# ********************************************************************************* # URBANopt™, Copyright (c) 2019-2021, Alliance for Sustainable Energy, LLC, and other # contributors. All rights reserved. # Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification, # are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: # Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this list # of conditions and the following disclaimer. # Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, this # list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation and/or other # materials provided with the distribution. # Neither the name of the copyright holder nor the names of its contributors may be # used to endorse or promote products derived from this software without specific # prior written permission. # Redistribution of this software, without modification, must refer to the software # by the same designation. Redistribution of a modified version of this software # (i) may not refer to the modified version by the same designation, or by any # confusingly similar designation, and (ii) must refer to the underlying software # originally provided by Alliance as “URBANopt”. Except to comply with the foregoing, # the term “URBANopt”, or any confusingly similar designation may not be used to # refer to any modified version of this software or any modified version of the # underlying software originally provided by Alliance without the prior written # consent of Alliance. # THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" AND # ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED # WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. # IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT HOLDER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, # INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, # BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, # DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF # LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE # OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED # OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. # ********************************************************************************* require 'urbanopt/reporting' require 'openstudio/common_measures' require 'openstudio/model_articulation' require 'openstudio/ee_measures' require 'openstudio/calibration' require 'json' module URBANopt module Scenario class FloorspaceMapper < SimulationMapperBase # class level variables @@instance_lock = Mutex.new @@osw = nil @@geometry = nil def initialize # do initialization of class variables in thread safe way @@instance_lock.synchronize do if @@osw.nil? # load the OSW for this class osw_path = File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), 'floorspace_workflow.osw') File.open(osw_path, 'r') do |file| @@osw = JSON.parse(file.read, symbolize_names: true) end # add any paths local to the project @@osw[:file_paths] << File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), '../weather/') # configures OSW with extension gem paths for measures and files, all extension gems must be # required before this @@osw = OpenStudio::Extension.configure_osw(@@osw) end end end def lookup_building_type(building_type, template, footprint_area, number_of_stories) if template.include? 'DEER' case building_type when 'Education' return 'EPr' when 'Enclosed mall' return 'RtL' when 'Food sales' return 'RSD' when 'Food service' return 'RSD' when 'Inpatient health care' return 'Nrs' when 'Laboratory' return 'Hsp' when 'Lodging' return 'Htl' when 'Mixed use' return 'ECC' when 'Mobile Home' return 'DMo' when 'Multifamily (2 to 4 units)' return 'MFm' when 'Multifamily (5 or more units)' return 'MFm' when 'Nonrefrigerated warehouse' return 'SUn' when 'Nursing' return 'Nrs' when 'Office' if footprint_area if footprint_area.to_f > 100000 return 'OfL' else return 'OfS' end else raise 'footprint_area required to map office building type' end when 'Outpatient health care' return 'Nrs' when 'Public assembly' return 'Asm' when 'Public order and safety' return 'Asm' when 'Refrigerated warehouse' return 'WRf' when 'Religious worship' return 'Asm' when 'Retail other than mall' return 'RtS' when 'Service' return 'MLI' when 'Single-Family' return 'MFm' when 'Strip shopping mall' return 'RtL' when 'Vacant' return 'SUn' else raise "building type #{building_type} cannot be mapped to a DEER building type" end else # default: ASHRAE case building_type when 'Education' return 'SecondarySchool' when 'Enclosed mall' return 'RetailStripmall' when 'Food sales' return 'FullServiceRestaurant' when 'Food service' return 'FullServiceRestaurant' when 'Inpatient health care' return 'Hospital' when 'Laboratory' return 'Hospital' when 'Lodging' if number_of_stories if number_of_stories.to_i > 3 return 'LargeHotel' else return 'SmallHotel' end end return 'LargeHotel' when 'Mixed use' return 'Mixed use' when 'Mobile Home' return 'MidriseApartment' when 'Multifamily (2 to 4 units)' return 'MidriseApartment' when 'Multifamily (5 or more units)' return 'MidriseApartment' when 'Nonrefrigerated warehouse' return 'Warehouse' when 'Nursing' return 'Outpatient' when 'Office' if footprint_area if footprint_area.to_f < 20000 value = 'SmallOffice' elsif footprint_area.to_f > 100000 value = 'LargeOffice' else value = 'MediumOffice' end else raise 'Floor area required to map office building type' end when 'Outpatient health care' return 'Outpatient' when 'Public assembly' return 'MediumOffice' when 'Public order and safety' return 'MediumOffice' when 'Refrigerated warehouse' return 'Warehouse' when 'Religious worship' return 'MediumOffice' when 'Retail other than mall' return 'RetailStandalone' when 'Service' return 'MediumOffice' when 'Single-Family' return 'MidriseApartment' when 'Strip shopping mall' return 'RetailStripmall' when 'Vacant' return 'Warehouse' else raise "building type #{building_type} cannot be mapped to an ASHRAE building type" end end end def lookup_template_by_year_built(template, year_built) if template.include? 'DEER' if year_built <= 1996 return 'DEER 1985' elsif year_built <= 2003 return 'DEER 1996' elsif year_built <= 2007 return 'DEER 2003' elsif year_built <= 2011 return 'DEER 2007' elsif year_built <= 2014 return 'DEER 2011' elsif year_built <= 2015 return 'DEER 2014' elsif year_built <= 2017 return 'DEER 2015' elsif year_built <= 2020 return 'DEER 2017' else return 'DEER 2020' end else # ASHRAE if year_built < 1980 return 'DOE Ref Pre-1980' elsif year_built <= 2004 return 'DOE Ref 1980-2004' elsif year_built <= 2007 return '90.1-2004' elsif year_built <= 2010 return '90.1-2007' elsif year_built <= 2013 return '90.1-2010' else return '90.1-2013' end end end def create_osw(scenario, features, feature_names) if features.size != 1 raise 'TestMapper1 currently cannot simulate more than one feature' end feature = features[0] feature_id = feature.id feature_type = feature.type # take the centroid of the vertices as the location of the building feature_vertices_coordinates = feature.feature_json[:geometry][:coordinates][0] feature_location = feature.find_feature_center(feature_vertices_coordinates).to_s feature_name = feature.name if feature_names.size == 1 feature_name = feature_names[0] end # deep clone of @@osw before we configure it osw = Marshal.load(Marshal.dump(@@osw)) # now we have the feature, we can look up its properties and set arguments in the OSW osw[:name] = feature_name osw[:description] = feature_name if feature_type == 'Building' # set_run_period begin timesteps_per_hour = feature.timesteps_per_hour if timesteps_per_hour OpenStudio::Extension.set_measure_argument(osw, 'set_run_period', 'timesteps_per_hour', timesteps_per_hour) end rescue StandardError end begin begin_date = feature.begin_date if begin_date # check date-only YYYY-MM-DD if begin_date.length > 10 begin_date = begin_date[0, 10] end OpenStudio::Extension.set_measure_argument(osw, 'set_run_period', 'begin_date', begin_date) end rescue StandardError end begin end_date = feature.end_date if end_date # check date-only YYYY-MM-DD if end_date.length > 10 end_date = end_date[0, 10] end OpenStudio::Extension.set_measure_argument(osw, 'set_run_period', 'end_date', end_date) end rescue StandardError end # convert to hash building_hash = feature.to_hash # check for detailed model filename if building_hash.key?(:detailed_model_filename) detailed_model_filename = building_hash[:detailed_model_filename] osw[:file_paths] << File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), '../osm_building/') # assign detailed_model_filename as the seed model osw[:seed_file] = detailed_model_filename # check if the floorspace.js file exists for the detailed model filename floor_space_file = File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), '../osm_building/', detailed_model_filename.to_s.split('.')[0] + '.json') if File.exist?(floor_space_file) # ChangeBuildingLocation # set skip to false for change building location OpenStudio::Extension.set_measure_argument(osw, 'ChangeBuildingLocation', '__SKIP__', false,'ChangeBuildingLocation 2') # cec climate zone takes precedence cec_found = false begin cec_climate_zone = feature.cec_climate_zone if !cec_climate_zone.empty? cec_climate_zone = 'T24-CEC' + cec_climate_zone OpenStudio::Extension.set_measure_argument(osw, 'ChangeBuildingLocation', 'climate_zone', cec_climate_zone, 'ChangeBuildingLocation 2') cec_found = true # Temporary fix for CEC climate zone: cec_modified_zone = 'CEC ' + cec_climate_zone OpenStudio::Extension.set_measure_argument(osw, 'create_typical_building_from_model', 'climate_zone', cec_modified_zone, 'create_typical_building_from_model 1') end rescue StandardError end if !cec_found begin climate_zone = feature.climate_zone if !climate_zone.empty? climate_zone = 'ASHRAE 169-2013-' + climate_zone OpenStudio::Extension.set_measure_argument(osw, 'ChangeBuildingLocation', 'climate_zone', climate_zone, 'ChangeBuildingLocation 2') end rescue StandardError end end # set weather file begin weather_filename = feature.weather_filename if !feature.weather_filename.nil? && !feature.weather_filename.empty? OpenStudio::Extension.set_measure_argument(osw, 'ChangeBuildingLocation', 'weather_file_name', weather_filename, 'ChangeBuildingLocation 2') puts "Setting weather_file_name to #{weather_filename} as specified in the FeatureFile" end rescue StandardError puts 'No weather_file specified on feature' epw_file_path = Dir.glob(File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), '../weather/*.epw'))[0] if !epw_file_path.nil? && !epw_file_path.empty? epw_file_name = File.basename(epw_file_path) OpenStudio::Extension.set_measure_argument(osw, 'ChangeBuildingLocation', 'weather_file_name', epw_file_name, 'ChangeBuildingLocation 2') puts "Setting weather_file_name to first epw file found in the weather folder: #{epw_file_name}" else puts 'NO WEATHER FILES SPECIFIED...SIMULATIONS MAY FAIL' end end # template begin new_template = nil template = feature.template # can we override template with year_built info? (keeping same template family) if building_hash.key?(:year_built) && !building_hash[:year_built].nil? && !feature.template.empty? new_template = lookup_template_by_year_built(template, year_built) elsif !feature.template.empty? new_template = template end if new_template OpenStudio::Extension.set_measure_argument(osw, 'create_typical_building_from_model', 'template', new_template, 'create_typical_building_from_model 1') end rescue StandardError end # set skip to false for merge floorspace js with model measure OpenStudio::Extension.set_measure_argument(osw, 'merge_floorspace_js_with_model', '__SKIP__', false) OpenStudio::Extension.set_measure_argument(osw, 'merge_floorspace_js_with_model', 'floorplan_path', floor_space_file) # set skip to false for create typical building from model measure OpenStudio::Extension.set_measure_argument(osw, 'create_typical_building_from_model', '__SKIP__', false, 'create_typical_building_from_model 1') OpenStudio::Extension.set_measure_argument(osw, 'create_typical_building_from_model', 'add_hvac', true, 'create_typical_building_from_model 1') end # skip PMV measure with detailed models OpenStudio::Extension.set_measure_argument(osw, 'PredictedMeanVote', '__SKIP__', true) # in case detailed model filename is not present else building_type_1 = building_hash[:building_type] # lookup/map building type number_of_stories = building_hash[:number_of_stories] if building_hash.key?(:number_of_stories_above_ground) number_of_stories_above_ground = building_hash[:number_of_stories_above_ground] number_of_stories_below_ground = number_of_stories - number_of_stories_above_ground else number_of_stories_above_ground = number_of_stories number_of_stories_below_ground = 0 end template = building_hash.key?(:template) ? building_hash[:template] : nil footprint_area = building_hash[:footprint_area] mapped_building_type_1 = lookup_building_type(building_type_1, template, footprint_area, number_of_stories) # process Mixed Use (for create_bar measure) if building_type_1 == 'Mixed use' # map mixed use types running_fraction = 0 mixed_type_1 = building_hash[:mixed_type_1] mixed_type_2 = building_hash.key?(:mixed_type_2) ? building_hash[:mixed_type_2] : nil unless mixed_type_2.nil? mixed_type_2_percentage = building_hash[:mixed_type_2_percentage] mixed_type_2_fract_bldg_area = mixed_type_2_percentage * 0.01 running_fraction += mixed_type_2_fract_bldg_area end mixed_type_3 = building_hash.key?(:mixed_type_3) ? building_hash[:mixed_type_3] : nil unless mixed_type_3.nil? mixed_type_3_percentage = building_hash[:mixed_type_3_percentage] mixed_type_3_fract_bldg_area = mixed_type_3_percentage * 0.01 running_fraction += mixed_type_3_fract_bldg_area end mixed_type_4 = building_hash.key?(:mixed_type_4) ? building_hash[:mixed_type_4] : nil unless mixed_type_4.nil? mixed_type_4_percentage = building_hash[:mixed_type_4_percentage] mixed_type_4_fract_bldg_area = mixed_type_4_percentage * 0.01 running_fraction += mixed_type_4_fract_bldg_area end # potentially calculate from other inputs mixed_type_1_fract_bldg_area = building_hash.key?(:mixed_type_1_percentage) ? building_hash[:mixed_type_1_percentage] : (1 - running_fraction) # lookup mixed_use types footprint_1 = footprint_area * mixed_type_1_fract_bldg_area openstudio_mixed_type_1 = lookup_building_type(mixed_type_1, template, footprint_1, number_of_stories) unless mixed_type_2.nil? footprint_2 = footprint_area * mixed_type_2_fract_bldg_area openstudio_mixed_type_2 = lookup_building_type(mixed_type_2, template, footprint_2, number_of_stories) end unless mixed_type_3.nil? footprint_3 = footprint_area * mixed_type_3_fract_bldg_area openstudio_mixed_type_3 = lookup_building_type(mixed_type_3, template, footprint_3, number_of_stories) end unless mixed_type_4.nil? footprint_4 = footprint_area * mixed_type_4_fract_bldg_area openstudio_mixed_type_4 = lookup_building_type(mixed_type_4, template, footprint_4, number_of_stories) end end floor_height = 10 # Map system type to openstudio system types # TODO: Map all system types if building_hash.key?(:system_type) system_type = building_hash[:system_type] case system_type when 'Fan coil district hot and chilled water' system_type = 'Fan coil district chilled water with district hot water' when 'Fan coil air-cooled chiller and boiler' system_type = 'Fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler' when 'VAV with gas reheat' system_type = 'VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat' end else system_type = 'Inferred' end def time_mapping(time) hour = time.split(':')[0] minute = time.split(':')[1] fraction = minute.to_f / 60 fraction_roundup = fraction.round(2) minute_fraction = fraction_roundup.to_s.split('.')[1] new_time = [hour, minute_fraction].join('.') return new_time end # ChangeBuildingLocation # set skip to false for change building location OpenStudio::Extension.set_measure_argument(osw, 'ChangeBuildingLocation', '__SKIP__', false, 'ChangeBuildingLocation 1') # cec climate zone takes precedence cec_found = false begin cec_climate_zone = feature.cec_climate_zone if !cec_climate_zone.empty? cec_climate_zone = 'T24-CEC' + cec_climate_zone OpenStudio::Extension.set_measure_argument(osw, 'ChangeBuildingLocation', 'climate_zone', cec_climate_zone, 'ChangeBuildingLocation 1') cec_found = true # Temporary fix for CEC climate zone: cec_modified_zone = 'CEC ' + cec_climate_zone OpenStudio::Extension.set_measure_argument(osw, 'create_bar_from_building_type_ratios', 'climate_zone', cec_modified_zone) OpenStudio::Extension.set_measure_argument(osw, 'create_typical_building_from_model', 'climate_zone', cec_modified_zone, 'create_typical_building_from_model 1') OpenStudio::Extension.set_measure_argument(osw, 'create_typical_building_from_model', 'climate_zone', cec_modified_zone, 'create_typical_building_from_model 2') end rescue StandardError end if !cec_found begin climate_zone = feature.climate_zone if !climate_zone.empty? climate_zone = 'ASHRAE 169-2013-' + climate_zone OpenStudio::Extension.set_measure_argument(osw, 'ChangeBuildingLocation', 'climate_zone', climate_zone, 'ChangeBuildingLocation 1') end rescue StandardError end end # set weather file begin weather_filename = feature.weather_filename if !feature.weather_filename.nil? && !feature.weather_filename.empty? OpenStudio::Extension.set_measure_argument(osw, 'ChangeBuildingLocation', 'weather_file_name', weather_filename, 'ChangeBuildingLocation 1') puts "Setting weather_file_name to #{weather_filename} as specified in the FeatureFile" end rescue StandardError puts 'No weather_file specified on feature' epw_file_path = Dir.glob(File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), '../weather/*.epw'))[0] if !epw_file_path.nil? && !epw_file_path.empty? epw_file_name = File.basename(epw_file_path) OpenStudio::Extension.set_measure_argument(osw, 'ChangeBuildingLocation', 'weather_file_name', epw_file_name, 'ChangeBuildingLocation 1') puts "Setting weather_file_name to first epw file found in the weather folder: #{epw_file_name}" else puts 'NO WEATHER FILES SPECIFIED...SIMULATIONS MAY FAIL' end end # geojson schema doesn't have modify_wkdy_op_hrs and modify_wknd_op_hrs checking for both start and duration to set to true in osw weekday_flag = 0 # set modify arg to true of this gets to 2 weekend_flag = 0 # set modify arg to true of this gets to 2 # set weekday start time begin weekday_start_time = feature.weekday_start_time if !feature.weekday_start_time.empty? new_weekday_start_time = time_mapping(weekday_start_time) OpenStudio::Extension.set_measure_argument(osw, 'create_typical_building_from_model', 'wkdy_op_hrs_start_time', new_weekday_start_time, 'create_typical_building_from_model 1') weekday_flag += 1 end rescue StandardError end # set weekday duration begin weekday_duration = feature.weekday_duration if !feature.weekday_duration.empty? new_weekday_duration = time_mapping(weekday_duration) OpenStudio::Extension.set_measure_argument(osw, 'create_typical_building_from_model', 'wkdy_op_hrs_duration', new_weekday_duration, 'create_typical_building_from_model 1') weekday_flag += 1 end rescue StandardError end # set weekday modify begin if weekday_flag == 2 OpenStudio::Extension.set_measure_argument(osw, 'create_typical_building_from_model', 'modify_wkdy_op_hrs', true, 'create_typical_building_from_model 1') end rescue StandardError end # set weekend start time begin weekend_start_time = feature.weekend_start_time if !feature.weekend_start_time.empty? new_weekend_start_time = time_mapping(weekend_start_time) OpenStudio::Extension.set_measure_argument(osw, 'create_typical_building_from_model', 'wknd_op_hrs_start_time', new_weekend_start_time, 'create_typical_building_from_model 1') weekend_flag += 1 end rescue StandardError end # set weekend duration begin weekend_duration = feature.weekend_duration if !feature.weekend_duration.empty? new_weekend_duration = time_mapping(weekend_duration) OpenStudio::Extension.set_measure_argument(osw, 'create_typical_building_from_model', 'wknd_op_hrs_duration', new_weekend_duration, 'create_typical_building_from_model 1') weekend_flag += 1 end rescue StandardError end # set weekday modify begin if weekend_flag == 2 OpenStudio::Extension.set_measure_argument(osw, 'create_typical_building_from_model', 'modify_wknd_op_hrs', true, 'create_typical_building_from_model 1') end rescue StandardError end # template begin new_template = nil template = feature.template # can we override template with year_built info? (keeping same template family) if building_hash.key?(:year_built) && !building_hash[:year_built].nil? && !feature.template.empty? new_template = lookup_template_by_year_built(template, year_built) elsif !feature.template.empty? new_template = template end if new_template OpenStudio::Extension.set_measure_argument(osw, 'create_bar_from_building_type_ratios', 'template', new_template) OpenStudio::Extension.set_measure_argument(osw, 'create_typical_building_from_model', 'template', new_template, 'create_typical_building_from_model 1') OpenStudio::Extension.set_measure_argument(osw, 'create_typical_building_from_model', 'template', new_template, 'create_typical_building_from_model 2') end rescue StandardError end # TODO: surface_elevation has no current mapping # TODO: tariff_filename has no current mapping # create a bar building, will have spaces tagged with individual space types given the # input building types # set skip measure to false OpenStudio::Extension.set_measure_argument(osw, 'create_bar_from_building_type_ratios', '__SKIP__', false) OpenStudio::Extension.set_measure_argument(osw, 'create_bar_from_building_type_ratios', 'single_floor_area', footprint_area) OpenStudio::Extension.set_measure_argument(osw, 'create_bar_from_building_type_ratios', 'floor_height', floor_height) OpenStudio::Extension.set_measure_argument(osw, 'create_bar_from_building_type_ratios', 'num_stories_above_grade', number_of_stories_above_ground) OpenStudio::Extension.set_measure_argument(osw, 'create_bar_from_building_type_ratios', 'num_stories_below_grade', number_of_stories_below_ground) OpenStudio::Extension.set_measure_argument(osw, 'create_bar_from_building_type_ratios', 'bldg_type_a', mapped_building_type_1) if building_type_1 == 'Mixed use' OpenStudio::Extension.set_measure_argument(osw, 'create_bar_from_building_type_ratios', 'bldg_type_a', openstudio_mixed_type_1) unless mixed_type_2.nil? OpenStudio::Extension.set_measure_argument(osw, 'create_bar_from_building_type_ratios', 'bldg_type_b', openstudio_mixed_type_2) OpenStudio::Extension.set_measure_argument(osw, 'create_bar_from_building_type_ratios', 'bldg_type_b_fract_bldg_area', mixed_type_2_fract_bldg_area) end unless mixed_type_3.nil? OpenStudio::Extension.set_measure_argument(osw, 'create_bar_from_building_type_ratios', 'bldg_type_c', openstudio_mixed_type_3) OpenStudio::Extension.set_measure_argument(osw, 'create_bar_from_building_type_ratios', 'bldg_type_c_fract_bldg_area', mixed_type_3_fract_bldg_area) end unless mixed_type_4.nil? OpenStudio::Extension.set_measure_argument(osw, 'create_bar_from_building_type_ratios', 'bldg_type_d', openstudio_mixed_type_4) OpenStudio::Extension.set_measure_argument(osw, 'create_bar_from_building_type_ratios', 'bldg_type_d_fract_bldg_area', mixed_type_4_fract_bldg_area) end end # calling create typical building the first time will create space types OpenStudio::Extension.set_measure_argument(osw, 'create_typical_building_from_model', '__SKIP__', false) OpenStudio::Extension.set_measure_argument(osw, 'create_typical_building_from_model', 'add_hvac', false, 'create_typical_building_from_model 1') # create a blended space type for each story OpenStudio::Extension.set_measure_argument(osw, 'blended_space_type_from_model', '__SKIP__', false) OpenStudio::Extension.set_measure_argument(osw, 'blended_space_type_from_model', 'blend_method', 'Building Story') # create geometry for the desired feature, this will reuse blended space types in the model for each story and remove the bar geometry OpenStudio::Extension.set_measure_argument(osw, 'urban_geometry_creation', '__SKIP__', false) OpenStudio::Extension.set_measure_argument(osw, 'urban_geometry_creation', 'geojson_file', scenario.feature_file.path) OpenStudio::Extension.set_measure_argument(osw, 'urban_geometry_creation', 'feature_id', feature_id) OpenStudio::Extension.set_measure_argument(osw, 'urban_geometry_creation', 'surrounding_buildings', 'ShadingOnly') # call create typical building a second time, do not touch space types, only add hvac OpenStudio::Extension.set_measure_argument(osw, 'create_typical_building_from_model', '__SKIP__', false) OpenStudio::Extension.set_measure_argument(osw, 'create_typical_building_from_model', 'system_type', system_type, 'create_typical_building_from_model 2') end # call the default feature reporting measure OpenStudio::Extension.set_measure_argument(osw, 'default_feature_reports', 'feature_id', feature_id) OpenStudio::Extension.set_measure_argument(osw, 'default_feature_reports', 'feature_name', feature_name) OpenStudio::Extension.set_measure_argument(osw, 'default_feature_reports', 'feature_type', feature_type) OpenStudio::Extension.set_measure_argument(osw, 'default_feature_reports', 'feature_location', feature_location) end return osw end end # FloorspaceMapper end # Scenario end # URBANopt