Copyright (c) 2003-2011, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
* @fileOverview Defines the {@link CKEDITOR.dom.node} class which is the base
* class for classes that represent DOM nodes.
* Base class for classes representing DOM nodes. This constructor may return
* an instance of a class that inherits from this class, like
* {@link CKEDITOR.dom.element} or {@link CKEDITOR.dom.text}.
* @augments CKEDITOR.dom.domObject
* @param {Object} domNode A native DOM node.
* @constructor
* @see CKEDITOR.dom.element
* @see CKEDITOR.dom.text
* @example
CKEDITOR.dom.node = function( domNode )
if ( domNode )
switch ( domNode.nodeType )
// Safari don't consider document as element node type. (#3389)
return new CKEDITOR.dom.document( domNode );
return new CKEDITOR.dom.element( domNode );
return new CKEDITOR.dom.text( domNode );
// Call the base constructor.
CKEDITOR.dom.domObject.call( this, domNode );
return this;
CKEDITOR.dom.node.prototype = new CKEDITOR.dom.domObject();
* Element node type.
* @constant
* @example
* Document node type.
* @constant
* @example
* Text node type.
* @constant
* @example
* Comment node type.
* @constant
* @example
CKEDITOR.tools.extend( CKEDITOR.dom.node.prototype,
/** @lends CKEDITOR.dom.node.prototype */
* Makes this node a child of another element.
* @param {CKEDITOR.dom.element} element The target element to which
* this node will be appended.
* @returns {CKEDITOR.dom.element} The target element.
* @example
* var p = new CKEDITOR.dom.element( 'p' );
* var strong = new CKEDITOR.dom.element( 'strong' );
* strong.appendTo( p );
* // result: "<p><strong></strong></p>"
appendTo : function( element, toStart )
element.append( this, toStart );
return element;
clone : function( includeChildren, cloneId )
var $clone = this.$.cloneNode( includeChildren );
var removeIds = function( node )
if ( node.nodeType != CKEDITOR.NODE_ELEMENT )
if ( !cloneId )
node.removeAttribute( 'id', false );
node.removeAttribute( 'data-cke-expando', false );
if ( includeChildren )
var childs = node.childNodes;
for ( var i=0; i < childs.length; i++ )
removeIds( childs[ i ] );
// The "id" attribute should never be cloned to avoid duplication.
removeIds( $clone );
return new CKEDITOR.dom.node( $clone );
hasPrevious : function()
return !!this.$.previousSibling;
hasNext : function()
return !!this.$.nextSibling;
* Inserts this element after a node.
* @param {CKEDITOR.dom.node} node The node that will precede this element.
* @returns {CKEDITOR.dom.node} The node preceding this one after
* insertion.
* @example
* var em = new CKEDITOR.dom.element( 'em' );
* var strong = new CKEDITOR.dom.element( 'strong' );
* strong.insertAfter( em );
* // result: "<em></em><strong></strong>"
insertAfter : function( node )
node.$.parentNode.insertBefore( this.$, node.$.nextSibling );
return node;
* Inserts this element before a node.
* @param {CKEDITOR.dom.node} node The node that will succeed this element.
* @returns {CKEDITOR.dom.node} The node being inserted.
* @example
* var em = new CKEDITOR.dom.element( 'em' );
* var strong = new CKEDITOR.dom.element( 'strong' );
* strong.insertBefore( em );
* // result: "<strong></strong><em></em>"
insertBefore : function( node )
node.$.parentNode.insertBefore( this.$, node.$ );
return node;
insertBeforeMe : function( node )
this.$.parentNode.insertBefore( node.$, this.$ );
return node;
* Retrieves a uniquely identifiable tree address for this node.
* The tree address returned is an array of integers, with each integer
* indicating a child index of a DOM node, starting from
* document.documentElement
* For example, assuming <body>
is the second child
* of <html>
being the first),
* and we would like to address the third child under the
* fourth child of <body>
, the tree address returned would be:
* [1, 3, 2]
* The tree address cannot be used for finding back the DOM tree node once
* the DOM tree structure has been modified.
getAddress : function( normalized )
var address = [];
var $documentElement = this.getDocument().$.documentElement;
var node = this.$;
while ( node && node != $documentElement )
var parentNode = node.parentNode;
if ( parentNode )
// Get the node index. For performance, call getIndex
// directly, instead of creating a new node object.
address.unshift( this.getIndex.call( { $ : node }, normalized ) );
node = parentNode;
return address;
* Gets the document containing this element.
* @returns {CKEDITOR.dom.document} The document.
* @example
* var element = CKEDITOR.document.getById( 'example' );
* alert( element.getDocument().equals( CKEDITOR.document ) ); // "true"
getDocument : function()
return new CKEDITOR.dom.document( this.$.ownerDocument || this.$.parentNode.ownerDocument );
getIndex : function( normalized )
// Attention: getAddress depends on this.$
var current = this.$,
index = 0;
while ( ( current = current.previousSibling ) )
// When normalizing, do not count it if this is an
// empty text node or if it's a text node following another one.
if ( normalized && current.nodeType == 3 &&
( !current.nodeValue.length ||
( current.previousSibling && current.previousSibling.nodeType == 3 ) ) )
return index;
getNextSourceNode : function( startFromSibling, nodeType, guard )
// If "guard" is a node, transform it in a function.
if ( guard && !guard.call )
var guardNode = guard;
guard = function( node )
return !node.equals( guardNode );
var node = ( !startFromSibling && this.getFirst && this.getFirst() ),
// Guarding when we're skipping the current element( no children or 'startFromSibling' ).
// send the 'moving out' signal even we don't actually dive into.
if ( !node )
if ( this.type == CKEDITOR.NODE_ELEMENT && guard && guard( this, true ) === false )
return null;
node = this.getNext();
while ( !node && ( parent = ( parent || this ).getParent() ) )
// The guard check sends the "true" paramenter to indicate that
// we are moving "out" of the element.
if ( guard && guard( parent, true ) === false )
return null;
node = parent.getNext();
if ( !node )
return null;
if ( guard && guard( node ) === false )
return null;
if ( nodeType && nodeType != node.type )
return node.getNextSourceNode( false, nodeType, guard );
return node;
getPreviousSourceNode : function( startFromSibling, nodeType, guard )
if ( guard && !guard.call )
var guardNode = guard;
guard = function( node )
return !node.equals( guardNode );
var node = ( !startFromSibling && this.getLast && this.getLast() ),
// Guarding when we're skipping the current element( no children or 'startFromSibling' ).
// send the 'moving out' signal even we don't actually dive into.
if ( !node )
if ( this.type == CKEDITOR.NODE_ELEMENT && guard && guard( this, true ) === false )
return null;
node = this.getPrevious();
while ( !node && ( parent = ( parent || this ).getParent() ) )
// The guard check sends the "true" paramenter to indicate that
// we are moving "out" of the element.
if ( guard && guard( parent, true ) === false )
return null;
node = parent.getPrevious();
if ( !node )
return null;
if ( guard && guard( node ) === false )
return null;
if ( nodeType && node.type != nodeType )
return node.getPreviousSourceNode( false, nodeType, guard );
return node;
getPrevious : function( evaluator )
var previous = this.$, retval;
previous = previous.previousSibling;
retval = previous && new CKEDITOR.dom.node( previous );
while ( retval && evaluator && !evaluator( retval ) )
return retval;
* Gets the node that follows this element in its parent's child list.
* @param {Function} evaluator Filtering the result node.
* @returns {CKEDITOR.dom.node} The next node or null if not available.
* @example
* var element = CKEDITOR.dom.element.createFromHtml( '<div><b>Example</b> <i>next</i></div>' );
* var first = element.getFirst().getNext();
* alert( first.getName() ); // "i"
getNext : function( evaluator )
var next = this.$, retval;
next = next.nextSibling;
retval = next && new CKEDITOR.dom.node( next );
while ( retval && evaluator && !evaluator( retval ) )
return retval;
* Gets the parent element for this node.
* @returns {CKEDITOR.dom.element} The parent element.
* @example
* var node = editor.document.getBody().getFirst();
* var parent = node.getParent();
* alert( node.getName() ); // "body"
getParent : function()
var parent = this.$.parentNode;
return ( parent && parent.nodeType == 1 ) ? new CKEDITOR.dom.node( parent ) : null;
getParents : function( closerFirst )
var node = this;
var parents = [];
parents[ closerFirst ? 'push' : 'unshift' ]( node );
while ( ( node = node.getParent() ) )
return parents;
getCommonAncestor : function( node )
if ( node.equals( this ) )
return this;
if ( node.contains && node.contains( this ) )
return node;
var start = this.contains ? this : this.getParent();
if ( start.contains( node ) )
return start;
while ( ( start = start.getParent() ) );
return null;
getPosition : function( otherNode )
var $ = this.$;
var $other = otherNode.$;
if ( $.compareDocumentPosition )
return $.compareDocumentPosition( $other );
// IE and Safari have no support for compareDocumentPosition.
if ( $ == $other )
// Only element nodes support contains and sourceIndex.
if ( this.type == CKEDITOR.NODE_ELEMENT && otherNode.type == CKEDITOR.NODE_ELEMENT )
if ( $.contains )
if ( $.contains( $other ) )
if ( $other.contains( $ ) )
if ( 'sourceIndex' in $ )
return ( $.sourceIndex < 0 || $other.sourceIndex < 0 ) ? CKEDITOR.POSITION_DISCONNECTED :
( $.sourceIndex < $other.sourceIndex ) ? CKEDITOR.POSITION_PRECEDING :
// For nodes that don't support compareDocumentPosition, contains
// or sourceIndex, their "address" is compared.
var addressOfThis = this.getAddress(),
addressOfOther = otherNode.getAddress(),
minLevel = Math.min( addressOfThis.length, addressOfOther.length );
// Determinate preceed/follow relationship.
for ( var i = 0 ; i <= minLevel - 1 ; i++ )
if ( addressOfThis[ i ] != addressOfOther[ i ] )
if ( i < minLevel )
return addressOfThis[ i ] < addressOfOther[ i ] ?
// Determinate contains/contained relationship.
return ( addressOfThis.length < addressOfOther.length ) ?
* Gets the closest ancestor node of this node, specified by its name.
* @param {String} reference The name of the ancestor node to search or
* an object with the node names to search for.
* @param {Boolean} [includeSelf] Whether to include the current
* node in the search.
* @returns {CKEDITOR.dom.node} The located ancestor node or null if not found.
* @since 3.6.1
* @example
* // Suppose we have the following HTML structure:
* // <div id="outer"><div id="inner"><p><b>Some text</b></p></div></div>
* // If node == <b>
* ascendant = node.getAscendant( 'div' ); // ascendant == <div id="inner">
* ascendant = node.getAscendant( 'b' ); // ascendant == null
* ascendant = node.getAscendant( 'b', true ); // ascendant == <b>
* ascendant = node.getAscendant( { div: 1, p: 1} ); // Searches for the first 'div' or 'p': ascendant == <div id="inner">
getAscendant : function( reference, includeSelf )
var $ = this.$,
if ( !includeSelf )
$ = $.parentNode;
while ( $ )
if ( $.nodeName && ( name = $.nodeName.toLowerCase(), ( typeof reference == 'string' ? name == reference : name in reference ) ) )
return new CKEDITOR.dom.node( $ );
$ = $.parentNode;
return null;
hasAscendant : function( name, includeSelf )
var $ = this.$;
if ( !includeSelf )
$ = $.parentNode;
while ( $ )
if ( $.nodeName && $.nodeName.toLowerCase() == name )
return true;
$ = $.parentNode;
return false;
move : function( target, toStart )
target.append( this.remove(), toStart );
* Removes this node from the document DOM.
* @param {Boolean} [preserveChildren] Indicates that the children
* elements must remain in the document, removing only the outer
* tags.
* @example
* var element = CKEDITOR.dom.element.getById( 'MyElement' );
* element.remove();
remove : function( preserveChildren )
var $ = this.$;
var parent = $.parentNode;
if ( parent )
if ( preserveChildren )
// Move all children before the node.
for ( var child ; ( child = $.firstChild ) ; )
parent.insertBefore( $.removeChild( child ), $ );
parent.removeChild( $ );
return this;
replace : function( nodeToReplace )
this.insertBefore( nodeToReplace );
trim : function()
ltrim : function()
var child;
while ( this.getFirst && ( child = this.getFirst() ) )
if ( child.type == CKEDITOR.NODE_TEXT )
var trimmed = CKEDITOR.tools.ltrim( child.getText() ),
originalLength = child.getLength();
if ( !trimmed )
else if ( trimmed.length < originalLength )
child.split( originalLength - trimmed.length );
// IE BUG: child.remove() may raise JavaScript errors here. (#81)
this.$.removeChild( this.$.firstChild );
rtrim : function()
var child;
while ( this.getLast && ( child = this.getLast() ) )
if ( child.type == CKEDITOR.NODE_TEXT )
var trimmed = CKEDITOR.tools.rtrim( child.getText() ),
originalLength = child.getLength();
if ( !trimmed )
else if ( trimmed.length < originalLength )
child.split( trimmed.length );
// IE BUG: child.getNext().remove() may raise JavaScript errors here.
// (#81)
this.$.lastChild.parentNode.removeChild( this.$.lastChild );
if ( !CKEDITOR.env.ie && !CKEDITOR.env.opera )
child = this.$.lastChild;
if ( child && child.type == 1 && child.nodeName.toLowerCase() == 'br' )
// Use "eChildNode.parentNode" instead of "node" to avoid IE bug (#324).
child.parentNode.removeChild( child ) ;
* Checks if this node is read-only (should not be changed).
* @returns {Boolean}
* @since 3.5
* @example
* // For the following HTML:
* // <div contenteditable="false">Some <b>text</b></div>
* // If "ele" is the above <div>
* ele.isReadOnly(); // true
isReadOnly : function()
var element = this;
if ( this.type != CKEDITOR.NODE_ELEMENT )
element = this.getParent();
if ( element && typeof element.$.isContentEditable != 'undefined' )
return ! ( element.$.isContentEditable || element.data( 'cke-editable' ) );
// Degrade for old browsers which don't support "isContentEditable", e.g. FF3
var current = element;
while( current )
if ( current.is( 'body' ) || !!current.data( 'cke-editable' ) )
if ( current.getAttribute( 'contentEditable' ) == 'false' )
return true;
else if ( current.getAttribute( 'contentEditable' ) == 'true' )
current = current.getParent();
return false;