheet) @sheet = fixLineBreaks(sheet) @sheet = cutOut(@sheet) unless @sheetWasAttached # A valid sheet must have the poper header line. if @sheetHeader.match(@sheet) checkSignature(@sheet) # Extract the resource ID and the end date from the sheet. matches = @sheetHeader.match(@sheet) @resourceId, @date = matches[1..2] # Email answers will only go the email address on file! @submitter = getResourceEmail(@resourceId) info("Found #{@sheetWasAttached ? 'attached ' : ''}sheet for " + "#{@resourceId} dated #{@date}") # Ok, found. Now check the full sheet. if checkSheet(@sheet) # Everything is fine. Store it away. fileSheet(@sheet) # Remove the mail from the failedMailsDir File.delete("#{@failedMailsDir}/#{@idDigest}") info("Accepted sheet for #{@resourceId} dated #{@date}") return true end end end def checkSheet(sheet) err = '' status = nil begin # Save a copy of the sheet for debugging purposes. File.open("#{@failedSheetsDir}/#{@resourceId}-#{@date}.tji", 'w') do |f| f.write(sheet) end command = "tj3client --silent #{@tj3clientOption} #{@projectId} ." status = Open4.popen4(command) do |pid, stdin, stdout, stderr| # Send the report to the tj3client process via stdin. stdin.write(sheet) stdin.close # Without errors, the incoming report is pretty printed and returned # in RichText format. @report = stdout.read @warnings = stderr.read end rescue fatal("Cannot check #{@sheetType} sheet: #{$!}") end if status.exitstatus == 0 File.delete("#{@failedSheetsDir}/#{@resourceId}-#{@date}.tji") return true end # The exit status was not 0. The stderr output should not be empty and # will contain error and warning messages. error(@warnings) end def fileSheet(sheet) # Create the appropriate directory structure if it doesn't exist. dir = "#{@sheetDir}/#{@date}" fileName = "#{dir}/#{@resourceId}_#{@date}.tji" newDir = false begin unless File.directory?(dir) Dir.mkdir(dir) addToScm('Adding new directory', dir) newDir = true end File.open(fileName, 'w') { |f| f.write(sheet) } addToScm("Adding/updating #{fileName}", fileName) rescue fatal("Cannot store #{@sheetType} sheet #{fileName}: #{$!}") return end # Create or update the file that includes all *.tji in the directory. generateInclusionFile(dir) if newDir # Add the new directory to the parent all.tji file. allFile = "#{@sheetDir}/all.tji" File.open(allFile, 'a') do |f| f.write("\ninclude '#{@date}/all.tji' { }") end addToScm('Adding new directory to all.tji', allFile) end text = <<"EOT" == Report from #{getResourceName} for the period ending #{@date} == EOT # Add warnings if we had any. unless @warnings.empty? text += <<"EOT" ---- Your report does contain some issues that you may want to fix or address with your manager or project manager: #{@warnings} ---- EOT end # Append the pretty printed version of the submitted sheet. text += @report # Send out the email. sendRichTextEmail(@submitter, sprintf(@emailSubject, getResourceName, @date), text, nil, nil, @messageId) true end # Generate or update a file the contains 'include' statements for all the # .tji files in the provided directory. The generated file will be in this # directory as well. def generateInclusionFile(dir) pwd = Dir.pwd begin Dir.chdir(dir) File.open('all.tji', 'w') do |file| Dir.glob('*.tji').each do |tji| file.puts("include '#{tji}' { }") unless tji == 'all.tji' end end rescue error("Can't create inclusion file: #{$!}") ensure Dir.chdir(pwd) end # Report the change to the SCM handler. addToScm('Adding/updating summary include file.', "#{dir}/all.tji") end def checkSignature(sheet) if matches = @signatureFilter.match(sheet) interval = matches[1] else fatal("No #{@sheetType}sheet header found") end acceptedSignatures = [] if File.exist?(@signatureFile) File.open(@signatureFile, 'r') do |file| acceptedSignatures = file.readlines end acceptedSignatures.map! { |s| s.chomp } acceptedSignatures.delete_if { |s| s.chomp.empty? } else error("#{@signatureFile} does not exist yet.") end unless acceptedSignatures.include?(interval) error(<<"EOT" The reporting period #{interval} was not accepted! Either you have modified the sheet header, you are submitting the sheet too late or too early. EOT ) end end def createDirectories [ @sheetDir, @failedMailsDir, @failedSheetsDir ].each do |dir| unless File.directory?(dir) info("Creating directory #{dir}") Dir.mkdir(dir) end end end def error(message) $stderr.puts message if @outputLevel >= 1 log('ERROR', "#{message}") if @logLevel >= 1 # Append the submitted sheet for further tries. We may run into encoding # errors here. In this case we send the answer without the incoming time # sheet. begin message += "\n" + @sheet if @sheet && !@sheetWasAttached rescue end sendEmail(@submitter, "Your #{@sheetType} sheet submission failed!", message) exit 1 end def fatal(message) log('FATAL', "#{message}") # Append the submitted sheet for further tries. message += "\n" + @sheet if @sheet sendEmail(@submitter, 'Temporary server error', <<"EOT" We are sorry! The #{@sheetType} sheet server detected a configuration problem and is temporarily out of service. The administrator has been notified and will try to rectify the situation as soon as possible. Please re-submit your #{@sheetType} sheet later! EOT ) exit 1 end # Load tye resources.yml YAML file into the @resourceList variable. # The format is Array with one entry per resource. The entry is an Array # with 3 fields: ID, name and email. All fields are String objects. def getResourceList fatal('@date not set') unless @date fileName = "#{@templateDir}/#{@date}/resources.yml" begin @resourceList = YAML.load(File.read(fileName)) info("#{@resourceList.length} resources loaded") rescue error("Cannot read resource file #{fileName}: #{$!}") end @resourceList end def getResourceEmail(id = @resourceId) getResourceList unless @resourceList @resourceList.each do |resource| return resource[2] if resource[0] == id end error("Resource ID '#{id}' not found in list") end def getResourceName(id = @resourceId) getResourceList unless @resourceList @resourceList.each do |resource| return resource[1] if resource[0] == id end error("Resource ID '#{id}' not found in list") end end end