module Spree class InventoryUnit < Spree::Base belongs_to :variant, class_name: "Spree::Variant", inverse_of: :inventory_units belongs_to :order, class_name: "Spree::Order", inverse_of: :inventory_units belongs_to :shipment, class_name: "Spree::Shipment", touch: true, inverse_of: :inventory_units belongs_to :return_authorization, class_name: "Spree::ReturnAuthorization", inverse_of: :inventory_units belongs_to :line_item, class_name: "Spree::LineItem", inverse_of: :inventory_units has_many :return_items, inverse_of: :inventory_unit has_one :original_return_item, class_name: "Spree::ReturnItem", foreign_key: :exchange_inventory_unit_id scope :backordered, -> { where state: 'backordered' } scope :on_hand, -> { where state: 'on_hand' } scope :shipped, -> { where state: 'shipped' } scope :returned, -> { where state: 'returned' } scope :backordered_per_variant, ->(stock_item) do includes(:shipment, :order) .where("spree_shipments.state != 'canceled'").references(:shipment) .where(variant_id: stock_item.variant_id) .where('spree_orders.completed_at is not null') .backordered.order("spree_orders.completed_at ASC") end # state machine (see for details) state_machine initial: :on_hand do event :fill_backorder do transition to: :on_hand, from: :backordered end after_transition on: :fill_backorder, do: :fulfill_order event :ship do transition to: :shipped, if: :allow_ship? end event :return do transition to: :returned, from: :shipped end end # This was refactored from a simpler query because the previous implementation # led to issues once users tried to modify the objects returned. That's due # to ActiveRecord `joins(shipment: :stock_location)` only returning readonly # objects # # Returns an array of backordered inventory units as per a given stock item def self.backordered_for_stock_item(stock_item) backordered_per_variant(stock_item).select do |unit| unit.shipment.stock_location == stock_item.stock_location end end def self.finalize_units!(inventory_units) do |iu| iu.update_columns( pending: false, updated_at:, ) end end def find_stock_item Spree::StockItem.where(stock_location_id: shipment.stock_location_id, variant_id: variant_id).first end # Remove variant default_scope `deleted_at: nil` def variant Spree::Variant.unscoped { super } end def current_or_new_return_item Spree::ReturnItem.from_inventory_unit(self) end def additional_tax_total line_item.additional_tax_total * percentage_of_line_item end def included_tax_total line_item.included_tax_total * percentage_of_line_item end private def allow_ship? self.on_hand? end def fulfill_order self.reload order.fulfill! end def percentage_of_line_item 1 / end def current_return_item return_items.not_cancelled.first end end end