# Your code goes here... require File.expand_path(__FILE__,"rmthemegen/rmthemegen_187.rb") require 'uv' require 'uv/utility' require 'plist' module Uv def Uv.syntaxes_hash Uv.init_syntaxes unless @syntaxes @syntaxes end def Uv.css_string(css,code_name) #input: a hash of css selectors=>styles #output :usable css # added by david heitzman outs='" end def Uv.get_render_and_css(tm_theme) # input: a string that a .tmTheme after being read with Plist::parse_xml # output: [{a hash containing the render data structure },{ a hash containing the css string }] # added by david heitzman settings = tm_theme["settings"].find { |s| ! s["name"] }["settings"] render = {"name" => tm_theme["name"]} css = {} standard_name = tm_theme["name"] code_name = "pre.#{standard_name}" render["tags"] = [] count_names = {} tm_theme["settings"].each do |t| if t["scope"] class_name = t["name"].downcase.gsub(/\W/, ' ').gsub('.tmtheme', '').split(' ').collect{|s| s.capitalize}.join if class_name == "" class_name = "x" * t["name"].size end if count_names[class_name] tname = class_name class_name = "#{class_name}#{count_names[class_name]}" count_names[tname] += count_names[tname] + 1 else count_names[class_name] = 1 end tag = {} tag["selector"] = t["scope"] tag["begin"] = "" tag["end"] = "" render["tags"] << tag if s = t["settings"] style = {} style["color"] = Uv.normalize_color(settings, s["foreground"], true) style["background-color"] = Uv.normalize_color(settings, s["background"]) case s["fontStyle"] when /bold/ then style["font-weight"] = "bold" when /italic/ then style["font-style"] = "italic" when /underline/ then style["text-decoration"] = "underline" end css[".#{class_name}"] = style end elsif ! t["name"] if s = t["settings"] style = {} style["color"] = Uv.normalize_color(settings, s["foreground"], true) style["background-color"] = Uv.alpha_blend(s["background"], s["background"]) css[code_name] = style @style = style style = {} style["background-color"] = Uv.alpha_blend(s["selection"], s["selection"]) style["color"] = Uv.foreground( style["background-color"] ) css[".line-numbers"] = style tag = {} tag["begin"] = "" tag["end"] = "" render["line-numbers"] = tag end end end render["filter"] = "CGI.escapeHTML( @escaped )" tag = {} tag["begin"] = "" tag["end"] = "" render["line"] = tag tag = {} tag["begin"] = "
         tag["end"]   = "
" render["listing"] = tag tag = {} tag["begin"] = '' tag["end"] = '' render["document"] = tag return [render,css_string(css, code_name)] end def Uv.tmtheme_to_html(tm_theme,code_to_render, options) #input: tm_theme - a string containing an xml representation of a textmate theme in plist format #input: code_to_render - the code (ruby, php, python, c etc.) you want rendered as html #input: options - a hash containing options such as line numbers, etc :line_numbers => false, :render_style => "classic", :headers => false, :code_type=>nil # They are the same options you can give to Uv.parse #output : [,] opts = {:line_numbers => false, :render_style => "classic", :headers => false}.merge options out = "" begin # Uv::init_syntaxes syn=( Uv.syntax_node_for opts[:code_type].to_s ) processor = Textpow::DebugProcessor.new syn.parse( tm_theme , processor ) render_str = Uv::get_render_and_css( Plist::parse_xml(tm_theme) ) render_processor = Uv::RenderProcessor.new( render_str.first, line_numbers=opts[:line_numbers], headers=opts[:headers] ) syn.parse( code_to_render, render_processor ) # RenderProcessor.load('xhtml', opts[:render_style], opts[:line_numbers], opts[:headers]) do |processor| # syntax_node_for(opts[:code_type]).parse(code_to_parse, processor) # end.string out=[render_str.last, render_processor.string] # out=[render_str.last, RenderProcessor.load('xhtml', opts[:render_style], opts[:line_numbers], opts[:headers]) do |processor| # syntax_node_for(opts[:code_type]).parse(code_to_parse, processor) # end.string] rescue Exception=>e out=['',e.inspect,'

Error in tm_theme_to_html.'] end out end end