require 'token_attr/version' require 'active_record' require 'active_support/concern' module TokenAttr extend ActiveSupport::Concern DEFAULT_TOKEN_LENGTH = 8.freeze DEFAULT_SLUG_ALPHABET = [('a'..'z'),('A'..'Z'),(0..9)].map(&:to_a).flatten.freeze class TooManyAttemptsError < StandardError attr_reader :attribute, :token def initialize(attr_name, token, message = nil) @attribute = attr_name @token = token message ||= "Can't generate unique token for \"#{attr_name}\". Last attempt with \"#{token}\"." super(message) end end included do before_validation :generate_tokens end module ClassMethods def token_attr(attr_name, options = {}) token_attributes << attr_name define_method "should_generate_new_#{attr_name}_token?" do send(attr_name).blank? end define_method "generate_new_#{attr_name}_token" do token_length = options.fetch(:length, DEFAULT_TOKEN_LENGTH) if alphabet = options[:alphabet] alphabet = DEFAULT_SLUG_ALPHABET if alphabet == :slug alphabet_array = alphabet.split('') (0...token_length).map{ alphabet_array.sample }.join else hex_length = (token_length / 2.0).ceil # 2 characters per length SecureRandom.hex(hex_length).slice(0...token_length) end end end def token_attributes @token_attributes ||= [] end end def generate_tokens self.class.token_attributes.each do |attr_name| if send("should_generate_new_#{attr_name}_token?") new_token = nil try_count = 0 begin raise, new_token) if try_count == 5 new_token = send("generate_new_#{attr_name}_token") try_count += 1 end until token_is_unique?(attr_name, new_token) send "#{attr_name}=", new_token end end end def token_is_unique?(attr_name, token) scope = self.class.where(attr_name => token) scope = scope.where(id != if self.persisted? !scope.exists? end end # Uncomment to auto-extend ActiveRecord, probably not a good idea # ActiveRecord::Base.send(:extend, TokenAttr)