module Doing module Completion class FishCompletions attr_accessor :commands, :global_options def generate_helpers <<~EOFUNCTIONS function __fish_doing_needs_command # Figure out if the current invocation already has a command. set -l opts color h-help config_file= f-doing_file= n-notes v-version stdout debug default x-noauto no p-pager q-quiet yes set cmd (commandline -opc) set -e cmd[1] argparse -s $opts -- $cmd 2>/dev/null or return 0 # These flags function as commands, effectively. if set -q argv[1] # Also print the command, so this can be used to figure out what it is. echo $argv[1] return 1 end return 0 end function __fish_doing_using_command set -l cmd (__fish_doing_needs_command) test -z "$cmd" and return 1 contains -- $cmd $argv and return 0 end function __fish_doing_complete_sections doing sections -c end function __fish_doing_complete_views doing views -c end function __fish_doing_subcommands doing help -c end function __fish_doing_export_plugins doing plugins --type export -c end function __fish_doing_import_plugins doing plugins --type import -c end function __fish_doing_complete_templates doing template -c end complete -c doing -f complete -xc doing -n '__fish_doing_needs_command' -a '(__fish_doing_subcommands)' complete -f -c doing -n '__fish_doing_using_command show' -a '(__fish_doing_complete_sections)' complete -f -c doing -n '__fish_doing_using_command view' -a '(__fish_doing_complete_views)' complete -f -c doing -n '__fish_doing_using_command template' -a '(__fish_doing_complete_templates)' complete -f -c doing -s t -l type -x -n '__fish_doing_using_command import' -a '(__fish_doing_import_plugins)' complete -xc doing -n '__fish_seen_subcommand_from help; and not __fish_seen_subcommand_from (doing help -c)' -a "(doing help -c)" EOFUNCTIONS end def get_help_sections(command = '') res = `doing help #{command}`.strip scanned = res.scan(/(?m-i)^([A-Z ]+)\n([\s\S]*?)(?=\n+[A-Z]+|\Z)/) sections = {} scanned.each do |sect| title = sect[0].downcase.strip.gsub(/ +/, '_').to_sym content = sect[1].split(/\n/).map(&:strip).delete_if(&:empty?) sections[title] = content end sections end def parse_option(option) res = option.match(/(?:-(?<short>\w), )?(?:--(?:\[no-\])?(?<long>\w+)(?:=(?<arg>\w+))?)\s+- (?<desc>.*?)$/) return nil unless res { short: res['short'], long: res['long'], arg: res['arg'], description: res['desc'].short_desc } end def parse_options(options) { |opt| parse_option(opt) } end def parse_command(command) res = command.match(/^(?<cmd>[^, \t]+)(?<alias>(?:, [^, \t]+)*)?\s+- (?<desc>.*?)$/) commands = [res['cmd']] commands.concat(res['alias'].split(/, /).delete_if(&:empty?)) if res['alias'] { commands: commands, description: res['desc'].short_desc } end def parse_commands(commands) { |cmd| parse_command(cmd) } end def generate_subcommand_completions out = [] @commands.each_with_index do |cmd, i| out << "complete -xc doing -n '__fish_doing_needs_command' -a '#{cmd[:commands].join(' ')}' -d #{Shellwords.escape(cmd[:description])}" end out.join("\n") end def generate_subcommand_option_completions out = [] need_export = [] need_bool = [] need_case = [] need_sort = [] need_tag_sort = [] need_tag_order = [] need_age = [] need_section = [] @commands.each_with_index do |cmd, i| @bar.advance data = get_help_sections(cmd[:commands].first) if data[:synopsis].join(' ').strip.split(/ /).last =~ /(path|file)/i out << "complete -c doing -F -n '__fish_doing_using_command #{cmd[:commands].join(" ")}'" end if data[:command_options] parse_options(data[:command_options]).each do |option| next if option.nil? arg = option[:arg] ? '-r' : '' short = option[:short] ? "-s #{option[:short]}" : '' long = option[:long] ? "-l #{option[:long]}" : '' out << "complete -c doing #{long} #{short} -f #{arg} -n '__fish_doing_using_command #{cmd[:commands].join(' ')}' -d #{Shellwords.escape(option[:description])}" need_export.concat(cmd[:commands]) if option[:long] == 'output' need_bool.concat(cmd[:commands]) if option[:long] == 'bool' need_case.concat(cmd[:commands]) if option[:long] == 'case' need_case.concat(cmd[:commands]) if option[:long] == 'sort' need_tag_sort.concat(cmd[:commands]) if option[:long] == 'tag_sort' need_tag_order.concat(cmd[:commands]) if option[:long] == 'tag_order' need_age.concat(cmd[:commands]) if option[:long] == 'age' need_section.concat(cmd[:commands]) if option[:long] == 'section' end end end unless need_export.empty? out << "complete -f -c doing -s o -l output -x -n '__fish_doing_using_command #{need_export.join(' ')}' -a '(__fish_doing_export_plugins)'" end unless need_bool.empty? out << "complete -f -c doing -s b -l bool -x -n '__fish_doing_using_command #{need_bool.join(' ')}' -a 'and or not pattern'" end unless need_case.empty? out << "complete -f -c doing -l case -x -n '__fish_doing_using_command #{need_case.join(' ')}' -a 'case-sensitive ignore smart'" end unless need_sort.empty? out << "complete -f -c doing -l sort -x -n '__fish_doing_using_command #{need_sort.join(' ')}' -a 'asc desc'" end unless need_tag_sort.empty? out << "complete -f -c doing -l tag_sort -x -n '__fish_doing_using_command #{need_tag_sort.join(' ')}' -a 'name time'" end unless need_tag_order.empty? out << "complete -f -c doing -l tag_order -x -n '__fish_doing_using_command #{need_tag_order.join(' ')}' -a 'asc desc'" end unless need_age.empty? out << "complete -f -c doing -s a -l age -x -n '__fish_doing_using_command #{need_age.join(' ')}' -a 'oldest newest'" end unless need_section.empty? out << "complete -f -c doing -s s -l section -x -n '__fish_doing_using_command #{need_section.join(' ')}' -a '(__fish_doing_complete_sections)'" end # clear out.join("\n") end def initialize data = get_help_sections @global_options = parse_options(data[:global_options]) @commands = parse_commands(data[:commands]) @bar ="\033[0;0;33mGenerating Fish completions: \033[0;35;40m[:bar]\033[0m", total: @commands.count, bar_format: :blade) @bar.resize(25) end def generate_completions @bar.start out = [] out << generate_helpers out << generate_subcommand_completions out << generate_subcommand_option_completions @bar.finish out.join("\n") end end end end