Description: Generates a user model, users controller, and sessions controller. The users controller handles the registration and the sessions controller handles authentication. This is similar to restful_authentication, but simpler. IMPORTANT: This generator uses the "title" helper method which is generated by the nifty_layout generator. You may want to run that generator first. Usage: If you do not pass any arguments, the model name will default to "user", and the authentication controller will default to "session". You can override each of these respectively by passing one or two arguments. Either name can be CamelCased or under_scored. Make sure to setup the authlogic gem if you are using that option. config.gem "authlogic" Examples: script/generate nifty_authentication Creates user model, users_controller, and sessions_controller. script/generate nifty_authentication account Creates account model, accounts_controller, and sessions_controller. script/generate nifty_authentication Account UserSession Creates account model, accounts_controller, and user_sessions_controller. Methods: There are several methods generated which you can use in your application. Here's a common example of what you might add to your layout. <% if logged_in? %> Welcome <%= current_user.username %>! Not you? <%= link_to "Log out", logout_path %> <% else %> <%= link_to "Sign up", signup_path %> or <%= link_to "log in", login_path %>. <% end %> You can also restrict unregistered users from accessing a controller using a before filter. For example. before_filter :login_required, :except => [:index, :show] See the generated file lib/authentication.rb for details.