module CrossOrigen class OrigenFormat require 'nokogiri' SUB_BLOCK_ATTRS = { base_address: 'IP base address', byte_order: 'Describes endianness of the IP. Values possible are :big_endian and :little_endian', lau: 'IP Least Addressable Unit: Values possible are (1..32)', version: 'IP version', instance: 'IP instance', instance_module: 'IP module', class_name: 'Class name', instance: 'IP instance', instance_module: 'IP module', addr_block_name: 'Address block name', space: 'Address block space' } FILE_COMMENTS = { class: "\# This file is created by Origen via CrossOrigen::OrigenFormat#export, and is read-only.\n\# If you need to make changes, re-open the class\n", incl: "\# This file is created by Origen via CrossOrigen::OrigenFormat#export, and is read-only" } attr_reader :obj, :top_level_class, :top_level_hierarchy, :output_dir, :top_level_path, :incl_path, :incl_dir, :file_content, :inst_level def initialize(options = {}) options = { obj: $dut, path: "#{Origen.root!}/output", instantiate_level: :top }.update(options) @obj = options[:obj] @output_dir = options[:path] @inst_level = options[:instantiate_level] fail "@instantiate_level must be either set to ':top' or ':sub_block'" unless [:top, :sub_block].include?(@inst_level) @top_level_path = "#{output_dir}/top_level.rb" @incl_path = "#{output_dir}/sub_blocks.rb" @incl_dir = "#{output_dir}/import" @top_level_hierarchy = get_namespace(options) @top_level_class = @top_level_hierarchy.keys.last # first key is file type (:bom or :incl) and second is object name @file_content = do |h, k| h[k] = {} end end def export # Delete any previous files FileUtils.rm_rf(@incl_dir) if File.exist?(@incl_dir) FileUtils.mkdir_p(@incl_dir) # Check if previous version of top-level files exist and delete them File.delete(@top_level_path) if File.exist?(@top_level_path) File.delete(@incl_path) if File.exist?(@incl_path) # Create the sub_block objects in the top_level.rb file # This method will create each required class file recursively (indirectly) # and will gather all of the information required to create the include file. # In essence it does it all create_bom end private # Creates the BoM file that creates the sub_blocks from the meta-modelled sub_blocks def create_bom indent = '' file_content = {} full_class = @top_level_hierarchy.keys.last klass = @top_level_class.demodulize 'Exporting to Origen format...', 'w') do |bom_file| # bom_file.chmod(0555) bom_file.puts(FILE_COMMENTS[:incl]) bom_file.puts("require_relative 'sub_blocks'") @top_level_hierarchy.each do |name, obj| if @inst_level == :sub_block && @top_level_hierarchy.keys.last == name obj = 'module' name = 'SubBlocks' end bom_file.puts("#{indent}#{obj} #{name.split('::').last}") indent += ' ' end bom_file.puts("#{indent}include Origen::Model") bom_file.puts('') if @inst_level == :sub_block bom_file.puts("#{indent}def instantiate_sub_blocks(options = {})") elsif @inst_level == :top bom_file.puts("#{indent}def initialize(options = {})") else fail '@instantiate_level not set to an acceptable value [:top, :sub_block]' end indent += ' ' # This method is recursive (indirectly) so file_content should find all BoM and include file strings create_file_content(@obj, indent) @file_content.each do |file_type, str_hash| if file_type == :bom str_hash.each do |_obj, str| bom_file.puts(str) end elsif file_type == :incl # Create the include file, 'w') do |incl_file| str_hash.each do |_obj, str| incl_file.puts(str) end end else Origen.log.error 'Incorrect key for @file_content instance variable Hash, must be :incl or :bom' end end if @obj.owns_registers? @obj.regs.each do |_reg_name, r| reg_path = r.path.gsub(/#{klass}./i, '') reg_path.chop! if reg_path[-1] == '.' r.description.each do |line| bom_file.puts("#{indent}# #{line}") end reg_string = "#{indent}reg :#{}, #{r.address.to_hex}, size: #{r.size}" if r.respond_to? :bit_order if r.bit_order.is_a?(String) reg_string += ", bit_order: '#{r.bit_order}'" elsif r.bit_order.is_a?(Symbol) reg_string += ", bit_order: :#{r.bit_order}" elsif r.bit_order.is_a?(NilClass) # do not add bitorder if it is not available else reg_string += ", bit_order: #{r.bit_order}" end end if r.respond_to? :space if reg_string += ", space: '#{}'" elsif reg_string += ", space: :#{}" else reg_string += ", space: #{}" end end bom_file.puts("#{reg_string} do |reg|") indent += ' ' r.named_bits do |field, bits| if bits.size > 1 bit_index = "#{bits.position}..#{bits.position + bits.size - 1}" else bit_index = bits.position.to_s end bits.description.each do |line| bom_file.puts("#{indent}# #{line}") end bom_file.puts("#{indent}reg.bit #{bit_index}, :#{field}, reset: 0b#{bits.reset_val.to_s(2)}, access: :#{bits.access}") end indent = indent[0..-3] bom_file.puts("#{indent}end") end end indent = indent[0..-3] bom_file.puts("#{indent}end") @top_level_hierarchy.each do |_name, _obj| indent = indent[0..-3] bom_file.puts("#{indent}end") end end # Give a newline on console to sepearate out the '.' used for progress indicator puts end # Create the bom string for the current object. Recursive method until no more sub_blocks are found for the current object def create_file_content(obj, indent) unless obj.respond_to?(:sub_blocks) && obj.send(:sub_blocks) Origen.log.warn 'Object argument does not have sub_blocks, ignoring it...' return end obj.sub_blocks.each do |name, sb| @file_content[:bom][name] = "#{indent}sub_block :#{name}" instance_vars_with_content(sb).each do |attr, value| if value.is_a?(String) @file_content[:bom][name] += ", #{attr}: '#{value}'" elsif value.is_a?(Symbol) @file_content[:bom][name] += ", #{attr} = :#{value}" else if attr == :base_address @file_content[:bom][name] += ", #{attr}: #{value.to_hex}" else @file_content[:bom][name] += ", #{attr}: #{value}" end end end @file_content[:bom][name] += ", abs_path: '#{sb.path}'" # Add on the class_name attr as this is not part of the sub_block meta_model class_name = sb.class.to_s.demodulize if class_name == 'SubBlock' file_content[:bom][name] += ", class_name: '#{}'" else file_content[:bom][name] += ", class_name: '#{class_name}'" end # Create the class file for this object create_class_file(sb) end end def create_class_file(obj) ivars_content = {} ivars_content = instance_vars_with_content(obj) indent = '' klass = get_full_class(obj) class_path_addition = (klass.split('::') - @top_level_class.split('::')).join('/').downcase @file_content[:incl][klass] = "require_relative 'import/#{class_path_addition}'" class_file_name ="#{@incl_dir}/#{class_path_addition}.rb") class_file_dir = class_file_name.dirname unless class_file_dir.exist? Origen.log.debug "app: Directory #{class_file_dir} does not exist, creating it..." FileUtils.mkdir_p(class_file_dir) end, 'w') do |file| # file.chmod(0555) file.puts('# -*- encoding : utf-8 -*-') if RUBY_VERSION < '2.0.0' file.puts(FILE_COMMENTS[:class]) # print out the top level object hierarchy @top_level_hierarchy.each do |name, o| file.puts("#{indent}#{o} #{name.split('::').last}") indent += ' ' end # print out the current object's sub-hierarchy sub_array = klass.split('::') - @top_level_class.split('::') object_type_array = %w(class) * sub_array.size sub_hierarchy = Hash[ object_type_array] sub_hierarchy.each do |name, o| if o == sub_hierarchy.values.last file.puts("#{indent}#{o} #{name.split('::').last} # rubocop:disable ClassLength") else file.puts("#{indent}#{o} #{name.split('::').last}") end indent += ' ' end file.puts("#{indent}include Origen::Model") file.puts('') instance_vars_with_content(obj).each do |attr, _value| file.puts("#{indent}# #{SUB_BLOCK_ATTRS[attr]}") file.puts("#{indent}attr_reader :#{attr}") file.puts('') end file.puts("#{indent}def initialize(options = {})") indent += ' ' instance_vars_with_content(obj).each do |attr, value| if value.is_a?(String) file.puts("#{indent}\@#{attr} = '#{value}'") elsif value.is_a?(Symbol) file.puts("#{indent}\@#{attr} = :#{value}") else if attr == :base_address file.puts("#{indent}\@#{attr} = #{value.to_hex}") else file.puts("#{indent}\@#{attr} = #{value}") end end end # If the current object has sub_block they need to be instantiated in the init if obj.respond_to?(:sub_blocks) obj.sub_blocks.each do |n, block| bom_string = "#{indent}sub_block :#{n}" instance_vars_with_content(block).each do |attr, value| if value.is_a?(String) bom_string += ", #{attr}: '#{value}'" elsif value.is_a?(Symbol) bom_string += ", #{attr}: :#{value}" else if attr == :base_address bom_string += ", #{attr}: #{value.to_hex}" else bom_string += ", #{attr}: #{value}" end end end bom_string += ", abs_path: '#{block.path}'" # Add on the class_name attr as this is not part of the sub_block meta_model class_name = block.class.to_s.split('::').last if class_name == 'SubBlock' bom_string += ", class_name: '#{}'" else bom_string += ", class_name: '#{class_name}'" end file.puts(bom_string) end end file.puts("#{indent}instantiate_registers(options)") if obj.owns_registers? indent = indent[0..-3] file.puts("#{indent}end") if obj.owns_registers? file.puts('') file.puts("#{indent}# rubocop:disable LineLength") # Need the register and bit_field descriptions to use double quotes file.puts("#{indent}# rubocop:disable StringLiterals") file.puts("#{indent}def instantiate_registers(options = {}) # rubocop:disable MethodLength") indent += ' ' obj.regs.each do |_reg_name, r| reg_addr_offset = (r.address - obj.base_address).to_hex reg_path = r.path.gsub(/#{klass}./i, '') reg_path.chop! if reg_path[-1] == '.' r.description.each do |line| file.puts("#{indent}# #{line}") end reg_string = "#{indent}reg :#{}, #{reg_addr_offset}, size: #{r.size}" if r.respond_to? :bit_order if r.bit_order.is_a?(String) reg_string += ", bit_order: '#{r.bit_order}'" elsif r.bit_order.is_a?(Symbol) reg_string += ", bit_order: :#{r.bit_order}" elsif r.bit_order.is_a?(NilClass) # do not add bitorder if it is not available else reg_string += ", bit_order: #{r.bit_order}" end end if r.respond_to? :space if reg_string += ", space: '#{}'" elsif reg_string += ", space: :#{}" else reg_string += ", space: #{}" end end file.puts("#{reg_string} do |reg|") indent += ' ' r.named_bits do |field, bits| plain_bit_description = Nokogiri::HTML(bits.description.join(' ').to_s).text plain_bit_description.gsub!(/"/, "'") if bits.size > 1 bit_index = "#{bits.position + bits.size - 1}..#{bits.position}" else bit_index = bits.position.to_s end bits.description.each do |line| file.puts("#{indent}# #{line}") end file.puts("#{indent}reg.bit #{bit_index}, :#{field}, reset: 0b#{bits.reset_val.to_s(2)}, access: :#{bits.access}") end indent = indent[0..-3] file.puts("#{indent}end") end indent = indent[0..-3] file.puts("#{indent}end") end @top_level_hierarchy.each do |_name, _obj| indent = indent[0..-3] file.puts("#{indent}end") end sub_hierarchy.each do |_name, _obj| indent = indent[0..-3] file.puts("#{indent}end") end end # Place a '.' to the console to indicate file write progress to the user print '.' # If the current obj has sub_blocks then write those class files if obj.respond_to?(:sub_blocks) && obj.send(:sub_blocks) obj.sub_blocks.each do |_name, sb| create_class_file(sb) end end end # Creates the class files for the sub_blocks instantiated in the BoM def create_class_files indent = '' object_hierarchy = get_namespace(@obj) klass = @obj.class.to_s.split('::').last, 'w') do |incl_file| incl_file.chmod(0555) incl_file.puts(FILE_COMMENTS[:incl]) @obj.sub_blocks.each do |_name, sb| current_bist = nil bypass_addr = 0 incl_file.puts("require_relative 'import/#{}.rb'")"#{@incl_dir}/#{}.rb", 'w') do |file| file.chmod(0555) file.puts('# -*- encoding : utf-8 -*-') if RUBY_VERSION < '2.0.0' file.puts(FILE_COMMENTS[:class]) object_hierarchy.each do |name, obj| file.puts("#{indent}#{obj} #{name.split('::').last}") indent += ' ' end file.puts("#{indent}class #{} # rubocop:disable ClassLength") indent += ' ' file.puts("#{indent}include Origen::Model") file.puts('') SUB_BLOCK_ATTRS.each do |attr, comment| attr_sym = ":#{attr}" # First check that the attribute has content if sb.respond_to?(attr) next if sb.send(eval(attr_sym)).nil? file.puts("#{indent}# #{comment}") file.puts("#{indent}attr_reader :#{attr}") file.puts('') end end file.puts("#{indent}def initialize(options = {})") indent += ' ' SUB_BLOCK_ATTRS.keys.each do |attr| case attr when /base_address/ attr_var = ":@reg_#{attr}" file.puts("#{indent}\@#{attr} = #{sb.instance_variable_get(eval(attr_var)).to_hex}") else attr_var = ":@#{attr}" attr_sym = ":#{attr}" # First check that the attribute has content if sb.respond_to?(attr) next if sb.send(eval(attr_sym)).nil? if sb.instance_variable_get(eval(attr_var)).is_a?(String) file.puts("#{indent}\@#{attr} = '#{sb.instance_variable_get(eval(attr_var))}'") elsif sb.instance_variable_get(eval(attr_var)).is_a?(Symbol) file.puts("#{indent}\@#{attr} = :#{sb.instance_variable_get(eval(attr_var))}") else file.puts("#{indent}\@#{attr} = #{sb.instance_variable_get(eval(attr_var))}") end end end end file.puts("#{indent}instantiate_registers(options)") indent = indent[0..-3] file.puts("#{indent}end") file.puts('') file.puts("#{indent}# rubocop:disable LineLength") # Need the register and bit_field descriptions to use double quotes file.puts("#{indent}# rubocop:disable StringLiterals") file.puts("#{indent}def instantiate_registers(options = {}) # rubocop:disable MethodLength") indent += ' ' sb.regs.each do |_reg_name, r| reg_addr_offset = (r.address - sb.base_address).to_hex reg_path = r.path.gsub(/#{klass}./i, '') reg_path.chop! if reg_path[-1] == '.' r.description.each do |line| file.puts("#{indent}# #{line}") end reg_string = "#{indent}reg :#{}, #{reg_addr_offset}, size: #{r.size}" if r.respond_to? :bit_order if r.bit_order.is_a?(String) reg_string += ", bit_order: '#{r.bit_order}'" elsif r.bit_order.is_a?(Symbol) reg_string += ", bit_order: :#{r.bit_order}" elsif r.bit_order.is_a?(NilClass) # do not add bitorder if it is not available else reg_string += ", bit_order: #{r.bit_order}" end end if r.respond_to? :space if reg_string += ", space: '#{}'" elsif reg_string += ", space: :#{}" else reg_string += ", space: #{}" end end file.puts("#{reg_string} do |reg|") indent += ' ' r.named_bits do |field, bits| plain_bit_description = Nokogiri::HTML(bits.description.join(' ').to_s).text plain_bit_description.gsub!(/"/, "'") if bits.size > 1 bit_index = "#{bits.position + bits.size - 1}..#{bits.position}" else bit_index = bits.position.to_s end bits.description.each do |line| file.puts("#{indent}# #{line}") end file.puts("#{indent}reg.bit #{bit_index}, :#{field}, reset: 0b#{bits.reset_val.to_s(2)}, access: :#{bits.access}") end indent = indent[0..-3] file.puts("#{indent}end") end indent = indent[0..-3] file.puts("#{indent}end") indent = indent[0..-3] file.puts("#{indent}end") object_hierarchy.each do |_name, _obj| indent = indent[0..-3] file.puts("#{indent}end") end end end end end # Returns a hash (key == scope, value is 'module' or 'class') needed to # reconstruct the application hierarchy def get_namespace(options) obj = options[:obj] namespace = [] object_hierarchy = {} namespace = obj.class.to_s.split('::') namespace.pop if options[:class_name] curr_eval = nil scope = nil namespace.each_with_index do |e, _i| scope.nil? ? scope = e : scope += "::#{e}" curr_eval = "#{scope}.class" object_hierarchy["#{scope}"] = eval(curr_eval).to_s.downcase end if options[:class_name] if object_hierarchy.empty? object_hierarchy[options[:class_name]] = 'class' else object_hierarchy["#{object_hierarchy.keys.last}::#{options[:class_name]}"] = 'class' end end object_hierarchy end # Returns a hash of all of the non-nil instance_variables for an instance def instance_vars_with_content(obj) ivars_content = {} obj.instance_variables.each do |ivar| ivar_sym = ivar.to_s.gsub('@', '').to_sym # Check for reg_base_address as method base_address refers to this instance variable # Could use reg_base_address but all docs show to use base_address in the sub_block calls # If not reg_base_address the ivar must be included in SUB_BLOCK_ATTRS next unless ivar_sym == :reg_base_address || SUB_BLOCK_ATTRS.include?(ivar_sym) # Skip the instance variable if it is nil next if obj.send(ivar_sym).nil? if ivar_sym == :reg_base_address ivars_content[:base_address] = obj.send(ivar_sym) else ivars_content[ivar_sym] = obj.send(ivar_sym) end end ivars_content end # Recursively work through the object hierarchy and return the full class string def get_full_class(obj) class_str = '' until obj.nil? if obj == Origen.top_level class_str.prepend @top_level_hierarchy.keys.last else # If the class method produces "SubBlock" then use the object name instead if obj.class.to_s.split('::').last == 'SubBlock' class_str.prepend "::#{}" else class_str.prepend "::#{obj.class.to_s.split('::').last}" end end obj = obj.parent end class_str end end end