## 0.9.3 / 2015-05-29 ### Bug Fixes * Pull Request [#140][]: Wait for an instance to pass existence check before tagging it ### New Features ### Improvements ## 0.9.2 / 2015-05-27 ### Bug Fixes * Pull Request [#131][]: Adding back support for a proxy via config `http_proxy` which defaults to `ENV[‘HTTPS_PROXY’] || ENV['HTTP_PROXY']` * Pull Request [#128][]: * Fixes [#121][]: Fixing error `Network interfaces and an instance-level security groups may not be specified on the same request` * Fixes [#127][]: User Data content should be base64 encoded when passed to aws sdk ### New Features ### Improvements ## 0.9.1 / 2015-05-21 ### Bug Fixes * Pull Request [#124][]: AWS SDK V2 returns `instance.public_dns_name` as empty string instead of nil, and we were only checking for nil. Caused timeouts trying to connect. ([@tyler-ball][]) * Fixed regression: Adding back `interface` config value that I accidently removed, code is now in line with README. * Pull Request [#125][]: When specifying `associate_public_ip` we must send the subnet (if provided) in the `network_interfaces` section of the payload instead of the main section. ([@tyler-ball][]) * Fixed regression: Accidently renamed config `associate_public_ip` to `associate_public_ip_address`, reverting. * Fixed regression: Accidently renamed config `iam_profile_name` to `iam_instance_profile`, reverting. ### New Features ### Improvements ## 0.9.0 / 2015-05-18 ### Bug Fixes * Pull Request [#46][]: Don't create multiple instances if `kitchen create` is called multiple times. ([@anl][]) * Pull Request [#97][], [#69][], [#99][]: Try additional connections to servers which don't have a `public_ip_address`. This helps connect to nodes over VPN. ([@chuckg][], [@tyler-ball][], [@mumoshu][]) ### New Features * Pull Request [#35][]: Adding support for specifying the IAM profile on created instance. Set `:iam_profile_name` in the driver section of your .kitchen.yml to specify this. ([@nicgrayson][]) * Pull Request [#82][]: Add the ability to specify user data. Set `:user_data` in the driver section of your .kitchen.yml. This can either be the user data or the path to a file which contains the user data. ([@sebbrandt87][]) * Pull Request [#84][]: Add the ability to specify the private ip of the instance. Set `:private_ip_address` in the driver section of your .kitchen.yml. ([@scarolan][]) * Pull Request [#68][], [#104][], [#107][]: If provisioning from an EC2 host and credentials are not set use the local nodes's credentials. If access key & secret are set, do not use local session token - leave it unset. ([@JamesAwesome][], [@Igorshp][], [@daanemanz][]) ### Improvements * Pull Request [#110][]: Updating to use the AWS SDK V2 instead of Fog. ([@tyler-ball][]) * We no longer recommend storing the AWS credentials in the `.kitchen.yml` file. Instead, specify them as environment variables or in the `~/.aws/credentials` file. See the README for more details. * Pull Request [#112][]: Updating to depend on the latest version of Test Kitchen, 1.4.0. ([@jmundrawala][]) ## 0.8.0 / 2014-02-11 ### Bug fixes * Pull request [#29][], pull request [#28][]: Relax Test Kitchen dependency to allow versions 1.0 and up. ([@coderanger][], [@someara][]) ## New features * Pull request [#29][]: Add `AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID` and `AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY` fallback environment variable support. ([@coderanger][]) * Pull request [#27][], pull request [#31][]: Make EC2 endpoint configurable for services implementing the AWS APIs. ([@bozinsky][], [@spheromak][]) * Pull request [#34][]: Support AWS session tokens for use with IAM roles. ([@coderanger][]) * Pull request [#22][]: Add ebs_optimized attribute. ([@tiwilliam][]) ### Improvements * Pull request [#20][], pull request [#21][], issue [#14][]: Add configurability around whether to use DNS name, public or private IP addresses when connecting to instances. ([@matheeeny][], [@Atalanta][], [@fnichol][]) * Pull request [#15][]: In VPC groups must be specified by setting :security_group_ids rather than :groups. ([@eherot][]) * Pull request [#23][]: README updates for badges. ([@sethvargo][], [@arangamani][]) ## 0.7.0 / 2013-08-29 ### Bug fixes * Pull request [#13][]: #wait_for_ssh takes 2 arguments. ([@dysinger][]) ### Improvements * Support computed defaults for a select list of pre-determined platforms (see readme for quick example). ([@fnichol][])~ ## 0.6.0 / 2013-07-23 ### Bug fixes * Pull request [#8][]: Use private ip if the public ip is `nil`. ([@dissonanz][]) ### Improvements * Pull request [#9][]: Match access and secret key env vars in example kitchen config with CLI tools' env vars. ([@juliandunn][]) ## 0.5.1 / 2013-05-23 ### New features * Pull request [#7][]: Add subnet\_id option for use with VPC. ([@dissonanz][]) ## 0.5.0 / 2013-05-23 ### New features * Pull request [#5][]: Add the ability to give ec2 instances tags. ([@halcyonCorsair][]) * Add required_config attributes for driver. ([@fnichol][]) ### Improvements * Write README. ([@fnichol][]) * Pull request [#2][]: Extra EC2 server creation debugging. ([@mattray][]) * Remove default_config :port in favor of SSHBase default (also 22). ([@fnichol][]) [#2]: https://github.com/test-kitchen/kitchen-ec2/issues/2 [#5]: https://github.com/test-kitchen/kitchen-ec2/issues/5 [#7]: https://github.com/test-kitchen/kitchen-ec2/issues/7 [#8]: https://github.com/test-kitchen/kitchen-ec2/issues/8 [#9]: https://github.com/test-kitchen/kitchen-ec2/issues/9 [#13]: https://github.com/test-kitchen/kitchen-ec2/issues/13 [#14]: https://github.com/test-kitchen/kitchen-ec2/issues/14 [#15]: https://github.com/test-kitchen/kitchen-ec2/issues/15 [#20]: https://github.com/test-kitchen/kitchen-ec2/issues/20 [#21]: https://github.com/test-kitchen/kitchen-ec2/issues/21 [#22]: https://github.com/test-kitchen/kitchen-ec2/issues/22 [#23]: https://github.com/test-kitchen/kitchen-ec2/issues/23 [#27]: https://github.com/test-kitchen/kitchen-ec2/issues/27 [#28]: https://github.com/test-kitchen/kitchen-ec2/issues/28 [#29]: https://github.com/test-kitchen/kitchen-ec2/issues/29 [#31]: https://github.com/test-kitchen/kitchen-ec2/issues/31 [#34]: https://github.com/test-kitchen/kitchen-ec2/issues/34 [#35]: https://github.com/test-kitchen/kitchen-ec2/issues/35 [#46]: https://github.com/test-kitchen/kitchen-ec2/issues/46 [#68]: https://github.com/test-kitchen/kitchen-ec2/issues/68 [#69]: https://github.com/test-kitchen/kitchen-ec2/issues/69 [#82]: https://github.com/test-kitchen/kitchen-ec2/issues/82 [#84]: https://github.com/test-kitchen/kitchen-ec2/issues/84 [#97]: https://github.com/test-kitchen/kitchen-ec2/issues/97 [#99]: https://github.com/test-kitchen/kitchen-ec2/issues/99 [#104]: https://github.com/test-kitchen/kitchen-ec2/issues/104 [#107]: https://github.com/test-kitchen/kitchen-ec2/issues/107 [#110]: https://github.com/test-kitchen/kitchen-ec2/issues/110 [#112]: https://github.com/test-kitchen/kitchen-ec2/issues/112 [#121]: https://github.com/test-kitchen/kitchen-ec2/issues/121 [#124]: https://github.com/test-kitchen/kitchen-ec2/issues/124 [#125]: https://github.com/test-kitchen/kitchen-ec2/issues/125 [#127]: https://github.com/test-kitchen/kitchen-ec2/issues/127 [#128]: https://github.com/test-kitchen/kitchen-ec2/issues/128 [#131]: https://github.com/test-kitchen/kitchen-ec2/issues/131 [#140]: https://github.com/test-kitchen/kitchen-ec2/issues/140 [@Atalanta]: https://github.com/Atalanta [@Igorshp]: https://github.com/Igorshp [@JamesAwesome]: https://github.com/JamesAwesome [@anl]: https://github.com/anl [@arangamani]: https://github.com/arangamani [@bozinsky]: https://github.com/bozinsky [@chuckg]: https://github.com/chuckg [@coderanger]: https://github.com/coderanger [@daanemanz]: https://github.com/daanemanz [@dissonanz]: https://github.com/dissonanz [@dysinger]: https://github.com/dysinger [@eherot]: https://github.com/eherot [@fnichol]: https://github.com/fnichol [@halcyonCorsair]: https://github.com/halcyonCorsair [@jmundrawala]: https://github.com/jmundrawala [@juliandunn]: https://github.com/juliandunn [@matheeeny]: https://github.com/matheeeny [@mattray]: https://github.com/mattray [@mumoshu]: https://github.com/mumoshu [@nicgrayson]: https://github.com/nicgrayson [@scarolan]: https://github.com/scarolan [@sebbrandt87]: https://github.com/sebbrandt87 [@sethvargo]: https://github.com/sethvargo [@someara]: https://github.com/someara [@spheromak]: https://github.com/spheromak [@tiwilliam]: https://github.com/tiwilliam [@tyler-ball]: https://github.com/tyler-ball