require_relative "refs" module IsoDoc class PresentationXMLConvert < ::IsoDoc::Convert def middle_title(docxml) s ="//sections")) or return t = @meta.get[:doctitle] t.nil? || t.empty? and return s.children.first.previous = "


" end def clause(docxml) docxml.xpath(ns("//clause | " \ "//terms | //definitions | //references")) .each do |f| == "annex" && @xrefs.klass.single_term_clause?(f.parent) and next clause1(f) end end def clause1(elem) level = @xrefs.anchor(elem["id"], :level, false) || (elem.ancestors("clause, annex").size + 1) t ="./title")) and t["depth"] = level !elem.ancestors("boilerplate, metanorma-extension").empty? || @suppressheadingnumbers || elem["unnumbered"] and return lbl = @xrefs.anchor(elem["id"], :label, != "sections") or return prefix_name(elem, "", "#{lbl}#{clausedelim}", "title") end def floattitle(docxml) p = "//clause | //annex | //appendix | //introduction | //foreword | " \ "//preface/abstract | //acknowledgements | //terms | " \ "//definitions | //references | //colophon | //indexsect" docxml.xpath(ns(p)).each do |f| floattitle1(f) end # top-level docxml.xpath(ns("//sections | //preface | //colophon")) .each { |f| floattitle1(f) } end def floattitle1(elem) elem.xpath(ns(".//floating-title")).each do |p| = "p" p["type"] = "floating-title" end end def annex(docxml) docxml.xpath(ns("//annex")).each do |f| @xrefs.klass.single_term_clause?(f) and single_term_clause_retitle(f) annex1(f) @xrefs.klass.single_term_clause?(f) and single_term_clause_unnest(f) end @xrefs.parse_inclusions(clauses: true).parse(docxml) end def annex1(elem) lbl = @xrefs.anchor(elem["id"], :label) if t ="./title")) t.children = "#{to_xml(t.children)}" end prefix_name(elem, "

", lbl, "title") end def single_term_clause_retitle(elem) t ="./terms | ./definitions | ./references")) title1 ="./title")) title2 ="./title"))&.remove !title1 && title2 and elem.first_element_child.previous = title2 end def single_term_clause_unnest(elem) t ="./terms | ./definitions | ./references")) t.xpath(ns(".//clause | .//terms | .//definitions | .//references")) .each do |c| tit ="./title")) or return tit["depth"] = tit["depth"].to_i - 1 unless tit["depth"] == "1" end end def term(docxml) docxml.xpath(ns("//term")).each do |f| term1(f) end end def term1(elem) lbl = @xrefs.anchor(elem["id"], :label) or return prefix_name(elem, "", "#{lbl}#{clausedelim}", "name") end def index(docxml) docxml.xpath(ns("//index | //index-xref | //indexsect")).each(&:remove) end def display_order_at(docxml, xpath, idx) c = or return idx idx += 1 idx = preceding_floating_titles(c, idx) c["displayorder"] = idx idx end def display_order_xpath(docxml, xpath, idx) docxml.xpath(ns(xpath)).each do |c| idx += 1 idx = preceding_floating_titles(c, idx) c["displayorder"] = idx end idx end def preceding_floating_titles(node, idx) out = node.xpath("./preceding-sibling::*") .reverse.each_with_object([]) do |p, m| %w(note admonition p).include?( or break m m << p end out.reject { |c| c["displayorder"] }.reverse.each do |c| c["displayorder"] = idx idx += 1 end idx end def display_order(docxml) i = 0 d = @xrefs.clause_order(docxml) %i(preface main annex back).each do |s| d[s].each do |a| i = if a[:multi] display_order_xpath(docxml, a[:path], i) else display_order_at(docxml, a[:path], i) end end end end def clausetitle(docxml) cjk_extended_title(docxml) end def cjk_search lang = %w(zh ja ko).map { |x| "@language = '#{x}'" }.join(" or ") %(Hans Hant Jpan Hang Kore).include?(@script) and lang += " or not(@language)" lang end def cjk_extended_title(docxml) l = cjk_search docxml.xpath(ns("//bibdata/title[#{l}] | //floating-title[#{l}] | " \ "//title[@depth = '1' or not(@depth)][#{l}]")).each do |t| t.text.size < 4 or next t.elements.empty? or next # can't be bothered t.children = @i18n.cjk_extend(t.text) end end def preface_rearrange(doc) preface_move("//preface/abstract")), %w(foreword introduction clause acknowledgements), doc) preface_move("//preface/foreword")), %w(introduction clause acknowledgements), doc) preface_move("//preface/introduction")), %w(clause acknowledgements), doc) preface_move("//preface/acknowledgements")), %w(), doc) end def preface_move(clause, after, _doc) clause or return preface = clause.parent float = preceding_floats(clause) prev = nil xpath = { |n| "./self::xmlns:#{n}" }.join(" | ") xpath.empty? and xpath = "./self::*[not(following-sibling::*)]" preface_move1(clause, preface, float, prev, xpath) end def preface_move1(clause, preface, float, prev, xpath) preface.elements.each do |x| (( == "floating-title" || && xpath != "./self::*[not(following-sibling::*)]") or prev = x # after.include?( or next or next clause == prev and break prev ||= preface.children.first float << clause float.each { |n| = n } break end end def preceding_floats(clause) ret = [] p = clause while prev = p.previous_element if == "floating-title" ret << prev p = prev else break end end ret end def rearrange_clauses(docxml) preface_rearrange(docxml) # feeds toc_title toc_title(docxml) end def toc_title(docxml)"//preface/clause[@type = 'toc']")) and return ins = toc_title_insert_pt(docxml) or return id = UUIDTools::UUID.random_create.to_s ins.previous = <<~CLAUSE #{@i18n.table_of_contents} CLAUSE end def toc_title_insert_pt(docxml) ins ="//preface")) ||"//sections | //annex | //bibliography")) &.before(" ") &.previous_element or return nil ins.children.empty? and ins << " " ins.children.first end def toc(docxml) toc_refs(docxml) end def toc_refs(docxml) docxml.xpath(ns("//toc//xref[text()]")).each do |x| lbl = @xrefs.anchor(x["target"], :label) or next x.children.first.previous = "#{lbl}" end end end end