require 'optparse' require 'yaml' module Csv2qif class CLI DEFAULT_OPTIONS = { :field_separator => ',', :header => 1, :date => "a", :amount => "b", :type => 'CCard' } def self.execute(stdin, stdout, arguments=[]) # NOTE: the option -p/--path= is given as an example, and should be replaced in your application. options = { } mandatory_options = %w( ) parser = do |opts| opts.banner = <<-BANNER.gsub(/^ /, '') cvs2qif -- format converter Usage: #{File.basename($0)} [options] [file...] The csv2qif utility reads the specified csv files, or the standard input if no files are specified, converting the input to qif format. The output is written to either the standart output if read from standard input or file with the same base name as input and qif extension or to a file specified as an option. The CONDITION and COLUMN below are in the simplest case represented by just one lower case letter (a-z) indicating the the csv column which should be mapped to a particular line in a qif record. As a minimum a date and amount column should be mapped e.g. #> csv2qif -D a --amount b file.csv will assume the first column (a) in the csv file is date and second (b) the amount. Those are as well defaults. CONDITION and COLUMNS may as well be any ruby expression. In this case the expression will be evaluated in a context in which the column names (a-z) are available as methods returning the value in the corresponding column or nil if empty. Options are: BANNER opts.separator "" opts.on("-b", "--bundle BUNDLE", String, "Name of an option bundle", "Default: default") { |arg| options[:bundle] = arg } opts.on("-t", "--type Type", ['CCard', 'Bank', 'Cash'], "Type of acoount: CCard, Bank or Cash", "Default: CCard") { |arg| options[:type] = arg } opts.on("-w", "--where CONDITION", "only records satisfying CONDITION will be converted") { |arg| options[:where] = arg } opts.on("-s", "--field_separator SEPARATOR", "field seprator. Default: ,") { |arg| options[:where] = arg } opts.on("-m", "--mappings MAPPINGS", "comma separated list of mappings in the format: /pattern/replacement/", "Use for modifying categories") { |arg| options[:mappings] = arg.split "," } opts.on("-d", "--header N", Integer, "number of rows occupied by headers before actual data") { |arg| options[:header] = arg } opts.on("-f", "--date_format Format", "date format in the csv file") { |arg| options[:date_format] = arg } opts.on("-h", "--help", "Show this help message.") { stdout.puts opts; return } opts.separator " " opts.separator "QIF Record options:" QIF::QIF_CODES.each do |key, code, description| opts.on("-#{code}", "--#{key} COLUMN", String, description || key.to_s.capitalize) {|arg| options[key]=arg} end opts.parse!(arguments) if mandatory_options && mandatory_options.find { |option| options[option.to_sym].nil? } stdout.puts opts; exit end end options = prepare_options stdout, options, Processor.init prepare_mappings options Processor.process stdin, stdout, arguments, options end private def self.load_yml file, qif=nil symbolize_keys YAML.load_file(file) end def self.load_rb file, qif eval, (qif and qif.block) end def self.prepare_options stdout, options, qif if h = options[:bundle] ? load_file(options[:bundle], qif) : {} DEFAULT_OPTIONS.merge(h).merge options else stdout.puts("Specified bundle '#{options[:bundle]}' does not exist") exit end end def self.load_file bundle, qif=nil ['.', File.join( File.dirname(__FILE__), "../../config")].each do |dir| [:rb, :yml].each do |type| if h = (File.exists?(file=File.join(dir, [bundle, type].join('.'))) and send "load_#{type}".to_sym, file, qif) return h end end end nil end def self.symbolize_keys hash hash.inject({}) do |options, (key, value)| options[(key.to_sym rescue key) || key] = value options end end def self.prepare_mappings options options[:mappings] = options[:mappings].map do |m| m = m.split(m[0,1])[1,3] unless m.instance_of? Array m.unshift true if m.length < 3 m[1][1]) m end if options[:mappings] end end end