require File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), '..', 'spec_helper') # Directory that contains sample releases. RELEASE_FIXTURES_DIR = File.join(File.dirname(File.expand_path(__FILE__)), "..", "fixtures", "releases") # Return the pathname string to the directory containing the release fixture called +name+. def release_fixture(name) return File.join(RELEASE_FIXTURES_DIR, name) end # Copy the release fixture called +name+ into the current working directory. def install_release_fixture(name) release_fixture(name) FileUtils.cp_r(release_fixture(name), name) end describe "cli" do # Return STDOUT and STDERR output generated from +block+ as it's run within a temporary test directory. def run(&block) return output_for do mktestdircd do end end end def app return end before :all do Puppet::Module::Tool.prepare_settings @username = "myuser" @module_name = "mymodule" @full_name = "#{@username}-#{@module_name}" @version = "0.0.1" @release_name = "#{@full_name}-#{@version}" end before :each do Puppet::Module::Tool::Cache.clean end after :each do Puppet::Module::Tool::Cache.clean end describe "version" do it "should display a version" do run do app.version end.should =~ /#{Puppet::Module::Tool.version}/ end end describe "generate" do it "should generate a module if given a dashed name" do run do app.generate(@full_name) == true modulefile = File.join(@full_name, "Modulefile") File.file?(modulefile).should == true metadata = Puppet::Module::Tool::Modulefile.evaluate(metadata, modulefile) metadata.full_name.should == @full_name metadata.username.should == @username == @module_name end.should =~ /Generating module/ end it "should fail if given an undashed name" do run do lambda { app.generate("invalid") }.should raise_error(SystemExit) end.should =~ /Could not generate directory "invalid", you must specify a dash-separated username and module name./ end it "should fail if directory already exists" do run do app.generate(@full_name) lambda { app.generate(@full_name) }.should raise_error(SystemExit) end.should =~ /already exists/ end end describe "build" do it "should build a module in a directory" do run do app.generate(@full_name), "pkg", @release_name)).should == true File.file?(File.join(@full_name, "pkg", @release_name + ".tar.gz")).should == true metadata_file = File.join(@full_name, "pkg", @release_name, "metadata.json") File.file?(metadata_file).should == true metadata = PSON.parse( metadata["name"].should == @full_name metadata["version"].should == @version metadata["checksums"].should be_a_kind_of(Hash) metadata["dependencies"].should == [] metadata["types"].should == [] end.should =~ /Building.+Built/m end it "should build a module's checksums" do run do app.generate(@full_name) metadata_file = File.join(@full_name, "pkg", @release_name, "metadata.json") metadata = PSON.parse( metadata["checksums"].should be_a_kind_of(Hash) modulefile_path =, "Modulefile")) metadata["checksums"]["Modulefile"].should == Digest::MD5.hexdigest( end end it "should build a module's types and providers" do run do name = "jamtur01-apache" install_release_fixture name metadata_file = File.join(name, "pkg", "#{name}-0.0.1", "metadata.json") metadata = PSON.parse( metadata["types"].size.should == 1 type = metadata["types"].first type["name"].should == "a2mod" type["doc"].should == "Manage Apache 2 modules" type["parameters"].size.should == 1 type["parameters"].first.tap do |o| o["name"].should == "name" o["doc"].should == "The name of the module to be managed" end type["properties"].size.should == 1 type["properties"].first.tap do |o| o["name"].should == "ensure" o["doc"].should =~ /present.+absent/ end type["providers"].size.should == 1 type["providers"].first.tap do |o| o["name"].should == "debian" o["doc"].should =~ /Manage Apache 2 modules on Debian-like OSes/ end end end it "should build a module's dependencies" do run do app.generate(@full_name) modulefile = File.join(@full_name, "Modulefile") dependency1_name = "anotheruser-anothermodule" dependency1_requirement = ">= 1.2.3" dependency2_name = "someuser-somemodule" dependency2_requirement = "4.2" dependency2_repository = "http://some.repo", "a") do |handle| handle.puts "dependency '#{dependency1_name}', '#{dependency1_requirement}'" handle.puts "dependency '#{dependency2_name}', '#{dependency2_requirement}', '#{dependency2_repository}'" end metadata_file = File.join(@full_name, "pkg", "#{@full_name}-#{@version}", "metadata.json") metadata = PSON.parse( metadata['dependencies'].size.should == 2 metadata['dependencies'].sort_by{|t| t['name']}.tap do |dependencies| dependencies[0].tap do |dependency1| dependency1['name'].should == dependency1_name dependency1['version_requirement'].should == dependency1_requirement dependency1['repository'].should be_nil end dependencies[1].tap do |dependency2| dependency2['name'].should == dependency2_name dependency2['version_requirement'].should == dependency2_requirement dependency2['repository'].should == dependency2_repository end end end end it "should rebuild a module in a directory" do run do app.generate(@full_name) end.should =~ /Building.+Built.+Building.+Built/m end it "should build a module in the current directory" do run do app.generate(@full_name) Dir.chdir(@full_name) File.file?(File.join("pkg", @release_name + ".tar.gz")).should == true end.should =~ /Building.+Built/m end it "should fail to build a module without a Modulefile" do run do app.generate(@full_name) FileUtils.rm(File.join(@full_name, "Modulefile")) lambda { }.should raise_error(SystemExit) end.should =~ /Could not find a valid module at "#{@full_name}"/ end it "should fail to build a module directory that doesn't exist" do run do lambda { }.should raise_error(SystemExit) end.should =~ /Could not find a valid module at "#{@full_name}"/ end it "should fail to build a module in the current directory that's not a module" do run do lambda { }.should raise_error(SystemExit) end.should =~ /Could not find a valid module at current directory/ end end describe "search" do it "should display matching modules" do run do stub_repository_read 200, <<-HERE [ {"full_name": "cli", "version": "1.0"}, {"full_name": "web", "version": "2.0"} ] HERE"mymodule") end.should =~ /2 found.+cli.+1\.0.+web.+2\.0/m end it "should display no matches" do run do stub_repository_read 200, "[]""mymodule") end.should =~ /0 found/m end it "should fail if can't get a connection" do run do stub_repository_read 500, "OH NOES!!1!""mymodule") end.should =~ /Could not execute search.+HTTP 500/m end end describe "install" do it "should install a module from a filesystem path" do run do app.generate(@full_name)"#{@full_name}/pkg/#{@release_name}.tar.gz", "#{@release_name}.tar.gz") FileUtils.rm_rf(@full_name) app.install("#{@release_name}.tar.gz") == true File.file?(File.join(@full_name, 'metadata.json')).should == true end.should =~ /Installed "myuser-mymodule-0.0.1" into directory: myuser-mymodule/ end it "should install a module from a webserver URL" do run do app.generate(@full_name) stub_cache_read"#{@full_name}/pkg/#{@release_name}.tar.gz") FileUtils.rm_rf(@full_name) stub_installer_read <<-HERE {"file": "/foo/bar/#{@release_name}.tar.gz", "version": "#{@version}"} HERE app.install(@full_name) == true File.file?(File.join(@full_name, 'metadata.json')).should == true end.should =~ /Installed #{@release_name.inspect} into directory: #{@full_name}/ end it "should install a module from a webserver URL using a version requirement" # TODO it "should fail if module isn't a slashed name" do run do lambda { app.install("invalid") }.should raise_error(SystemExit) end.should =~ /Could not install module with invalid name/ end it "should fail if module doesn't exist on webserver" do run do stub_installer_read "{}" lambda { app.install("not-found") }.should raise_error(SystemExit) end end it "should fail gracefully when receiving invalid PSON" do pending "Implement PSON error wrapper" # TODO run do stub_installer_read "1/0" lambda { app.install("not-found") }.should raise_error(SystemExit) end end it "should fail if installing a module that's already installed" do run do name = "myuser-mymodule" Dir.mkdir name lambda { app.install(name) }.should raise_error(SystemExit) end.should =~ /already installed/ end end describe "clean" do it "should clean cache" do run do app.generate(@full_name)"#{@full_name}/pkg/#{@release_name}.tar.gz", "#{@release_name}.tar.gz") FileUtils.rm_rf(@full_name) app.install("#{@release_name}.tar.gz") == true app.clean == false end end end describe "changes" do it "should display changes" do run do app.generate(@full_name) Dir.chdir("#{@full_name}/pkg/#{@release_name}")"Modulefile", "a") do |handle| handle.puts handle.puts "# Added" end puts "CHANGES:" app.changes(".") end.should =~ /CHANGES:.+Modulefile\s*\z/m end end describe "repository" do it "should display repository" do run do # TODO How to avoid accessing "~/.puppet/puppet.conf" without stubbing parts we want to exercise? app.repository end.should =~ %r{http://} end end end