module Nucleus
# The {Adapters} module combines all application logic to communicate with the different vendor platforms
# and created the unified API.
module Adapters
# The {BaseAdapter} is an abstract class that shall be extended by all actual Adapters.
# It provides methods to common functionality:
# * authentication (+cache)
# * http client with general error handling
# * native platform API calls
# @abstract
class BaseAdapter
include HttpClient
include HttpTailClient
include Logging
attr_reader :endpoint_url
def initialize(endpoint_url, endpoint_app_domain = nil, check_certificates = true)
raise ArgumentError, "'endpoint_url' must be a valid URL" unless endpoint_url =~ /\A#{URI.regexp(['https'])}\z/
@endpoint_url = endpoint_url
@endpoint_app_domain = endpoint_app_domain
@check_certificates = check_certificates
# thread-based cache for the api authorization headers
thread_config_accessor :auth_objects_cache, default: {}
# Cache the auth information.
# @param [String] key cache key
# @param [Nucleus::Adapters::AuthClient] auth_object authentication client to be cached
# @return [void]
def cache(key, auth_object)
auth_objects_cache[key] = auth_object
# Are there cached information for this key?
# @param [String] key cache key
# @return [true, false] true if has cached auth info, else false
def cache?(key)
auth_objects_cache.key? key
# Get the currently cached authentication object.
# @param [String] key cache key
# @return [Hash, Nucleus::Adapters::AuthClient] cached authentication client
def cached(key)
return nil unless cache?(key)
# Create the cache key for the username / password combination and save it in the {::RequestStore} to make it
# available throughout the current request.
# @param [String] username the username for the authentication
# @param [String] password the password for the authentication
# @return [String] calculated hash key for the input values
def cache_key(username, password)
# calculate the cache only once per request
return[:cache_key] if RequestStore.exist?(:cache_key)
key = Digest::SHA256.hexdigest "#{endpoint_url}#{username}:#{password}"[:cache_key] = key
# Get the cached authentication object and retrieve the presumably valid authentication header.
# @return [Hash] hash including a valid authentication header
def headers
auth_object = auth_objects_cache[[:cache_key]]
# AuthClient, generates the header for us
# Execute an API call, targeted directly against the vendors API.
# @param [Symbol] method http method to use, one of: [:GET, :POST, :DELETE, :PUT, :PATCH]
# @param [String] path url path to append to the endpoint's URL
# @param [Hash] params body params to use for PATCH, :PUT and :POST requests
# @return [Object] the actual response body of the vendor platform
def endpoint_call(method, path, params)
case method
when :GET
get(path, native_call: true).body
when :POST
post(path, native_call: true, body: params).body
when :DELETE
delete(path, native_call: true).body
when :PUT
put(path, native_call: true, body: params).body
when :PATCH
patch(path, native_call: true, body: params).body
raise AdapterRequestError, 'Unsupported adapter call method. Allowed are: GET, POST, PATCH, PUT, DELETE'
# Fail with a {Errors::PlatformSpecificSemanticError} error and format the error message to include the values
# that are passed in the params. Requires the adapter to provide a +semantic_error_messages+ method, which shall
# return a Hash with the platform specific semantic errors.
# @param [Symbol] error_name error that shall be returned
# @param [Array] params values that are to be included in the error message template
# @raise [Errors::PlatformSpecificSemanticError]
def fail_with(error_name, params = nil)
unless respond_to?(:semantic_error_messages)
raise StandardError 'Invalid adapter implementation, no :semantic_error_messages method provided'
error = semantic_error_messages[error_name]
raise[:message] % params, error[:code])