require_relative '../../../lib/knapsack_pro/formatters/time_tracker' describe KnapsackPro::Adapters::RSpecAdapter do it 'backwards compatibility with knapsack gem old rspec adapter name' do expect( be_kind_of(described_class) end it do expect(described_class::TEST_DIR_PATTERN).to eq 'spec/**{,/*/**}/*_spec.rb' end context do before { expect(::RSpec).to receive(:configure).at_least(:once) } it_behaves_like 'adapter' end describe '.split_by_test_cases_enabled?' do subject { described_class.split_by_test_cases_enabled? } before do expect(KnapsackPro::Config::Env).to receive(:rspec_split_by_test_examples?).and_return(rspec_split_by_test_examples_enabled) end context 'when the RSpec split by test examples is enabled' do let(:rspec_split_by_test_examples_enabled) { true } it { expect(subject).to be true } context 'when the RSpec version is < 3.3.0' do before do stub_const('RSpec::Core::Version::STRING', '3.2.0') end it do expect { subject }.to raise_error RuntimeError, 'RSpec >= 3.3.0 is required to split test files by test examples. Learn more:' end end end context 'when the RSpec split by test examples is disabled' do let(:rspec_split_by_test_examples_enabled) { false } it { expect(subject).to be false } end end describe '.test_file_cases_for' do let(:slow_test_files) do [ '1_spec.rb', '2_spec.rb', '3_spec.rb', '4_spec.rb', '5_spec.rb', ] end subject { described_class.test_file_cases_for(slow_test_files) } before do logger = instance_double(Logger) expect(KnapsackPro).to receive(:logger).and_return(logger) expect(logger).to receive(:info).with("Generating RSpec test examples JSON report for slow test files to prepare it to be split by test examples (by individual test cases). Thanks to that, a single slow test file can be split across parallel CI nodes. Analyzing 5 slow test files.") cmd = 'RACK_ENV=test RAILS_ENV=test bundle exec rake knapsack_pro:rspec_test_example_detector' expect(Kernel).to receive(:system).with(cmd).and_return(cmd_result) end context 'when the rake task to detect RSpec test examples succeeded' do let(:cmd_result) { true } it 'returns test example paths for slow test files' do rspec_test_example_detector = instance_double(KnapsackPro::TestCaseDetectors::RSpecTestExampleDetector) expect(KnapsackPro::TestCaseDetectors::RSpecTestExampleDetector).to receive(:new).and_return(rspec_test_example_detector) test_file_example_paths = double expect(rspec_test_example_detector).to receive(:test_file_example_paths).and_return(test_file_example_paths) expect(subject).to eq test_file_example_paths end end context 'when the rake task to detect RSpec test examples failed' do let(:cmd_result) { false } it do expect { subject }.to raise_error(RuntimeError, 'Could not generate JSON report for RSpec. Rake task failed when running RACK_ENV=test RAILS_ENV=test bundle exec rake knapsack_pro:rspec_test_example_detector') end end end describe '.ensure_no_tag_option_when_rspec_split_by_test_examples_enabled!' do let(:cli_args) { double } subject { described_class.ensure_no_tag_option_when_rspec_split_by_test_examples_enabled!(cli_args) } before do expect(KnapsackPro::Config::Env).to receive(:rspec_split_by_test_examples?).and_return(rspec_split_by_test_examples_enabled) end context 'when RSpec split by test examples enabled' do let(:rspec_split_by_test_examples_enabled) { true } before do expect(described_class).to receive(:has_tag_option?).with(cli_args).and_return(has_tag_option) end context 'when RSpec tag option is provided' do let(:has_tag_option) { true } it do expect { subject }.to raise_error(/It is not allowed to use the RSpec tag option together with the RSpec split by test examples feature/) end end context 'when RSpec tag option is not provided' do let(:has_tag_option) { false } it 'does nothing' do expect(subject).to be_nil end end end context 'when RSpec split by test examples disabled' do let(:rspec_split_by_test_examples_enabled) { false } it 'does nothing' do expect(subject).to be_nil end end end describe '.has_tag_option?' do subject { described_class.has_tag_option?(cli_args) } context 'when tag option is provided as -t' do let(:cli_args) { ['-t', 'mytag'] } it { expect(subject).to be true } end context 'when tag option is provided as --tag' do let(:cli_args) { ['--tag', 'mytag'] } it { expect(subject).to be true } end context 'when tag option is provided without delimiter' do let(:cli_args) { ['-tmytag'] } it { expect(subject).to be true } end context 'when tag option is not provided' do let(:cli_args) { ['--fake', 'value'] } it { expect(subject).to be false } end end describe '.has_format_option?' do subject { described_class.has_format_option?(cli_args) } context 'when format option is provided as -f' do let(:cli_args) { ['-f', 'documentation'] } it { expect(subject).to be true } end context 'when format option is provided as --format' do let(:cli_args) { ['--format', 'documentation'] } it { expect(subject).to be true } end context 'when format option is provided without delimiter' do let(:cli_args) { ['-fd'] } it { expect(subject).to be true } end context 'when format option is not provided' do let(:cli_args) { ['--fake', 'value'] } it { expect(subject).to be false } end end describe '.order_option' do subject { described_class.order_option(cli_args) } context "when order is 'defined'" do let(:cli_args) { ['--order', 'defined'] } it { expect(subject).to eq 'defined' } end context "when order is 'recently-modified'" do let(:cli_args) { ['--order', 'recently-modified'] } it { expect(subject).to eq 'recently-modified' } end context "when order is 'rand'" do let(:cli_args) { ['--order', 'rand'] } it { expect(subject).to eq 'rand' } context 'with the seed' do let(:cli_args) { ['--order', 'rand:123456'] } it { expect(subject).to eq 'rand:123456' } end end context "when order is 'random'" do let(:cli_args) { ['--order', 'random'] } it { expect(subject).to eq 'random' } context 'with the seed' do let(:cli_args) { ['--order', 'random:123456'] } it { expect(subject).to eq 'random:123456' } end end context 'when some custom order is specified' do let(:cli_args) { ['--order', 'some-custom-order'] } it { expect(subject).to eq 'some-custom-order' } end context "when the seed is given with the --seed command" do let(:cli_args) { ['--seed', '123456'] } it { expect(subject).to eq 'rand:123456' } end end describe '.file_path_for' do let(:current_example) { ::RSpec.describe.example } subject { described_class.file_path_for(current_example) } context "when id ends in _spec.rb" do it "returns the first part of the id" do allow(current_example).to receive(:id).and_return("./foo_spec.rb[1:1]") expect(subject).to eq('./foo_spec.rb') end end context "when id does not end in _spec.rb" do it "returns the file_path" do allow(current_example).to receive(:id).and_return("./foo.rb") allow(current_example).to receive(:metadata).and_return(file_path: "./foo_spec.rb") expect(subject).to eq('./foo_spec.rb') end end context "when id and file_path do not end in _spec.rb" do it "returns the example_group's file_path" do allow(current_example).to receive(:id).and_return("./foo.rb") allow(current_example).to receive(:metadata).and_return( file_path: "./foo.rb", example_group: { file_path: "./foo_spec.rb" } ) expect(subject).to eq('./foo_spec.rb') end end context "when id, file_path, and example_group's file_path do not end in _spec.rb" do it "returns the top_level_group's file_path" do allow(current_example).to receive(:id).and_return("./foo.rb") allow(current_example).to receive(:metadata).and_return( file_path: "./foo.rb", example_group: { file_path: "./foo.rb", parent_example_group: { file_path: "./foo_spec.rb", } } ) expect(subject).to eq('./foo_spec.rb') end end context "when id, file_path, example_group's, and top_level_group's file_path do not end in _spec.rb" do it "returns empty string" do allow(current_example).to receive(:id).and_return("./foo.rb") allow(current_example).to receive(:metadata).and_return( file_path: "./foo.rb", example_group: { file_path: "./foo.rb", parent_example_group: { file_path: "./foo.rb", } } ) expect(subject).to eq('') end end context "when id does not end in .feature (nor _spec.rb)" do it "returns the file_path" do allow(current_example).to receive(:id).and_return("./foo.rb") allow(current_example).to receive(:metadata).and_return(file_path: "./foo.feature") expect(subject).to eq("./foo.feature") end end end describe 'bind methods' do let(:config) { double } describe '#bind_time_tracker' do let(:current_example) { double(metadata: {}) } context "when the example's metadata has :focus tag AND RSpec inclusion rule includes :focus" do let(:current_example) { double(metadata: { focus: true }) } let(:test_path) { 'spec/a_spec.rb' } it do expect(config).to receive(:around).with(:each).and_yield(current_example) expect(::RSpec).to receive(:configure).and_yield(config) expect(described_class).to receive(:file_path_for).with(current_example).and_return(test_path) expect(described_class).to receive_message_chain(:rspec_configuration, :filter, :rules, :[]).with(:focus).and_return(true) expect { subject.bind_time_tracker }.to raise_error /Knapsack Pro found an example tagged with focus in spec\/a_spec\.rb/i end end context 'with no focus' do let(:logger) { instance_double(Logger) } let(:duration) { 65 } let(:global_time) { 'Global time execution for tests: 01m 05s' } let(:time_tracker) { instance_double(KnapsackPro::Formatters::TimeTracker) } it 'records time for current test path' do expect(config).to receive(:around).with(:each).and_yield(current_example) expect(config).to receive(:after).with(:suite).and_yield expect(::RSpec).to receive(:configure).twice.and_yield(config) expect(current_example).to receive(:run) expect(time_tracker).to receive(:batch_duration).and_return(duration) expect(KnapsackPro::Formatters::TimeTrackerFetcher).to receive(:call).and_return(time_tracker) expect(KnapsackPro).to receive(:logger).and_return(logger) expect(logger).to receive(:debug).with(global_time) subject.bind_time_tracker end end end describe '#bind_save_report' do it do expect(config).to receive(:after).with(:suite).and_yield expect(::RSpec).to receive(:configure).and_yield(config) time_tracker = instance_double(KnapsackPro::Formatters::TimeTracker) times = [{ path: "foo_spec.rb", time_execution: 1.0 }] expect(time_tracker).to receive(:batch).and_return(times) expect(KnapsackPro::Formatters::TimeTrackerFetcher).to receive(:call).and_return(time_tracker) expect(KnapsackPro::Report).to receive(:save).with(times) subject.bind_save_report end end describe '#bind_before_queue_hook' do it do expect(config).to receive(:before).with(:suite).and_yield expect(::RSpec).to receive(:configure).and_yield(config) expect(KnapsackPro::Hooks::Queue).to receive(:call_before_queue) subject.bind_before_queue_hook end end end end